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Syrian girls advertised for sale in Saudi Arabia

Dont bother, he loves saudis more than himself.

For Me Both Saudi and Iran Are Brother Muslim Countries.Both Should Stop Fighting and Realise The Dirty Game That Is Being Played.At The End Of The Day Samraj Is Against Both of Them.For A Start Saudi and Iranians Should Stop Fighting on PDF But We Both Know That Is Not Going To Happen:lol:

For Me Both Saudi and Iran Are Brother Muslim Countries.Both Should Stop Fighting and Realise The Dirty Game That Is Being Played.At The End Of The Day Samraj Is Against Both of Them.For A Start Saudi and Iranians Should Stop Fighting on PDF But We Both Know That Is Not Going To Happen:lol:

again that map I'd like to see them how they try to explain to more than 8million Persian and lor that they must become part of
Arab shia state because there are around 2 milion Arab living in those areas and incidentally 2/3 of those Arabs even don't understand Arabic .
or how they explain to Kurdish majority area they must become part of a Turkish state and also how they explain to Azeris they are supposed to become Kurds well let not try to explain to the Syria alevi people that they are turk and just are not aware of it. and more interesting would be explaining to the people of sistan that in fact they are baluch and again they are ignorant to the fact
Lol, dont you arab sunnis do musyr or something along that, which is the same thing as muttah or sighe?

Assalamu alaykum

Many people confuse Misyar marriage and Mut'ah marriage.

These 2 are totally different marriages.

Misyar marriage is a normal marriage with all conditions met (The consent of both spouses, the consent of the Wali (guardian), the payment of the dower, the presence of the witnesses), except that the woman waives some of the rights she would have in a normal Islamic marriage, like mabeet (spending the night) and nafaqa (financial support).

Some women have a lot of money and they want to stay with their family and just want children, so they choose this type of marriage.
Other women reached an age where it becomes difficult to find a husband, and she can financially support herself, so she waivers those rights and gets married, and she would rather marry this way than remain unmarried.
Other women choose this type of marriage for other reasons.
And it also makes it easier for a man who has financial problems to get married and protect himself from falling into sin.

The most important point in this is that the woman chooses to waiver her rights willingly, without force, she waivers it from her own free will.
She is not to be forced, because they are her rights.
Also, if she finds later that she needs those rights then she can have them back, and the husband has to fulfill those rights for her.

The proof of the ones who view the permissability of this kind of marriage is:
1_ The conditions of the marriage contract are fulfilled.
2_ It is proven in the sunnah the Sawda (Prophet's wife) gave up her night for 'Aisha radiyallahu 'anha,
Sahih al-Bukhari: Narrated Aisha (ra):
Whenever Allah's Apostle wanted to go on a journey, he would draw lots as to which of his wives would accompany him. He would take her whose name came out. He used to fix for each of them a day and a night. But Sauda bint Zam'a gave up her (turn) day and night to 'Aisha, the wife of the Prophet in order to seek the pleasure of Allah's Apostle (by that action).

So Sauda radiyallahu 'anha gave up her right of mabeet (spending the day and night with her) and gave it to 'Aisha radiyallahu 'anha.

The differences between Misyar marriage and Mut'ah marriage:

1_ Mut'ah marriage is temporary, Misyar marriage is not, no time is specified in the contract.

2_ Mut'ah marriage ends immediatly when the specified time in the contract ends with no divorce. Misyar marriage only ends with divorce like a normal marriage.

3_ A person who marries mut'ah marriage can marry as many as he like with mut'ah but in Misyar marriage he is only allowed 4, whether they are all misyar marriage or some normal and some misyar.

4_ Wali and witnesses are not a condition in mut'ah marriage, but in misyar marriage it is.

5_ Inheretance is applied in misyar marriage, while in mut'ah marriage there is no inheretance.

6_ Mut'ah marriage is haram by 'ijma (concensus), and proofs for its unpermissability is found in sunnah.
But misyar marriage is permissable in the opinion of some scholars because of proof from sunnah that the muslim woman can waiver her rights if she chooses to, and because the conditions of a marriage contract are fulfilled.

I hope this clearifies misyar marriage.

Note: the problem isn't in the marriage itself, the problem is in some people, they abuse it, and Allah will account them for that.
For Me Both Saudi and Iran Are Brother Muslim Countries.Both Should Stop Fighting and Realise The Dirty Game That Is Being Played.At The End Of The Day Samraj Is Against Both of Them.For A Start Saudi and Iranians Should Stop Fighting on PDF But We Both Know That Is Not Going To Happen:lol:


The solution to prevent Arabs from killing each other is to allow Turkey to invade the Levant/Meditenerrian again and the other half of the Middle East for the Iranians. Simple as that. Because there are too many Arab tribes, they would fight for power but thanks to the British who saved them by setting up House of Saud for their interest. Neither work, look at the Middle East now.

Empires needs to come back and teach those Arabs how to be peaceful.
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