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The bombs rain down as I visit the Idlib frontlines, and witness the atrocities committed against civilians by NATO-backed terror

Self-Defense? Against whose attack? Syria? Iraq?

are you Trolling or what ?

Turkey attack Syrian or Iraqi Forces ?

Turkish Army is in self defense role against PKK/YPG Terrorists in İraq and Syria
since 1990s PKK/YPG Terrorists attack Turkey from İraq and Syria
and İraqi-Syrian government doing nothing against PKK/YPG Terrorists ... even ASSAD Regime supported PKK Terrorists and ABDULLAH OCALAN ( the leader of PKK ) lived in Damascus/Syria since 1999

Surely Turkey cannot possibly claim that a bunch of rag-tag kurdish militant group can pose any threat to the Turkish State, who is armed to the teeth. By all accounts, Turkey's military is one of the largest in Europe. Add to that, Turkey hosts American Military on it's own bases. Finally, America houses nuclear weapons in Turkey, which is a decisive point of defense that America would exercize in the defense of Turkey, in order to protect the nuclear weapons America has deployed on Turkish soil.

USA-NATO made military coups in Turkey by 1960 , 1971 , 1980 , 1997 and last one failed coup attempt by USA backed FETO in 2016

and since 1990s USA-İsrael used PKK/YPG Terrorists to attack Turkey

Turkish Army won in Turkish soil
Turkish Army blocked PKK Terrorists to attack Turkey from the North of Iraq
and Turkish Army blocked YPG Terror State in N.Syria

Also, the letter to the United Nations from the Turkish Government, in which they have invoked Article-51. Nowhere in that letter has Turkey explicitly stated that a Non-State Actor has attacked Turkey, within Turkish territorial boundaries. Furthermore, the Turkish Government has provided ZERO evidence of Non-State Actor's attacks occurring on Turkish soil.

since 1990 there are many PKK Terror camps in İraq ( Zap, Hakurk, Kandil, Avaşin-Basyan , Sinat-Haftanin )

and We lost thousands of soldiers in PKK terror attacks from terror camps in Iraq

about Syria :

-- there were 14 major terror attacks by ISIS in Turkey
-- since 2013 there were over 700 PKK/YPG terror attacks from Syria

only one example , Salih Necar, a Syrian Kurd who was trained by YPG, PKK and Syrian government did bombing terror attack in Ankara/Turkey in 2016 ( killed at least 30 people and injured 60 )

so we dont care about enemies of Turkish People as like You
Turkish Armed Forces will continue to kick American-İsraeli lapdogs in İraq,Syria and Libya
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How pitiful to see your ignorance to the fact that the saudis, emiratis and turkey are all in the same boat. saudis, turks and emiratis are all serving american-israeli-french-british masters. Your turkey is a NATO member state, first country in the Muslims world to recognize the illegal and illegitimate, apartheid state israel. saudis and emiratis both have close relationship with israel, america, britain and france.

dont talk tales to me

in 2010 USA-The UK-France-KSA-UAE criticized ERDOGAN , because of good relationship between ASSAD and ERDOGAN

Turkey warned ASSAD 11 times as friendly to make democratic reforms in Syria or USA-The UK-France-KSA-UAE will start civil war in Syria

in finally 2011 , USA-The UK-France-KSA-UAE have started civil war in Syria and they supported Syrian People

but in 2013 , USA-The UK-France-KSA-UAE stopped supporting Syrian People against ASSAD Regime , Iran and İran backed terror groups

in 2015 OBAMA let PUTIN to enter Syria and treacherous USA-The UK-France-KSA-UAE did nothing to protect Syrian People against Russia,ASSAD Regime , Iran and İran backed terror groups

Syrian People was alone
and Russia,ASSAD Regime , Iran and İran backed terror groups killed hundreds of thousands of innocent and unarmed Syrian People
Turkey hosts over 3,6 millions of Syrian Refugees and Turkish Army protect over 6 million Syrian People in Syrian soil

on the other hand , since 2013 treacherous USA-The UK-France-KSA-UAE have their own agenda to create PKK/YPG Terror State in Syria against Turkey

but 3 Turkish military operations blocked USA-The UK-France-KSA-UAE plan in Syria
keep crying
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dont talk tales to me

in 2010 USA-The UK-France-KSA-UAE criticized ERDOGAN , because of good relationship between ASSAD and ERDOGAN
View attachment 765471

