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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Fun fact: rebels took Idlib in 5 days, Jisr ash Shughur in 4 days and Ariha in 1 day.

Hezbollah and Assadists supported by tanks, artillery, air force, hundreds of barrel bombs and Volcano rockets could not take small encircled Zabadani in more than two months.
Activists documented ~2,000 barrel bombs and ~17,000 Shells/Missiles/etc in 74 days of assault.
Fun fact: rebels took Idlib in 5 days, Jisr ash Shughur in 4 days and Ariha in 1 day.

Hezbollah and Assadists supported by tanks, artillery, air force, hundreds of barrel bombs and Volcano rockets could not take small encircled Zabadani in more than two months.
Well, that's a stupid fact, one of the most stupid ones.

Israel has failed to destroy Hamas in various wars, with ground invasion and one of the best armed air forces in the world. Israel also failed to destroy Hezbollah or even come close to it in 2006.
U.S, the strongest army in the world, failed to defeat Taliban in Afghanistan and Al-qaeda in Iraq, taking casualties till very last days.

The difference between Idlib and Zabadani is, all SAA forces retreated from city within hours, it's not like terrorists killed all the SAA forces in city to capture it.

Look at Aleppo, rebels have failed for 3 years to advance one inch in various fronts in Aleppo city despite very heavy attacks, the reason is obvious: because SAA didn't retreat.

In Zabadani, there are still terrorists hiding in tunnels, buildings, not giving up, so of course it will take time to clear the city from them.

The funny thing is, it doesn't take a genius to understand the clear difference here.
Clashes near Damascus kill 80 in six days: Monitor | Zee News

Beirut: At least 80 rebels and regime fighters have been killed in six days of clashes northeast of Damascus, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights monitor said Sunday.

The deaths came in clashes that began on Tuesday when two prominent Islamist rebel groups launched simultaneous attacks on three areas outside the capital.

The Jaish al-Islam and Faylaq al-Sham attacks have focused on the areas of Harasta, Dahiyat al-Assad and the region around Adra prison, the monitor said.

"Clashes since September 8 have killed 46 rebels and 41 regime forces, including from pro-regime militias," said Observatory chief Rami Abdel Rahman.

On Wednesday, Jaish al-Islam also began an assault on Adra prison, Syria`s largest and where many opposition figures have been held.

It briefly captured two buildings in the women`s section of the prison, but was subsequently forced back.

In Damascus city meanwhile, the Observatory said one person had been killed and 10 wounded in rebel fire on the Bab Tuma district.

Rebel forces including Jaish al-Islam regularly fire rockets into Damascus from rear bases on the city`s outskirts.

The regime frequently carries out deadly air strikes on the rebel-held areas outside Damascus, often killing dozens of civilians at a time.

More than 240,000 people have been killed in Syria since the conflict began in March 2011 with anti-government demonstrations.

u found a wikipedia page to help u understand one notion OT to the subject. good for u.

anyway i wonder why IS is attacking shias ; i wonder why they attack shias only in KSA; i wonder why ISIS is against a government in Iraq which is not in the bad side towards Iran

your stupid lies are so much bullshit that only your salafi bros and wahhabis use it
but of course since u guys sponsor ISIS with your dirty islamist mind u have the same islamist method of using lies
Well, that's a stupid fact, one of the most stupid ones.
Fact cant be stupid. Fact is just what happened.

Israel has failed to destroy Hamas in various wars, with ground invasion and one of the best armed air forces in the world.
Actually we succeeded destroying Hamas in West Bank capturing all towns in less than one month. As for Gaza we are not interested controlling it.

Israel also failed to destroy Hezbollah or even come close to it in 2006.
It was not our objective.

U.S, the strongest army in the world, failed to defeat Taliban in Afghanistan and Al-qaeda in Iraq, taking casualties till very last days.
I dont know what was the purpose of this campaing. Yet they captured Falluja pretty fast for example.

The difference between Idlib and Zabadani is, all SAA forces retreated from city within hours, it's not like terrorists killed all the SAA forces in city to capture it.

Look at Aleppo, rebels have failed for 3 years to advance one inch in various fronts in Aleppo city despite very heavy attacks, the reason is obvious: because SAA didn't retreat.
Why did they flee err "retreat" leaving over 10,000 civilians encircled in Fua? o_O

And its not true that rebels did not advance in Aleppo. They made very nice advances in Rashidin, Laraymoun, military research center etc.
Fact cant be stupid. Fact is just what happened.

Actually we succeeded destroying Hamas in West Bank capturing all towns in less than one month. As for Gaza we are not interested controlling it.

It was not our objective.
I dont know what was the purpose of this campaing. Yet they captured Falluja pretty fast for example.
Why did they flee err "retreat" leaving over 10,000 civilians encircled in Fua? o_O
And its not true that rebels did not advance in Aleppo. They made very nice advances in Rashidin, Laraymoun, military research center etc.

You didn't get it, did you?

