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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Photos Depicting Torture In Syria Shock Viewers At U.N.

The exhibit, on display at the U.N. headquarters, captures the atrocities committed by Bashar al-Assad’s regime. Warning: this post contains graphic images.

March 11, 2015, at 12:21 p.m.
Mary Ann Georgantopoulos
BuzzFeed News Reporter

A photo exhibit at the United Nations is displaying images depicting torture and other atrocities committed by Bashar al-Assad’s regime. Taken between 2011 and 2013, they show approximately 11,000 deaths.

Lucas Jackson / Reuters

The photographs were taken by a crime scene photographer for the Syrian military who now goes by the pseudonym Caesar.

Lucas Jackson / Reuters

Caesar smuggled the photos out of Syria on flash drives. The photos were brought to the U.S. last July with the help of the Coalition for a Democratic Syria.

Lucas Jackson / Reuters

“Anyone who has seen the images will never forget them,” U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said last week in a speech to the U.N. Human Rights Council in Geneva. “It defies anybody’s sense of humanity.”

Lucas Jackson / Reuters

The photos show men, women, and children tortured and starved to death. Caesar testified to Congress, in disguise, saying he witnessed a “genocidal massacre.”

The photos will be on display at the U.N. headquarters in New York until March 21.


Lucas Jackson / Reuters
One mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter
I do agree with that.


Assad and his backers , the rawafid Shias continue to remain so. Pictures or not , they are the filth of the earth that requires clean up.

Not to forget those who follow 'your' version of Islam, I mean the same that Daesh follows, they are the real filth. Anyways doesn't matter, the world is seeing who are the most savage groups in recent human history (IS/Nusra) and they are reacting to it, what you say doesn't change the reality. We will slaughter them everywhere we find them and that's what we are good at, killing extremist nutbags.

In case you missed the thread-title, but graphic photos/videos not allowed.
We can post pictures of the crimes of the opposition 10 times more horrific than that, but rules are rules.
lol he keeps posting same bullshit again and again,he opened topic for mass torture but no one gave shit except several his arab friends now he started posting pics here :lol::lol:
he is working hard,though :D
The ones who ran in their underpants from Mosul of talking of slaughtering . U are only good against unarmed Muslims . The ones who are up in arms give u sleepless nights not to forget the wetting of ur pants.
Almost all of those army units who retreated from Mosul were Sunnis. Local army members hold positions in their respective areas. That's a bitter truth isn't it?

But those Muslawis who cheered for IS after it came to their city, I am sure they are full of happiness under the Khilafah rats, as we speak.

Just look how Daesh got stuck around Samarra and couldn't even step foot in Karbala or Najaf. That's what you can expect from us. Daesh can't live anywhere unless it has some local supporters, e.g Mosul, Tikrit which speaks a lot for itself.

We will help Iraq and Syria to slaughter as much from them as possible, I can promise you that. There is no running away and no matter how much you whine, we will kill them if it takes till eternity.
I don't know why the Iranis are walking about with their chests puffed out.

Were it not for American bombardments in Iraq, the Iranis would still be standing in the same spot they started from.

You can thank America for your progress.
BTW, Assad is no. 1
None can beat him
He is the ultimate
Yes the Great Leader is the best, all the Zionists backed sectarians beheaders must be die and back to the stable 2011 scenario.

Pro Beheader source SOHR:

Regime forces advance around Hendarat area
Dr. Hakem Al-Mutairi :

The Syrians thought that America mobilized the world to confront terrorism in #Syria, then they were surprised that US meant by 'terrorism' the Syrian Revolution and that Bashar [for them] is part of the anti-terrorism camp!


Why International Commission of Inquiry declined from publishing the names of the accused of committing war crimes in Syria ?
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If you were not sectarian you would be bringing "democracy" to Saudi Arabia instead of Syria. And you would be destabilizing and sending thousands of terrorists to Saudi Arabia instead of Syria. But you would never do that, guess why?

Werent Syria used to support rebels against turkey in recent past ? Did you forgot bad blood that exist b/w Syria and Turkey ?
Please check your sources before posting:

Wasn't confirmed by anyone else. Your shiite sources also said that the 58 Iranians from the Iran-Iraq war were killed recently. All sources make mistakes, but right now Handarat is in rebel hands. They regime did infiltrate the southern portion, but they were repelled and a Hezbollah commander + 12 regime troops were killed.
Regime Executes 7 Palestinian Women in Torture Prisons
Mar 19th, 2015 by The Syrian Observer

Woman says she witnessed the execution of seven Palestinian women in the regime security facility

The number of Palestinian refugees who were killed under torture in regime security branches has increased to 35 people, including seven women. Most of the victims have been identified following the publication of thousands of leaked pictures of victims of torture in Bashar al-Assad's prisons, while a Palestinian woman released from regime’s prisons revealed the fate of seven others. The woman said she witnessed their execution in the prison’s dormitory.

The Palestinian Camps Network News Union has published the names of the seven Palestinian women killed under torture: Islam Ammar (25) and Nasreen Mahmoud Jaber (19) of Yarmouk refugee camp; Huda Hamdan (19) of at-Tadamon neighborhood; and Rahaf Ismail Ghaith (25), Baisan Abdul Ghani (22), Rana al-Masri (24) from Daraa, and Ibtisam Abu Arafa (24) from Homs.

The Union says it has documented the names of all Palestinian refugees killed under torture in regime's prisons. The total number of Palestinian victims is now 28, identified through the leaked photos, most of them residents of Yarmouk Palestinian refugee camp. Newspapers inside the refugee camps have refused to publish pictures of the victims killed under torture, out of respect for families and relatives.

Translated and edited by The Syrian Observer

Regime Executes 7 Palestinian Women in Torture Prisons
I have been gone for a while but nothing new israelis and f$a terrorists lovers working together to spread lies and propaganda... But thank God there are people who use their brain and know the truth and only spread truth or try to be professional, unlike the Israeli f$a terrorists here, who spread anything that fits their agenda and terrorism...
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