Turkey warned ASSAD 11 times as friendly to make democratic reforms in Syria or USA-The UK-France-KSA-UAE will start civil war in Syria

in finally 2011 , USA-The UK-France-KSA-UAE have started civil war in Syria and they supported Syrian People

but in 2013 , USA-The UK-France-KSA-UAE stopped supporting Syrian People against ASSAD Regime , Iran and İran backed terror groups

in 2015 OBAMA let PUTIN to enter Syria and treacherous USA-The UK-France-KSA-UAE did nothing to protect Syrian People against Russia,ASSAD Regime , Iran and İran backed terror groups

Syrian People was alone

since 2013 treacherous USA-The UK-France-KSA-UAE have their own agenda to create PKK/YPG Terror State in Syria against Turkey

but 3 Turkish military operations blocked USA-The UK-France-KSA-UAE plan in Syria
keep crying
Every post of yours calling west, zionist evil while Turkey Israel buddy buddy, being a nato member and hosting US base...
Dude, no matter how many times you Ctrl c+ Ctrl v, you are not going to convinced anyone.
I so hate ignorant boys who know nothing about military and politics

I am talking about proxy war between Turkey and USA-Israel , their puppet Arab dictators , also their terrorists FETO , PKK/YPG since 2013

You are talking about 1947 and 1952

what an ignorance and insolence
Leave nato, kicked out US base, stopped all relation with Israel, simple.
Keep calling "evil, evil, evil" while happily hosting Yankees is just hypocrite.
we dont care about enemies of Turkish People as like You
keep barking and crying

I always will kick you liar terror supporters
other PDF Members sees everything
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are you Trolling or what? Turkey attack Syrian or Iraqi Forces?

Turkish military is attacking Syrian Government controlled territory. That is an attack on the Sovereign State and that is a clear violation of the International Law.

Turkish military hit targets in Syria's Tel Rifat after hospital attack


ISTANBUL, June 13 (Reuters) - Turkey's military hit targets in the northern Syrian town of Tel Rifat in response to artillery attacks that killed 14 people and wounded several others in nearby Afrin, state-run Anadolu agency said on Sunday.

Ankara blamed Saturday's attacks, including on a hospital, on the Syrian Kurdish YPG militia. The Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), the U.S.-backed militia force spearheaded by the Kurdish YPG, has said it was not responsible.

Tel Ri'faat is Syrian territory:


Turkish Army is in self defense role against PKK/YPG Terrorists in İraq and Syria since 1990s PKK/YPG Terrorists attack Turkey from İraq and Syria and İraqi-Syrian government doing nothing against PKK/YPG Terrorists ... even ASSAD Regime supported PKK Terrorists and ABDULLAH OCALAN ( the leader of PKK ) lived in Damascus/Syria since 1999

And that gives Turkey the right to invade sovereign states and occupy them illegally? If PKK was such a big headache for Turkey, it wouldn't have taken it 35 years to address this issue. Instead of invading a sovereign state, if turkish leadership was sensible, then it would have engaged in dialogue with Syrian and Iraqi governments, along with Russia and Iran to address the PKK issue.

Also, what sort of pathetic argument are you posing? Kurds have been supported by America over the last few good years in Iraq and in Syria. The same America which is the head of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, of whom Turkey is a full member. And you are here yammering about PKK as the excuse for Turkey to invade other countries in direct contravention of the International Law?

Go back to school kid, your arguments are light as a feather and full of holes.
Turkish military is attacking Syrian Government controlled territory. That is an attack on the Sovereign State and that is a clear violation of the International Law.

