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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

What's wrong with that?

Israel has made some good contacts with Syrians. Not all the rebels are wide-eyed Islamists no matter how much you pretend they are.

There are secularists and moderate FSA who coordinate evacuation of injured citizens to Israel.

Also good contacts with medical professionals in Syria.

Stop pretending it's ISIS sending congratulations to Israel. Pathetic propaganda :lol:
You are really funny, f$a terrorists are far away from moderate and even they admit it they are against democracy...plus the f$a "Islamaists" are Israeli puppets.
Petition for a no-fly-zone Syria has reached +620,000 signatures and rising. Goal = 1 Million

Avaaz - Safe zone for Syrians, now!

When I first started reading comments of people on various web pages constantly singing Assad's praises, I really thought that most people were full of it and unable to understand the pain of another human being. It isn't difficult to refuse to or be unable to empathize with.the tormented people of Syria when you're blocked by your bigoted opinions and you dehumanize them by labeling them all as terrorists. Just looking at how many people signed the petition has made me change my mind.
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Daesh subhumans bomb Kurdish civilians that were celebrating newroz holiday in Hasakah.

When Kurds killed and ethnically cleansed Muslim Arabs, world kept its silence. Now IS killed fireworshippers, I keep my silence.
You are nothing. World doesnt give a damn about you, Persian.

No, but it gives a damn about an ISIS Turkish internet warrior who says I will keep my silence on IS massacring civilians. It sure gives a damn about your ilk.... Not. Get real. ISIS and their supporters are seen as worst scums on earth by almost every single country and absolute majority of people in the world.

Is Persian supposed to be an insult for me? :lol:
No, but it gives a damn about an ISIS Turkish internet warrior who says I will keep my silence on IS massacring civilians. It sure gives a damn about your ilk.... Not. Get real. ISIS and their supporters are seen as worst scums on earth by almost every single country and absolute majority of people in the world.

Is Persian supposed to be an insult for me? :lol:

No, Persian is the name of an ethnic group. And your ethnic group.

Btw, About 70 mobsters belonging to Assad crime family were killed recently in the east of Hamah Province.
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No, but it gives a damn about an ISIS Turkish internet warrior who says I will keep my silence on IS massacring civilians. It sure gives a damn about your ilk.... Not. Get real. ISIS and their supporters are seen as worst scums on earth by almost every single country and absolute majority of people in the world.

Is Persian supposed to be an insult for me? :lol:
After 21.08.2013 anyone who supports Assad is worse than scum.
Syrian Priest severely beaten by pro-Assad militant: monitoring group



A Christian cleric was severely beaten by fighters of National Defense Forces, Pro-Syrian regime militia, in Safita city near Tartus northwest Syria last Tuesday, a monitoring group said.

The Assyrian Observatory for Human Rights said that Father George Deeb Joseph, 40, the parish priest of the saints Kuzma and Damian of the Greek Orthodox in Safita was severely beaten by NDF fighter last Tuesday.

The assault had caused injuries in the spine, abdomen and head, the observatory said as Father Joseph receives a treatment in Safita hospital.

Syrian Priest severely beaten by pro-Assad militant: monitoring group SYRIA NEWS | ZAMAN ALWSL syria
FSA better pray ISIS holds out in Iraq because if Iraq liberates Tikrit, Fallujah, Mosul, the entire Mahdi Army would come to Syria and seriously massacre Sunnis. The Shia Sunni war is more intense now than at any point in history.
Says the Israeli who just voted in Netanyahu.
1. Netanyahu did not murder 200,000 people to stay in power, surely he never gassed or starve anyone.
2. I voted for opposition actually.

FSA better pray ISIS holds out in Iraq because if Iraq liberates Tikrit, Fallujah, Mosul, Shia Mahdi Army will come to Syria and serisouly slaughter Sunnis. This Shia Sunni war is more intense now than at any point in history.
Mahdi fight in Syria since 2013 in masses.
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