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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Russian Air Force Tu-214R

The Aviationist » Russia has just deployed its most advanced spyplane to Syria

guessing that cheek blister is a SLAR

1. What are the chance of Iranian, Russian, Iraqi and Afghan mercenaries taking over Aleppo?

2. Do you believe YPG will take the rest of the Northern borders?

3. Do you expect any Saudi-Turkish interventions?

4. Estimate how long Assad will stay?
"A source close to Russian President Vladimir Putin told me that the Russians have warned Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan that Moscow is prepared to use tactical nuclear weapons if necessary to save their troops in the face of a Turkish-Saudi onslaught. Since Turkey is a member of NATO, any such conflict could quickly escalate into a full-scale nuclear confrontation."

Risking Nuclear War for Al Qaeda? | Consortiumnews

well....shit...Never Imagined we would get so close to an Nuclear conflict
well....shit...Never Imagined we would get so close to an Nuclear conflict

Yeah, that's what happens when insane people such as Erdogan in Turkey and the neocons in USA run a country and its foreign policy.

1. What are the chance of Iranian, Russian, Iraqi and Afghan mercenaries taking over Aleppo?

2. Do you believe YPG will take the rest of the Northern borders?

3. Do you expect any Saudi-Turkish interventions?

4. Estimate how long Assad will stay?
1. They are determined to do so and I dont see anything what can stop them. But it will take very long time, another 200-300 K refugees, massive destruction.

2. Possible but will take long time.

3. No, I dont.

4. As long as Iran and Russia support him with billions of dollars and mercenaries. Just like Najibullah Assad holds thanks to foreign troops and ethnic cleansing. Once foreign troops will leave population will return and Assad will collapse:


A lot depends on policies of new president. Obama policy was:

a) Allow Assad and his allies to do anything they want.
b) Deny massive military help to rebels, especially air defence. Afghans in 1980-es received 100 times more aid than Syrian rebels.
c) Massive support to Kurds with CAS and weapons.

I dont think these policies will change.
1. They are determined to do so and I dont see anything what can stop them. But it will take very long time, another 200-300 K refugees, massive destruction.

2. Possible but will take long time.

3. No, I dont.

4. As long as Iran and Russia support him with billions of dollars and mercenaries. Just like Najibullah Assad holds thanks to foreign troops and ethnic cleansing. Once foreign troops will leave population will return and Assad will collapse:

View attachment 294517

A lot depends on policies of new president. Obama policy was:

a) Allow Assad and his allies to do anything they want.
b) Deny massive military help to rebels, especially air defence. Afghans in 1980-es received 100 times more aid than Syrian rebels.
c) Massive support to Kurds with CAS and weapons.

I dont think these policies will change.
It must chap your @ss ! Man get some sleep, Israel plan to annex some Syrian land with the help of ISIS, the Sauds and etal is over...Stop ruminating the cud.:cheers:.
1. They are determined to do so and I dont see anything what can stop them. But it will take very long time, another 200-300 K refugees, massive destruction.

2. Possible but will take long time.

3. No, I dont.

4. As long as Iran and Russia support him with billions of dollars and mercenaries. Just like Najibullah Assad holds thanks to foreign troops and ethnic cleansing. Once foreign troops will leave population will return and Assad will collapse:

View attachment 294517

A lot depends on policies of new president. Obama policy was:

a) Allow Assad and his allies to do anything they want.
b) Deny massive military help to rebels, especially air defence. Afghans in 1980-es received 100 times more aid than Syrian rebels.
c) Massive support to Kurds with CAS and weapons.

I dont think these policies will change.
both the front-running candidates on the republican side, Trump and Cruz are staunchly against toppling Bashar and supporting the so called rebels.

do they have a name for the improv IFV/APCs? and is the 'armour' any good any good ? o_O

kudos to the Kurds for ingenuity though, may they prevail in their fight against the sallafists.
I am totally sick of slaughter in Syria. Thats why I am getting emotional sometimes.
You are a forummer i respect. But i honestly think you are wasting your energy and intellect on people suffering short-term memory loss. These guys you invest tons of time to will never truly comprehend the realities of Middle East. They'll just bandwagon on empty propaganda from either Russia or other parties. They don't possess the intellectual capacity to read what is obvious nor do they have a memory capacity to keep in mind the occurences. My two cents
You are a forummer i respect..
You should respect him, after they washed dishes with your countrymen in international water. Any country that has self respect, will have reacted properly. Not Erdogan! Turkey went from a country with no problems to a country with no friends.
Hezbollahis all about Lebanon not Islamic world , honestly I can't understand from where you get your information

when you boycut the election that's what will happen . the opposition shot in its foot in that election and now you guys are crying about it .
Hilarious that you call it an election.
11 million people "showed up," according to Assadist statistics. 11 million people voted for the same person? Bullshit.

don't forget the consequences of that support. it resulted in a series of events that created isis , destroyed syria and iraq , started a shia sunni war in the region , destroyed yemen , destroyed libya etc. all of this madness somehow with different proportions started from that support don't forget that.
Oh yes evil Arab states are cause for everything and poor little Iran is an angelic state oppressed by foreign powers :( :(

Assad didn't consider them Syrians. Now you support them all of a sudden? Interesting. Whoring yourselves out to any possible allies, exactly like the YPG.

In actual news:
Rebels seem to have started small scale offensives on Aleppo in general, one of the districts Halab al Jadeedeh, which means New Aleppo. It's a Western district and it's rich, also close to where I lived. Population is still there as rebels aren't flattening non-rebel held territory.
‫انطلاق مجموعة الإنغماسين لاقتحام مزارع الأوبري في ريف حلب الغربي 19/2/2016‬‎ - YouTube

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