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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Back to my bridge argue. Here is the damage that Russian bombing did to it:



As I said, you need at least 5 2000-lb bombs to destroy it.

What bridge are you talking about?
If you mean the one Russia destroyed in Deir al-Zoor, it's called al-Siasah bridge and it was fully destroyed.

The pic you posted is Raqqa.
What bridge are you talking about?
If you mean the one Russia destroyed in Deir al-Zoor, it's called al-Siasah bridge and it was fully destroyed.

The pic you posted is Raqqa.
I mixed up Deir ez Zor and Raqqa. I'll try to find fresh pics of DZ bridge.

By the way, bridge which Russia "destroyed" in DZ was blown by Assad regime in 2014:


النظام يدمر جسر السياسية ويقطع دير الزور عن محيطها اخبار سورية - زمان الوصل
Alliance ground grunts take on mujahids in southern Aleppo province

Iranian made large caliber sniper rifle and thermal sights used by Alliance ground grunts.





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HRW has nothing to do with "zionism".
and it has been proven by videos already even in this forum.
let's be honest ... at least.

anyway i'll notice that it is made by jaysh they are not moderate rebels.
You seem to confuse your SHR sources with HRW. Just because they both have "Human Rights" in them, doesn't make them the same organization.

I have issues with HRW also, but obviously groups like HRW and MSF and Red Cross and UNHR are all more much reputable than SHR and LCC. Stop mixing up everything.
Nope. You said that all of my sources were biased.

Much longer before any Iranian, Lebanese or Russians come to Syria, thousands of foreigners were brought to Syria by Saudis, Qatar and Turkey, thinking it will be over very soon, they made a mistake and they started it. The only sectarian thing in Syria is Saudi-Qatari-Turkish backed lunatics in Syria who will kill anything that doesn't believe in whatever virus they believe in.
Jabhat al Nusra formally formed in September 2011 by Jolani, a Syrian from Golan Heights. Foreigners didn't start coming right away. Not at all.
Hezbollah and Iran already supported Assad from the very beginning.

Are you for real? Seriously?
No he's not serious, Shia Shirk is barely Islam :)

*grabs popcorn*
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Syrian rebels take Tall Othman in Hama province, and seize 3 tanks:
They also took several positions around Morek.

Took SAA 8 months to recapture Morek, let's see how long it takes rebels. Not long :)
What does T-72B have that T-72A does not have?

Alliance ground grunts received new T-72B tanks.

Nothing, it just shows that Assad expended wast majority out of 5000 tanks he had and needs new now. Thats very bad sign for him.
Nothing, it just shows that Assad expended wast majority out of 5000 tanks he had and needs new now. Thats very bad sign for him.

The US built tens of thousands of tanks during WW2. Lost tanks must be replaced to keep offensive going.
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