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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

no my PDF friend u got it alllllllll wrong..................

ur mullas and there goons started to spread virus using ruski injections in af+pak region

freedom fighters from all over the world including Arabs and Amerikis were the anti virus.

now u doing the same in syria n desh dogs are ur side effects.

no problem my mulla loving child u will understand when this anti virus reaches tehran

4 more men lose life in this senseless conflict

Syed Ali Alami, Izzat Suliman, Hamid Fatimi &Sajad Hussaini(4 IRG commanders )

Feels sad on the loss of Muslims on both sides.


R u crying supaboy?

dogy got a tight leash? :omghaha:
Exploding terrorists supported by saudi and israel always bring a smile in my face. :smitten:
Since when having 'right' to enter a land has anything to do with race?

Let's assume your lame argument is true, why did Saudi terrorists went to Afghanistan and spread Saudi virus in there? Afghanistan is not an Arab land if you didn't know that. The reason is obvious, Saudis will export their virus anywhere they can, Arab or non-Arab land. We are in Syria for exactly the sane reason, fighting the Saudi-spread virus.
Its the opposite: with ur insane barbaric bombings and sectarian terrorists which u bring to lands they dont belong u are radicalizing Syrians and turn it into another Afghanistan.
Its the opposite: with ur insane barbaric bombings and sectarian terrorists which u bring to lands they dont belong u are radicalizing Syrians and turn it into another Afghanistan.

LOLs if that were true Russia would have nuked Douma
Its the opposite: with ur insane barbaric bombings and sectarian terrorists which u bring to lands they dont belong u are radicalizing Syrians and turn it into another Afghanistan.

Much longer before any Iranian, Lebanese or Russians come to Syria, thousands of foreigners were brought to Syria by Saudis, Qatar and Turkey, thinking it will be over very soon, they made a mistake and they started it. The only sectarian thing in Syria is Saudi-Qatari-Turkish backed lunatics in Syria who will kill anything that doesn't believe in whatever virus they believe in.
Much longer before any Iranian, Lebanese or Russians come to Syria, thousands of foreigners were brought to Syria by Saudis, Qatar and Turkey, thinking it will be over very soon, they made a mistake and they started it. The only sectarian thing in Syria is Saudi-Qatari-Turkish backed lunatics in Syria who will kill anything that doesn't believe in whatever virus they believe in.
Insane artillery shelling started already in late 2011 and before that they shot and tortured protesters who went out with Assad flags.
I personally believe that the US government along with the Russian Federation should co operate with and support the Bashar government in eradication of ISIS, this is only because free and fair elections could only be held in Syria if the ISIS is eradicated completely.
Currently ISIS controls 2/3 of Syria and 70% of its population so a fair election could not be held.
The Kurdish problem could also be solved through peace talks once the ISIS is out of the story
Are you for real? Seriously?

Sad really Sad...........hope u understood Islam the way it actually is.

ever thought of those souls leaving syria daily!!!!???

Death is not a celebrated event in Islam.........no matter whose side u r on.

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