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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Assad is nothing but a puppet, a figure head, of the Indo Europeans, the Russians and the Iranians.
Alliance bombers operating from Latakia air base

Douma is repeatedly bombed by Alliance bombers

I just saw some gruesome pictures and videos of Syrian women and children after being bombed by Russia. Unbelievable even ISIS didn't target women and children like this. When I saw those pictures I knew that Russians/Iranians have no chance in Syria. They simply don't have the support from Syrian people.
Your loved moderate djhadis like the one that congratulated the sultan on his reelection, are using children women , caged them and put them on the roof of houses as shield.

that looks like a smart thing to do.
I just saw some gruesome pictures and videos of Syrian women and children after being bombed by Russia. Unbelievable even ISIS didn't target women and children like this. When I saw those pictures I knew that Russians/Iranians have no chance in Syria. They simply don't have the support from Syrian people.
I don't think your are really following up on news because you won't have said even "isis don't target women and children" there's tons of videos of isis killing civilians...I watched one where an elderly person beging isis not to kill the kids and just kill him but nope but they had to kill all of them and these days isis and moderate behaders are using civilians as shields in cages around the cities to protect themselves from airstrikes and didn't you know the government had issued warning through writing to civilians to evacuate the cities because of bombing.....isis kill civilians for fun...what kinda news do you watch....lemme guess cnn I think.....
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Shia militants prefer to die at sunset believing they 'd have dinner with Hussain.

The thread quality is already low, don't take it to kindergarten level. That was a true story about an ISIS terrorist captured in Iraq who actually believed in that, Shias don't believe in that crap, but likes of ISIS terrorists and their ideological counterparts, Nusra terrorists and Co. do.
FSA agrees and responded at sunset
That's not FSA, but Al-Nusra terrorist group, the official branch of Al-Qaeda in Syria, the most powerful group that exactly represents 'revolutionaries', their values and their ideologies and it's a good thing. FSA is just a huge bubble that has fooled too many people.
Apparenty Assadists are trying to create another "gut" to Fuah. Another TOW valley with fried

Alliance Smerch artillery. 300 mm caliber. 90 km range. Hundreds of meters lethal radius.


Alliance MiG-21 and MiG-23 multi role fighters bomb mujahids in northern Hama province from Hama air base.

just imagine Syrians are still use MiG-21 and MiG-23 so lethally
the mig21 they even made home made bombs
Syrian need to update there air assets quickly

Next one.

A Sunni Arab terrorist weeps like a woman after getting f.ked by SAA shell (@500's rats getting owned badly)

toasted and bbq hehehehe now he can have his 72 virging in hell lol

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