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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Some new weapons will be used against the jihadis in the next few weeks. Either much powerful bombs, FA bombs or some of the newer chemical agents will be tested on live targets.

Also hearing news of a new airstrip just days away from being operational. It will allow us to conduct more sorties daily.

Expect massive jihadi casualties in the next 14-28 days.
Alliance has more men, more arms, technology. These are the factors that win a modern war.

sometimes, determination will win against the odds

Some new weapons will be used against the jihadis in the next few weeks. Either much powerful bombs, FA bombs or some of the newer chemical agents will be tested on live targets.

Expect massive jihad casualties in the next 14-28 days.

now syrian peoples are the lab mices ready for your experiment

its hard to find a humanity value nowadays, so sad.............................
Alliance captured the last hill of Jubb al-Ahmar in Latakia province.

Alliance ground grunts reached the walls of the Marj as-Sultan Helicopter Airbase in East Ghouta.

Yup. "alliance" sure did capture Jubb al Ahmar. This video footage of rebels within Jubb al Ahmar in Latakia? All fake, staged in Qatar.

Assadist or Russian airstrikes kill 70 and injure 550 civilians in Douma, Eastern Ghouta.
Syria: At least 550 wounded in horrific market-bombing in Damascus besieged area | Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) International
Meanwhile, Daesh cuts supply line to Aleppo and is about to cut off Damascus from Homs.
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I insult you because you support a regime that killed my family. But hey, not that you care they killed innocent people.
They're Russian and therefore always right, in your retarded world view.

Because ......you are a racist kid with a short fuse that resorts to nasty name calling when you lose arguments.

I never said I supported Saudi Airstrikes, and here you are twisting my words as if I did.

No, what you did do was illustrate to everyone that you are a bias liar. This is what you said:

"Arab coalition in Yemen has killed more houthis than civilians".......In fact the UN has stated that 93% of people killed in Yemen are civilians. You are a bullshitter that needs to wipe the egg off your face :lol:

Source: Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed) | Page 808

Post the video or you're lying, which is something you usually do.

The only one that has lied is you, here is the video.

So you're saying, Jaish al Islam filmed a video in 2013 only to post it in 2015, or you're saying it was all filmed in Qatar. Typical Russian response.
Here's the actual video, released Oct 22nd, filmed Sept 16th: مناورات عسكرية قبيل معركة الله غالب

It does not matter when a video is released, al-quada would make videos and release them much later. A video can also be manipulated very easily to make it appear as if it was filed on a certain date. The point is that the video can not be confirmed. It's great propaganda though in case everyone in that video is killed, post a video to exaggerate your strength. In any case you argued that the Russians were "ignoramuses" because they could not destroy those tanks, yet NATO coalition aircraft as well as Arab coalition aircraft could not either, so i guess in your eyes everyone is ignoramuses with the exception of those jihadist.

Post evidence of the rebel claim of his demise or you're spouting bullshit as usual.

I already posted a video in which the FSA claim they killed a Russian general but since you are/were too lazy to watch the video here is a source.

FSA claims it killed Russian general in Syria who had been aiding ...

The Free Syrian Army (FSA) announced in a statement to Al Arabiya on Wednesday that it has killed a Russian general in Syria who was working as a consultant to the Syrian defense minister and head of general staff of military affairs.

FSA said the killing of the general, Vladmir Petrovic Kojaiv, along his private translator, Ahmed Aiq, evidence that Russia was embroiled in the Syrian crisis. The rebel army said a number of documents and maps about the opposition and FSA were also seized.

The operation was conducted by its Ghota Western Brigades from Damascus along with FSA countryside forces, the rebel group said.

How can they be geolocated? Here, this is how:
bellingcat - What Russia’s Own Videos and Maps Reveal About Who They Are Bombing In Syria
I re-iterate: Out of 60 videos, 48 were geolocated, 1 airstrike was vs. ISIS. Let's say for sake of argument (and to make you happy), the 12 airstrikes that couldn't be geolocated were vs. ISIS. Apply that rate to the rest of sortie rate, that means only 26% of airstrikes are vs. ISIS. Which doesn't make sense, since ISIS has been advancing on SAA on Aleppo.

Your source "bellincat" showed one image it geolocated. Lets assume that it actually geolocated 48 out of 60 videos. Russia has hit over 1,600 targets, so your claim...whatever it it is, is empty. Syrian forces have pushed into ISIS held territory with Russia provided air support. Live with it.

So you're telling me, rebels set up MRLSs to bomb themselves and then blame Assad? You truly are deluded.

