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Syrian Moderate Terrorists in 3 pictures

Palestine: 10 K killed in 30 years.
Syria: 400 K directly killed and over 1 million excessive deaths in 5 years.

See the difference?

Can you give sources to any of your numbers? What '30 year period' are you speaking of? And you have Syrian death toll at higher rate than reported, also fail to mention many are from other side, not 'directly killed by Assad' , which is the impression you're trying to give.

Also not sure why you're comparing anything or making it seem like our lives don't matter, or whatever you're implying at all. Even if we take your numbers, is that too little or what you trying to imply? In the two intifadas alone, and wars on Gaza since that time, you've killed 8,000 in West Bank alone, conservative estimates that don't include other very common 'isolated incidents', and you've killed well over 4,000 in Gaza since 2006. That's if we don't count the indirect contributions.

Your comparisons are also misleading, Palestinian population is many times smaller than Syrian population. Secondly, there is no balance of power. Palestinians have no army and didn't have barely any arms, they're greatly outgunned. So it has been state of occupation and barely any state of wars, as there's nothing Palestinians can fight back with. If they were equal in power, there would be a bigger conflict with many more deaths, in which Palestinians would prevail over time.
Can you give sources to any of your numbers? What '30 year period' are you speaking of? And you have Syrian death toll at higher rate than reported, also fail to mention many are from other side, not 'directly killed by Assad' , which is the impression you're trying to give.

Also not sure why you're comparing anything or making it seem like our lives don't matter, or whatever you're implying at all. Even if we take your numbers, is that too little or what you trying to imply? In the two intifadas alone, and wars on Gaza since that time, you've killed 8,000 in West Bank alone, conservative estimates that don't include other very common 'isolated incidents', and you've killed well over 4,000 in Gaza since 2006. That's if we don't count the indirect contributions.

Your comparisons are also misleading, Palestinian population is many times smaller than Syrian population. Secondly, there is no balance of power. Palestinians have no army and didn't have barely any arms, they're greatly outgunned. So it has been state of occupation and barely any state of wars, as there's nothing Palestinians can fight back with. If they were equal in power, there would be a bigger conflict with many more deaths, in which Palestinians would prevail over time.
Israeli soldiers shoot dead Palestinian child

RAMALLAH: A Palestinian child aged 12 was killed by Israeli soldiers who fired rubber-coated bullets near Jerusalem on Tuesday, said the Palestinian health ministry.
“Mohiyeh al-Tabakhi, 12, was killed by shots fired by occupation soldiers in the Al-Ram area near Jerusalem,” it said in a statement.
The Palestinian suburb in the occupied West Bank near Jerusalem is cut off from the Holy City by the “separation wall” built by Israel.
The boy was hit in the chest by a rubber-coated bullet which caused cardiac arrest, medical sources were quoted by the Palestinian news agency WAFA as saying.
Israeli police said tear gas grenades and sound bombs had been used against demonstrators in the area. “After being pelted with Molotov cocktails, police used tear gas and stun grenades to disperse the protesters,” police spokeswoman Luba Samri told AFP.
“There was no live fire,” she added.
Violence in the Palestinian territories and Israel since last October has killed at least 217 Palestinians, 34 Israelis, two Americans, an Eritrean and a Sudanese, according to an AFP count.
Most of the Palestinians killed were carrying out knife, gun or car-ramming attacks, according to Israeli authorities.
Others were shot dead during protests and clashes, while some were killed by Israeli air strikes on the Islamist-controlled Gaza Strip.
Disgusting. Obama's moderates.

Both sides are sick and for all we know this boy also abused people - not that it makes his murder right.

The Islamic world needs to look at itself and see what kind of barbarity they have in their culture.
I feel pitty on your thinking. Instead of condemning this act you are defending these savages by bringing up a story.
Hello ? are you drunk ? when I did that ?

Two wrongs cant make one right. At least people were in peace in Asad's regime.
As I said earlier, being Iranian or Pakistani slave of Iranian mulla, one remains blind to cruelties of asad.
WTF.........that is sick, pure evil regardless who does it, does one doing it justifies the other to do the same?

Kindly also share child treatment of Asad's soldiers.

Soldiers of Asad are equally wild animals as Daesh
Several pics and videos are on internet.
May Assad bomb you to oblivion, you child killing bastards. :)

While theres people chest thumping on Assads "cruelties" which does not exist, not after the revolution.
Theres these guy having a free reign due to the peaceful nature these creatures possess.

Freaking sick people.
Glory be to Assad!
I don't support any side in Syria but I'm pretty sure Hezbollah have done similar things.

That's not true, and a little bit insensitive reaction , eh , mate? I understand being desensitized to situation or not caring, you're in the right not to. Problem is, out of this incident, you try scoring brownie point against Hezbollah, which is what makes you insensitive to situation. They never did that, and I'm not sure why you as a British citizen concerned over demonizing them, when they done nothing to you, and actually help keep situation in region stable. If they didn't intervene, we would be talking about something else right now, civil war in Iraq, Lebanon and who knows what else ....