İf Syrian or İraqi government doing nothing to eliminate PKK/YPG Terrorists from Syria or İraq
then Turkish Army will do it ( The UN article 51 self defense )

btw USA-France-İsrael-KSA-UAE backed PKK/YPG Terrorists invaded over 30% Syrian territory to destroy Syria's territorial integrity ... even only 5% of Syrian population is Kurd and over 250.000 Syrian muslim Kurds moved to Turkey because of criminal -atheist PKK/YPG Terror organization .....you hypocrite kid

also christian Russia , radical sectarian ASSAD Regime - Iran - İran backed terror groups killed hundreds of thousands of Syrian People to invade sunni muslim Syria .....you hypocrite kid

on the other hand Turkey is trying to protect Syria's territorial integrity

You are not talking about PKK/YPG Terrorists who attacked Hospital and killed 14 people and injured 27
and you attack Turkish Army who hit PKK/YPG terror targets in Tel Rifat for response

your vision is clear to support PKK/YPG Terrorists to attack Turkey and Turkish People
we will do what we want in İraq and Syria to fight terrorism
keep crying ,... TURKS dont care about you and your Masters
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Bravo ERDOGAN keep kicking American-İsraeli lapdogs in Iraq,Syria and Libya
can u give me 1 example of this type of "lapdog" you're talking about? bcos i promise you , if they are US-ISraeli lapdog, TUrkey is that dog's veterinarian.
İf Syrian or İraqi government doing nothing to eliminate PKK/YPG Terrorists from Syria or İraq then Turkish Army will do it ( The UN article 51 self defense)

So Turkish military intervention in Libya, is also under UN Article-51? Arming and supporting terrorist groups in Libya, Syria and Iraq is also under Article-51?


Turkish government co-operated with al-Qaeda in Syria, says former US ambassador

Officials supported the extremist group’s Syrian wing in a failed attempt to moderate extremists, according to Francis Ricciardone

By Richard Spencer, Middle East Correspondent, and Raf Sanchez in Washington

12 Sep 2014

Turkey has directly supported al-Qaeda's wing in Syria in defiance of the United States, the former American ambassador to Ankara has said. The Turkish authorities thought they could work with extremist Islamist groups in the Syrian civil war and at the same time push them to become more moderate, Francis Ricciardone, who was until late June the US ambassador to Ankara, told journalists in a briefing. That led them (Turkey) to work with Jabhat al-Nusra, al-Qaeda's branch, as well as hardline Salafi Islamist groups like Ahrar al-Sham. Mr Ricciardone said that he tried to persuade the Turkish government to close its borders to the groups, but to no avail.

"We ultimately had no choice but to agree to disagree," he said. "The Turks frankly worked with groups for a period, including al Nusra, whom we finally designated as we're not willing to work with." Turkey allowed its borders to be used as a conduit for aid, weapons and volunteers heading for the Syrian rebel cause from the start of the uprising, and there have long been accusations that it did not do enough to distinguish between "moderate" groups and extremists.


btw USA-France-İsrael-KSA-UAE backed PKK/YPG Terrorists invaded over 30% Syrian territory to destroy Syria's territorial integrity ... even only 5% of Syrian population is Kurd and over 250.000 Syrian muslim Kurds moved to Turkey because of criminal -atheist PKK/YPG Terror organization

Again, if Turkey had genuine intent, then it would have worked with the Syrian government, the Russian Federation, the United States of America and Iraq, in the interest of preserving the territorial integrity of the Syrian State, as well as addressing the kurdish issue so as to safeguard Turkish territorial integrity. But Turkey was not willing to engage, instead it has full diplomatic relationship with israel which supports the kurds. In fact, just yesterday, news came out of Turkey's intent to re-establish it's military to military relations with israel.

What's the matter? Turkey isn't threatened by Kurds anymore, that they want to re-establish military relations with israel, who support Kurds? Sounds like a whole lot of turkish government bull$h!t and duplicitous behavior to me.

.....you hypocrite kid

Watch your mouth and talk like a civilized human. On the other hand, continue to run your mouth and you willfully show the world what your true nature really is. Either way, seems to me that you are frustrated and angry. Keep going bud ... keep going!!!

also christian Russia , radical sectarian ASSAD Regime - Iran - İran backed terror groups killed hundreds of thousands of Syrian People to invade sunni muslim Syria

Now that sounds a lot like what a israeli zealot would yammer about, not Turkish. Are you sure you are Turkish? Eh?

you hypocrite kid

While I would have said that it takes one to know one. But in this particular case .... huh .... well you are making the case for hypocrisy, all by yourself. Please, don't let me stop you, you're doing a great job at that. Keep up the good work ..... KID!!!
Syria: How a new rebel unity is making headway against the regime
By Lina Sinjab - BBC News

Idlib is the second provincial capital to have been lost by the government since 2011
At the end of March, Syrian rebels captured the north-western provincial capital of Idlib as government forces fled in the face of a co-ordinated offensive.