I am telling you that you...1. have reading comprehension issues....2. don't know anything about warfare. I clearly stated that the Syrian military as well as many other parties could have bombed those clinics/hospital (if they were even really bombed). As for your stupid sarcastic comments about "rebels" bombing themselves. In Syria every street block is contested, if the Syrian army drives "rebels" and out of certain areas do you not think that the rebels will counter attack with mortars and MLRS's? In fact there is plenty of videos of rebels using both types of weapons in urban areas.

Aircraft are spotted a lot. Not that hard to notice an aircraft and film it. Here is an example (it's an Assad Air Force Su-22, but my point is made, aircraft are often filmed:)

Nice proof, that would not even be admitted as circumstantial evidence in court.

Notice you have no proof and i will not take your word for it. Posting some random video of a Syrian SU-22 does not prove anything, Russian aircraft fly higher then Syrian aircraft and also operate at night. It is amazing how random Syrian can spot Russian aircraft at over 15,000 feet (and sometimes at night) even more amazing is that regular Syrian can somehow distinguish a Russian aircraft from a Syrian and as well as coalition aircraft. Amazing they must use telescopes :lol:

US airstrikes do not target rebel held areas in Aleppo, Idlib, Hama, or Homs. There were maybe 3 or 4 airstrikes done by US there, and they all targeted Nusra HQs. None were recent, as in within the month of Russian bombing.
Also, btw, the Russian MoD twitter account often claims airstrikes in rebel held areas, and soon after videos emerge of damage done by airstrikes & the casualties, and videos of Russian planes overhead. But ofc, that's still not enough evidence for you.

A few things. Firstly some of those claims of Russia hitting civilians were proven to be false like the picture a picture of a dead girl reported to be killed by Russian airstrikes, the problem is that the picture was taken 5 days before Russian airstrikes began.

You are also completely ignoring the fact that the Syrian Air Force as well as Syrian ground forces are also bombarding areas where Russian warplanes are hitting targets yet you magically can tell the difference between a Syrian airforce strike, Syrian ground strikes and Russian strikes. You are literally blaming Russian aircraft for everything that is destroyed in Syria.

As for your last claim about Russian planes overhead--show me one video where civilian are filming near another civilian area that gets hit and they capture Russian aircraft on film. Such video does not exist so you resort to posting old videos of Syrian SU-22s.

Mi-24s have been filmed flying low. Regime never used that tactic, and in the videos you can see Russian camouflage on the choppers and such. Regime always flies high with their Mi-24s.

Point out this Russian camouflage.


And what about the other 3? LCC, HRW, MSF? Are you going to claim they are "biased" too?

So you're telling me NDF, RuAF, Shias, and IRGC are not fighting to keep alive? Even though IRGC and Putin already said that they both are in Syria to keep Assad in power. So did Hezbollah. And NDF obviously wants to keep him in power.

Rebels have recaptured Maryamayn and there are clashes in the night at Jumaymah. Nusra also took over Tel Huwayz.

This is LCC from wiki,

"Furthermore, the Office for Syrian Opposition Support, which itself was founded by the United States Department of State and Foreign and Commonwealth Office[10] and is funded by the Friends of Syria Group, provides "material support" and "training assistance" to the LCCs.[11]"

Enough said.
It must be very embarrassing that despite being destroyed according to Russian MoD bravado, ISIS captures a town. Something that Assadists supported by Iranians, RuAF, Hezbollah failed to do in one month.
I'm so happy that isis and nusrats are being destroyed by Russia, good job Russia continue dropping those bombs on the terrorists. :smitten:
From Ahvaz(iran occupied)

How its occupied enlighten us??
You donkyies are weird you claim khuzestan as kurdish Zoroastrian land and you claim that the arabs are occupiers in Iraq and Syria but you say that iranic land is arabic just like you do with Turkmens and Azeris you claim that they are invaders and northern iran is the birthplace of Zoroastrianism and median empire but you support the turks thier and you hate the Turkmens in Iraq and turks in turkey and you call them occupiers but you support them in iran and to steal iranic lands??
I am confused
How its occupied enlighten us??
You donkyies are weird you claim khuzestan as kurdish Zoroastrian land and you claim that the arabs are occupiers in Iraq and Syria but you say that iranic land is arabic just like you do with Turkmens and Azeris you claim that they are invaders and northern iran is the birthplace of Zoroastrianism and median empire but you support the turks thier and you hate the Turkmens in Iraq and turks in turkey and you call them occupiers but you support them in iran and to steal iranic lands??
I am confused
this guy is a fanatic ethnic racist.
kurds came in the lands after many other ethnic groups. kurds are just one part of the ethnic and people living in the lands, in Iran too. our culture has always been all live together with respect. but people like al kurdi want ethnic stuff . if there was still Hitler alive he would be a perfect nazi.

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