I didn't defend SAA performance in Idlib, they sucked actually. If they had not ran away, they could defend the city for months, if not years. The point is, terrorists entered Idlib while there was literally no SAA remaining in city, comparing that to Zabadani is just beyond stupid.

Why did they flee err "retreat" leaving over 10,000 civilians encircled in Fua? o_O
Again, you can blame SAA for Fua'a, which they left alone to face most savage animals on earth all alone on ground battle (from Chechen to Uzbeks, and a different variety of nuts), that has nothing to do with operation in Zabadani. About 500 terrorists have been killed in Zabadani, Hezbollah casualty is about 60-70 and SAA casualty is about 50, since they are less involved on the ground.
And its not true that rebels did not advance in Aleppo. They made very nice advances in Rashidin, Laraymoun, military research center etc.

I said they did not advance in 'some' fronts. But in bigger picture, Aleppo situation has been the same for a year. How come they can't capture Aleppo like they captured Idlib? I guess the reason is obvious. As long as there is a force inside a city willing to stand and fight, it will be a very hard battle.
I said they did not advance in 'some' fronts. But in bigger picture, Aleppo situation has been the same for a year. How come they can't capture Aleppo like they captured Idlib? I guess the reason is obvious. As long as there is a force inside a city willing to stand and fight, it will be a very hard battle.
Because Aleppo is entrenched. Idlib was almost completely surrounded. SAA in Aleppo are entrenched and have supply lines and huge air force cover. Also, in Aleppo there are shiite foreign fighters and alawites. In Idlib there were drafted Sunnis mostly.
Because Aleppo is entrenched. Idlib was almost completely surrounded. SAA in Aleppo are entrenched and have supply lines and huge air force cover. Also, in Aleppo there are shiite foreign fighters and alawites. In Idlib there were drafted Sunnis mostly.

Wht about Deraa, where they have half the city and surrounded it by all sides, yet they have suffered huge casualties in various failed attacks? Actually, Deraa situation is worse than Idlib.
Fun fact: rebels took Idlib in 5 days, Jisr ash Shughur in 4 days and Ariha in 1 day.

Hezbollah and Assadists supported by tanks, artillery, air force, hundreds of barrel bombs and Volcano rockets could not take small encircled Zabadani in more than two months.

I am honestly perplexed Sir.

It is beyond my understanding how the SAA with its Air Support and Heavy Weapons continue to loose pitched battles against these Rebels who have no Artillery, Air Force or even Basic Armour. Seriously, what tactics is the SAA using that they continue to loose again and again? The videos that i have seen, at best the Rebels have only deployed light weapons. In theory, they should get decimated by the SAA.

I can understand that SAA has a shortage of manpower but with all these heavy conventional weapons, they should be able to offset that and form fortified lines along the Areas they control. I haven't followed the Syrian Conflict in such detail, but the only comparison i can think of in this case is Uzbeks, Chechens and TTP fortifying Miran Shah and daring the Pakistan Army to attack and fight a conventional battle. Not only were the militants clobbered, Pakistan Army had taken the city within a day. After that, TTP or other militants never dared fight PA in a conventional battle and resorted to guerrilla attacks.

Sir, what is your assessment of SAA's Officer Corps? It does look to me that they are not a very inspiring bunch, as there incompetence has been exposed by the Rebels. Looks like only overwhelming Russian Support can result in changing the tide of war, similar to Eastern Ukraine.
Wht about Deraa, where they have half the city and surrounded it by all sides, yet they have suffered huge casualties in various failed attacks? Actually, Deraa situation is worse than Idlib.
No it's not. Dara'a is closer to Damascus and is much more easily reinforced and supported by air support. Rebels in Dara'a are not allowed by Jordan to attack right now after what JaN did to Druze a few months ago. Southern Front barely doing anything now besides the usual tank and artillery shelling.
I am honestly perplexed Sir.

It is beyond my understanding how the SAA with its Air Support and Heavy Weapons continue to loose pitched battles against these Rebels who have no Artillery, Air Force or even Basic Armour. Seriously, what tactics is the SAA using that they continue to loose again and again? The videos that i have seen, at best the Rebels have only deployed light weapons. In theory, they should get decimated by the SAA.

I can understand that SAA has a shortage of manpower but with all these heavy conventional weapons, they should be able to offset that and form fortified lines along the Areas they control. I haven't followed the Syrian Conflict in such detail, but the only comparison i can think of in this case is Uzbeks, Chechens and TTP fortifying Miran Shah and daring the Pakistan Army to attack and fight a conventional battle. Not only were the militants clobbered, Pakistan Army had taken the city within a day. After that, TTP or other militants never dared fight PA in a conventional battle and resorted to guerrilla attacks.

Sir, what is your assessment of SAA's Officer Corps? It does look to me that they are not a very inspiring bunch, as there incompetence has been exposed by the Rebels. Looks like only overwhelming Russian Support can result in changing the tide of war, similar to Eastern Ukraine.

Assad has only 2-3 million Alawites' support of 21 million Syrians. Besides Rebels have TOWs, tanks, battle hardened foreign fighters. And Syrian Air Force cannot get close to Turkish border area.

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