The rebels followed up the victory by taking control of the town of Jisr al-Shughour, several villages and the al-Qarmid military base.

They have reportedly now set their sights on the neighboring Mediterranean coastal province of Latakia, a stronghold of President Bashar al-Assad.

State media have denied that the rebels are gaining ground. But with the regime suffering a string of defeats, and seemingly unable to replace the soldiers and militiamen it is losing, questions are being raised about its resiliency.

Changing relations

Initial reports suggested that Idlib had been seized by al-Qaeda's affiliate in Syria, al-Nusra Front. But in fact the city fell to a rebel coalition known as Jaish al-Fatah (Army of Conquest).

The strategic town of Jisr al-Shughour was next to fall to Jaish al-Fatah (Army of Conquest), Al-Nusra and the hardline Islamist group Ahrar al-Sham are the coalition's most prominent members, but it also includes several more moderate Islamist groups. All are opposed to Islamic State (IS) and have fought bloody battles with the jihadist group over the past year.

The rebel offensive in Idlib has drawn together some 6,000 fighters, including almost 1,200 from al-Nusra, and brought about unprecedented levels of co-ordination. But arguably more significant has been the support the coalition has received from regional powers. For the first time, there has been clear co-operation between Turkey, Qatar and Saudi Arabia. "The regional priorities are changing," says Ibrahim Hamidi, a Syria expert at the pan-Arab newspaper al-Hayat who is originally from Idlib.

The government lost al-Qarmid military base on Monday, leaving it with few outposts in Idlib
Mr Hamidi believes this has prompted the Saudi government to be more tolerant of Syria's Muslim Brotherhood. Their relationship has been difficult for years, and in 2014 Riyadh designated the Islamist movement a terrorist organization. Ankara and Doha have meanwhile consistently supported the Brotherhood since the uprising against President Assad began four years ago. "The change in Saudi Arabia has had an effect on the relationship with Turkey and Qatar," Mr Hamidi says.

By working together, the regional powers appear to have been able to influence the actions of Jaish al-Fatah in Idlib - only the second provincial capital to have been lost by the government, after Raqqa in 2013.

In the city of Idlib, the rebels have so far shared administration with civil councils There were fears that the rebels would seek to implement a strict interpretation of Islamic law, or Sharia, but instead they established civil councils to oversee law and order, and public services. An audio message purportedly by al-Nusra's leader, Abu Mohammed al-Julani, declared that the Idlib would be governed according to Sharia, but Mr Hamidi believes its application will be limited. "To my knowledge, Saudi Arabia and Qatar put pressure on Julani to ensure al-Nusra's approach would be a moderate one," he says.

The capture of Idlib is a rare example of co-operation between Syria's rebel groups
"It was clear in Julani's message that he was not going to declare Idlib the capital of an Islamic emirate. The most important thing was that Julani said his group would not be the only one ruling, and that there would be 'Shura' (consultation) and a civil council." Hadi al Abdalla, a citizen journalist who reported on the battle for Idlib from the frontline, says Western media coverage has mistakenly focused on the presence of al-Nusra. "For the first time all the groups here are united and they insist that they want civil rule rather than Sharia rule," he explains.

Turkey & Saudi Arabia alarm the West by backing Islamist extremists the Americans had bombed in Syria

Joint approach by Turkey and Saudi Arabia graphically illustrates how the interests of the Sunni regional powers are diverging from those of the US in Syria

The new joint approach follows an agreement reached in early March when Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan visited the recently crowned Saudi King Salman in Riyadh, diplomats have told The Independent.

Relations had been fraught between the Turkish president and the late King Abdullah, primarily because of Turkey’s support for the Muslim Brotherhood, which the Saudi monarchy considers a threat. But Mr Erdogan stressed to Saudi officials that the lack of Western action in Syria, especially the failure to impose a “no-fly zone”, meant that regional powers now needed to come together and take the lead to help the opposition.

