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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Putin is not Yeltsin or Medvedev , that failed under the charm of the West anended up loosing Irak and Lybia. Putin is seeing the West for what it is......
View attachment 272597
You seriously believe that Medvedev had any real power? :lol: :rofl:

Russia Iran captured Kaskays in Aleppo province.

Kuweires Military Airport Officially Secure as the Syrian Army Captures Kaskays Village

Russia Iran entered Deir Hanna for the first time since 2012.

Breaking: Syrian Army Enters Deir Hanna in Northern Latakia

Russia Iran captured Raweesat Iskendar, Beit Abu Risha, Katf Al-Sa’our and Kabani in Latakia province.

Syrian Army Captures Several Hilltops and Villages on the Idlib-Latakia Border

This just in. Russia Iran captured Deir Hanna, al-Daghmashliyeh, Bait Aiyash in Latakia province.
This is Dayr Hanna:

Wikimapia - Let's describe the whole world!

1 house :lol:
Ok,so what's your plan genius ? Send troops ? As if you haven't already done that.
AND even struggling to capture some villages with lot of Shia fighters,syrian soldiers and massive Russian air support.
I want to know your plan genius.

We have only sent a few hundreds, and they have advanced pretty well, capturing 400 sq km just south of Syria's most important city, Aleppo.

Is killed 130 people in middle of Paris, not Tehran, it's you France who said it's a 'declaration of war', yet it only came down to doing what U.S has been doing in past year without any achievements. As long as no ground troops are fighting them, bombing them from air won't change a damn thing. If they had attacked our country like this, we would do much more than this. Yet they haven't attacked and we, along with Iraqi troops and Syrian army are killing or helping to kill most number of ISIS terrorists, not U.S or France.
We have only sent a few hundreds, and they have advanced pretty well, capturing 400 sq km just south of Syria's most important city, Aleppo.

Is killed 130 people in middle of Paris, not Tehran, it's you France who said it's a 'declaration of war', yet it only came down to doing what U.S has been doing in past year without any achievements. As long as no ground troops are fighting them, bombing them from air won't change a damn thing. If they had attacked our country like this, we would do much more than this. Yet they haven't attacked and we, along with Iraqi troops and Syrian army are killing or helping to kill most number of ISIS terrorists, not U.S or France.
* All you did is displacing poor Bedouins in desert, meanwhile losing 2 towns (Mahin and Morek).
* You suffered over 50 confirmed killed and hell knows how many unconfirmed.
* For every Iranian killed here are at least 10 Iraqis, Hezbollah Afghan and other mercenaries, thus total killed is well over 500 (not counting Assadists).

I remind u that US captured entire Iraq losing much less people.
* All you did is displacing poor Bedouins in desert, meanwhile losing 2 towns (Mahin and Morek).
* You suffered over 50 confirmed killed and hell knows how many unconfirmed.
* For every Iranian killed here are at least 10 Iraqis, Hezbollah Afghan and other mercenaries, thus total killed is well over 500 (not counting Assadists).

I remind u that US captured entire Iraq losing much less people.

That's funny, because you couldn't capture Bint Jbeil with thousands of soldiers against a force of only 100s of Hezbollah-fighters. In fact, the IDF couldn't even advance more than a couple of miles into South Lebanon, to such extent that the Winograd report basically destroyed an image of 50 years of IDF-superiority.

Iran on the other hand managed to liberate more land with a smaller force and less advanced air force than IDF in 2006 against a force of hundreds of determined fighters with equal equipment as Hezbollah had in 2006. And it didn't even take 1000s of Iranian fighters to accomplish this.
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(Mahin and Morek)
There is no Iranian in Mahin or Morek.

* You suffered over 50 confirmed killed and hell knows how many unconfirmed.

50 killed while hundreds are killed from the other side, that's a good kill. And we confirm all of our losses, there is nothing to hide, we never do that because there is no reason to hide. Israel may do it, but we don't.

* For every Iranian killed here are at least 10 Iraqis, Hezbollah Afghan and other mercenaries, thus total killed is well over 500 (not counting Assadists).
BS reasoning. :rolleyes: Try that on someone else.

I remind u that US captured entire Iraq losing much less people.

BS example. Mighty Israel failed to do a damn thing on the ground in Gaza or Lebanon, only managed to kill civilians from the air. Also, Israel lost 66 soldiers (including many highly trained commandos) in Gaza in more than a month, and only managed to kill a lot of civilians and destroy a large area, also killing children playing in the beach. Huge achievement.
That's funny, because you couldn't capture Bint Jbeil with thousands of soldiers against a force of only 100s of Hezbollah-fighters. In fact, the IDF couldn't even advance more than a couple of miles into South Lebanon, to such extent that the Winograd report basically destroyed an image of 50 years of IDF-superiority.
* South Lebanon is high mountain area, similar to Latakia. I should remind u that Assadists and Hezbollah are already 2 years storming Salma (which is smaller than Bint Jbeil) and could not even enter it despite they dropped 10 times more barrels on it than there are houses.

* IDF did not plan to storm Bint Jbeil, but take buildings at its outskirts and bypass. That what happened, but then one commander thought he can take town easily and sent one battalion inside. Battalion was ambushed in center of the town 6 people lost and IDF returned to its previous plan. Thats about it. In this skirmish Hezbollah lost more than IDF.

* Of course IDF advanced much more than couple miles (although couple miles is also good in mountain area, Salma cough Salma). Here for example Kornet captured in Rachaf, 4 miles from the border:


And here Kornets captured in Ghandurieh, 6 miles from the border:


Here Israeli Soldiers in Marjayun 6 miles of the border:

Iran on the other hand managed to liberate more land with a smaller force and less advanced air force than IDF in 2006 against a force of hundreds of determined fighters with equal equipment as Hezbollah had in 2006. And it didn't even take 1000s of Iranian fighters to accomplish this.
Advancing in open desert while u have total air armor and artillery superiority is piece of cake. Iran's offensive is simply a joke considering this.

Israel captured entire Sinai 60,000 km² in 3 days fighting against armor divisions with 1000 tanks, not rag tag militias on Toyotas.


I think I need to write a FAQ on 2006 Lebanon war somewhere because every time I have to answer same retarded "arguments".

4 IRGC soldiers including top commander Masoud Asghari were killed in Syrian Tow missile attack on their vehicle


Ahmed Atia IRGC


9 Hizbulshaytaan Terrorist sent to hell today including al-Manar journalist Muhammad Nazar



Iranians must wake up and see the trap they have fallen into............RIP to the dead on both sides.
Rebels captured a 60 mm mortar shell from Russia Iran near Habiyah in southern Aleppo province. It is worth to mention SAA does not use 60 mm mortars.

More ghanima:



Second Hummer:





Shia mercenaries brought US Hummer to Syria :rolleyes: What next? Abrams? Considering there is no ground connection between Shia Iraq and Aleppo this Hummer must be airlifted.

updated Aleppo map
This map is pro Assad exaggerated, see above.
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Russia bombed Khan Shaykhun today again. It is difficult to live in rebel places.

This map is pro Assad exaggerated, see above.

If you have a problem with the map, you can refer your complaints to wiki. I'm only the messenger.

Shia mercenaries brought US Hummer to Syria :rolleyes: What next? Abrams? Considering there is no ground connection between Shia Iraq and Aleppo this Hummer must be airlifted.

That's where Russian Il-76 and An-124 airlifters come in. They can also be air dropped near the front.

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