Couldn't they be isis

Nope, it's a branch of FSA umbrella, and already the group released statement on incident.
Can you give sources to any of your numbers? What '30 year period' are you speaking of? And you have Syrian death toll at higher rate than reported, also fail to mention many are from other side, not 'directly killed by Assad' , which is the impression you're trying to give.

Also not sure why you're comparing anything or making it seem like our lives don't matter, or whatever you're implying at all. Even if we take your numbers, is that too little or what you trying to imply? In the two intifadas alone, and wars on Gaza since that time, you've killed 8,000 in West Bank alone, conservative estimates that don't include other very common 'isolated incidents', and you've killed well over 4,000 in Gaza since 2006. That's if we don't count the indirect contributions.

Your comparisons are also misleading, Palestinian population is many times smaller than Syrian population. Secondly, there is no balance of power. Palestinians have no army and didn't have barely any arms, they're greatly outgunned. So it has been state of occupation and barely any state of wars, as there's nothing Palestinians can fight back with. If they were equal in power, there would be a bigger conflict with many more deaths, in which Palestinians would prevail over time.
1987-1993 First Intifada - 1162 killed
2000-2005 Second Intifada - ~3000 killed
2006-2016 Israel Gaza conflict + West Bank - ~5000 killed
Rest in peace.
Al-Quds Brigade gets 90% of the blame.
10% goes to Nour Al-Deen Movement.
Can you people close your eyes and try to think of Syria 10 years back, and see what comes to mind? And now think of Syria today. Such a shame what selfish foreign players did to Syria for their own self-interest and regional power plays.

Hope Syria goes back to the stability it had before this imposed jihadist war


“If we [the United States] can prove indeed what happened and this group [al-Zenki] was involved in it… it would give us pause about any assistance or frankly any further involvement,” Deputy Spokesperson for the State Department, Mark Toner, told reporters at a daily briefing Tuesday."

If they have proof (more proof than a video?), it would give them "pause" about any further assistance.


Reading online (don't know if true or not) that the kid was Palestinian who was sick in the hospital and the rebels grabbed him on suspicions of being a spy.
Can you people close your eyes and try to think of Syria 10 years back, and see what comes to mind? And now think of Syria today. Such a shame what selfish foreign players did to Syria for their own self-interest and regional power plays.

Hope Syria goes back to the stability it had before this imposed jihadist war
Lets imagine what would happen if there was not Russia and Iran:

People start demonstrations across Syria. Assad's Shabihas shot them. But it does not help. Assad regime is isolated, no one in the world supports him so Assad flees to Venezuela like Ben Ali and we get peaceful transition.

What happened in reality.
1) Assad shots protesters. It does not help.
2) Russia and Iran tell Assad: go on, we will support u. Assad crushes protestors with tanks. It does not help. Soldiers who refuse to crush protestors defect in masses.
3) Russia and Iran tell Assad: go on, we will support u. Assad starts shelling neighborhoods with heavy artillery. Defected soldiers and civilians start shooting back. Civil war emerges.
4) Russia and Iran tell Assad: go on, we will support u. Assad starts barrel bombs. Full scale civil war in Syria, despite huge advantage in arms Assad rapidly loses territory since except 10% of the Alawi population no one really supports him.
5) Russia and Iran tell Assad: go on, we will support u. Iran sends to Syria sectarian mercenaries from all over the world.

So we get destroyed country and over million people dead just because Iran wanted to keep a corrupt inbred dictator in power.
Lets imagine what would happen if there was not Russia and Iran:

People start demonstrations across Syria. Assad's Shabihas shot them. But it does not help. Assad regime is isolated, no one in the world supports him so Assad flees to Venezuela like Ben Ali and we get peaceful transition.

What happened in reality.
1) Assad shots protesters. It does not help.
2) Russia and Iran tell Assad: go on, we will support u. Assad crushes protestors with tanks. It does not help. Soldiers who refuse to crush protestors defect in masses.
3) Russia and Iran tell Assad: go on, we will support u. Assad starts shelling neighborhoods with heavy artillery. Defected soldiers and civilians start shooting back. Civil war emerges.
4) Russia and Iran tell Assad: go on, we will support u. Assad starts barrel bombs. Full scale civil war in Syria, despite huge advantage in arms Assad rapidly loses territory since except 10% of the Alawi population no one really supports him.
5) Russia and Iran tell Assad: go on, we will support u. Iran sends to Syria sectarian mercenaries from all over the world.

So we get destroyed country and over million people dead just because Iran wanted to keep a corrupt inbred dictator in power.

Here is something else we imagine. USA, Qatar, and Turkey do not give logistic, political, financial, and military support to thuggish and dangerous elements to start a war back in 2011.

What would have happened. More and more reforms to address legitimate concerns, such as the Reforms of 2012,

What happened in reality:
Israelis suddenly became the biggest fans of Islamist Extremism.
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