The Army of Conquest – which also numbers the extremist groups Ahrar al-Sham and Jund al-Aqsa among its seven members – has a command centre in Idlib, northern Syria. Turkish officials admit giving logistical and intelligence support to the command headquarters. Although they deny giving direct help to al-Nusra, they acknowledge that the group would be beneficiaries.

They also acknowledge links with Ahrar al-Sham, which is held to be extremist by the US, but has fought against Isis, as has al-Nusra in some parts of Syria. Turkish officials claim that bolstering Ahrar al-Sham will weaken the influence of al-Nusra.

Material support – arms and money – have been coming from the Saudis, say rebels and officials, with the Turks facilitating its passage. The border villages of Guvecci, Kuyubasi, Hacipasa, Besaslan, Kusakli and Bukulmez are the favored routes, according to rebel sources.

The joint approach by Turkey and Saudi Arabia graphically illustrates how the interests of the Sunni regional powers are diverging from those of the US in Syria. Washington firmly opposes arming and funding jihadist extremists in Syria’s civil war. It conducted air strikes against al-Nusra positions in Aleppo – claiming the group was plotting terrorist attacks on the West – on the first day of the current bombing campaign against Isis.

There have been complaints from the Saudis that the US, needing the support of Shia Iran against Isis in Iraq, and hopeful of an accord over Iran’s nuclear programme, is becoming less interested in the removal of Tehran’s client regime in Damascus.

Further evidence of dissatisfaction over the US approach among Sunni states came yesterday with the news that King Salman has withdrawn from a summit with Barack Obama at the White House on the Iran nuclear talks this week: he will be represented instead by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Nayef. Of the six heads of Gulf States invited, only the emirs of Qatar and Kuwait are now due to attend.
Over Syria, the view of Sunni powers is that US action is too little, too late. It has been almost a year since Mr Obama first announced the $500m programme for the training of opposition fighters.
US officials maintained that the long run-up has been largely due to the strenuous vetting procedure for recruits. Several CIA organised “moderate” militias in the past had failed to stand up to the hardline groups and retreated, often abandoning their arms. One of the most notable and, for Washington, embarrassing, instances of this came last year when the Harakat al-Hazm gave up its bases and US funded advanced weaponry to al-Nusra. There have also widespread allegations of human rights abuses by the Western backed groups from local people.

So far, 400 recruits have been cleared by the Americans to receive light arms training in the current program. The 90 who will start in training camps in Turkey, Jordan and Saudi Arabia are not expected to be combat ready for several months and the Pentagon estimates that it will take three years before a full force of 15,000 can be deployed.

A key sign of rapprochement between Turkey and Saudi Arabia has been over the Muslim Brotherhood. The Saudis welcomed the coup against Mohamed Morsi’s government in Egypt, but the group has been staunchly supported by Turkey since Mr Erdogan came to power. Now, say diplomats and officials, Saudi Arabia has accepted a continued role for the Brotherhood in the Syrian opposition.
Rebel fighters in Syria claim that after Western-sponsored groups lost ground to al-Nusra last year, Washington began to cut off funding for most of the supposedly moderate groups. Harakat al-Hazm, originally the most favored of these, had its cash funding halved; the rebel Farouq Brigade had all funds cut off.

Abdulatif al-Sabbagh, an officer with Ahrar al-Sham, said: “The Americans backed people who said they were revolutionaries, but these people were corrupt and incompetent... Jaish al-Fatah is successful is because we all fight together. But we are all against Daesh [Isis] just as we are against Bashar. The Americans are bombing Daesh but doing nothing against the regime, that’s why we have got together to fight them.”

Jaish al-Fatah has made recent inroads into regime held territory, capturing Idlib and other towns and villages. Al-Nusra provided over 3,000 fighters for the operation which has put the rebels in a position to launch an offensive against Latakia on the coastal strip. Separately, Jaish al-Fatah is said to be preparing for an attack on the regime-held part of Aleppo, the country’s largest city.

Turkey worked with Russia in Syria to kick USA-France backed PKK/YPG Terrorists in Afrin

Turkey worked with Iraq to kick USA-İsrael backed Barzani in 2017 to protect İraq's territorial integrity
View attachment 765529

kid better you go to play computer game .....

If Turkey worked with Russia to kick PKK/YPG terrorists out of Afrin, then why is Turkish Military still present in Syria? Kiddo? :woot:

Also, at least try to be original, coz you make yourself look a bit pathetic borrowing punchlines from others.

One more thing, your name calling is useless before me. I have dealt people 1000 times worse than you, compared to them, you are nothing but a frustrated little man with a lot of time on your hands.

So here is me, signing off and telling ya congrats .... you too are now on my Ignore List ... BYE!!!
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in 1975 Turkey kicked out US bases .... if needed we will do it again

NATO is not just USA
and We stopped diplomatic relation with Israel

fuuck off and dont jump in my every post
I'll be here as much as I want in a public forum, but you, you know your banned is coming right?
TUrkey is in neo-colonialist mode today, thats a fact, ESPECIALLY When there's resources like OIL? OMG TUrkey will kill you to get your oil today if you are close look at Iraq.

Your gods the white man drew the line of borders for these countries, and you will be loyal slaves no doubt. But, things will change soon I promise. We just became very late to the game because the Ottomans were useless towards their end. But things are starting to get better.
We will make our own borders. just you wait.
Crying over Oil, Assad, NATO, Americans, israel will not change a thing.
Syrian army vehicle attacked by militants from Turkey-controlled territories

According to Vadim Kulit, deputy chief of the Russian Center for Reconciliation of the Opposing Parties in Syria, one Syrian soldier was killed and three more were wounded

MOSCOW, July 27. /TASS/. One Syrian soldier was killed and three more were wounded as Syrian army vehicles were attacked in the north of Syria’s Aleppo governorate by militants operating in Turkey-controlled areas attacked Syrian army vehicles, Vadim Kulit, deputy chief of the Russian Center for Reconciliation of the Opposing Parties in Syria, said on Tuesday.

"In the north of the Aleppo governorate, militants of illegal armed groups operating in Turkey-controlled territories fired a guided anti-tank missile from the vicinity of the settlement of Qasar at a ZIL-131 vehicle of the Syrian army that was moving along the a highway near the city of Tel Rifaat," he said.
According to Kulit, one Syrian soldier was kiled and three more were wounded.

On July 20, militants from Turkey-controlled territories opened mortar fire at the settlement of the Nubbol in the Aleppo governorate. One woman was killed in the shelling. On July 21, positions of Syrian government troops near the settlement of Tel Tamer in the northwest of the al-Hasakah governorate came under shelling, killing one Syrian soldier and wounding one.

The Russian reconciliation center continues to fulfill assigned tasks after the completion of the military campaign in Syria. The center’s officers regularly travel around the country's liberated areas to assess the humanitarian situation. The main efforts of the Russian military are now focused on assistance to the refugees returning to their homes and evacuation of civilians from de-escalation zones.
Syrian army vehicle attacked by militants from Turkey-controlled territories

According to Vadim Kulit, deputy chief of the Russian Center for Reconciliation of the Opposing Parties in Syria, one Syrian soldier was killed and three more were wounded

MOSCOW, July 27. /TASS/. One Syrian soldier was killed and three more were wounded as Syrian army vehicles were attacked in the north of Syria’s Aleppo governorate by militants operating in Turkey-controlled areas attacked Syrian army vehicles, Vadim Kulit, deputy chief of the Russian Center for Reconciliation of the Opposing Parties in Syria, said on Tuesday.

"In the north of the Aleppo governorate, militants of illegal armed groups operating in Turkey-controlled territories fired a guided anti-tank missile from the vicinity of the settlement of Qasar at a ZIL-131 vehicle of the Syrian army that was moving along the a highway near the city of Tel Rifaat," he said.
According to Kulit, one Syrian soldier was kiled and three more were wounded.

On July 20, militants from Turkey-controlled territories opened mortar fire at the settlement of the Nubbol in the Aleppo governorate. One woman was killed in the shelling. On July 21, positions of Syrian government troops near the settlement of Tel Tamer in the northwest of the al-Hasakah governorate came under shelling, killing one Syrian soldier and wounding one.

The Russian reconciliation center continues to fulfill assigned tasks after the completion of the military campaign in Syria. The center’s officers regularly travel around the country's liberated areas to assess the humanitarian situation. The main efforts of the Russian military are now focused on assistance to the refugees returning to their homes and evacuation of civilians from de-escalation zones.

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