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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Abu-Suleiman al-Misri (Egyptian), a very senior Nusra commander was sent to hell in southern Aleppo:



In 1973 war, Israel would be fully destroyed if it was not for U.S help and equipment given to Israel.


SAA captures Turanjeh company (also known as 4th company) in Quentra, killing a very high ranking rebel commander in the process.

You know by now 500 will simply deny or shrug off that claim. He is in 'shock and awe' from the air campaign/ground offensive. He can only stutter 'all they did was capture a few small villages'.
I'm literally stunned at your stupidity. From your own video there is a shockwave in the water, yet in the video form the bridge the water is completely calm.
U claimed that black cloud proves it did not hit water. My video shows explosion ion water and it has black cloud. As for water jet, it happened because it was in deep water unlike and not in river.

"Few foreigners?" Try 15,000 (CIA estimate).
They mostly go to ISIS, and mostly dead already.

As for volunteers, all foreigners such as Hezballah or Shia militias that fight for Syria are also volunteers.
No they are members of military organizations and come in Syria because their commanders tell them. And their commanders obey Iran.

There is a foreign intervention in Syria? Actually you are right. The US, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Israel, ect are interfering in a foreign country called Syria. What do you call foreigners that cross into Israel and attack the Israeli military? You would call these people terrorists yet when jihadists cross into Syria you are praising them.
Until spring 2013 there was a civil war in Syria. And Assad was miserably losing despite thousands of tanks jets and artillery. Then Assad invited Iraqi and Hezbollah mercenaries and it helped him to stabilize the situation. Since then its a stalemate.

Israel uses precise bombs in cities not barrels.

In 1973 war, Israel would be fully destroyed if it was not for U.S help and equipment given to Israel.
Again u know nothing. US aid started to arrive only in 14 Oct. While already on 10 Oct Israel kicked Syrians out of Golan and pushed deep into Daraa. Only 2 Iraqi Divisions saved Assad's butt then.
Conflict News ‏@Conflicts 6h6 hours ago
Russia, Jordan to coordinate actions on #Syria via Amman-based center, others invited - RT

Looks like Jordan is following Egypt's example, so safe to say Arab world has abandoned Syrians. Now its decision up to KSA plus Turkey. Turkey has problems at home with Kurds. KSA is on its own.

Regardless of who is fighting on the ground(we know majority and leading in current operations isn't SAA), they are effective. And they are looking to flank the rebels in green and cut supply lines(if there any in the north) while also beseiging rebels from the north making it easier to retake Idlib. ISIS right now is just distraction for them and they will focus on rebels in green areas. ISIS benefits regime because we know if rebels fall all that remains in opposition is ISIS hence this will give them huge political advantage in front of world, and hence they aren't going to go all out against ISIS anytime soon as it frames the conflict as humanity vs extremism. And even if there will be a political settlement, pro-regime alliance is on offensive, making gains, they will not give in on anything, rather they will be ones from powerful position during any talks and will make excessive demands. You can bet now they will demand all moderate rebels disarm and live under government, only thing rebels get is 'protection from punishment' in principle. In reality the regime militias will probably commit all kinds of abuses against Sunni populations there, if not ethnically cleanse them. Already much of Sunni pop. fled, who knows eventually Syria could be shia majority at this rate as long as Arab states could care less about them.

It's a lost cause for the Syrian opposition and Sunni populaiton of Syria because in this world Sunni's exercising their rights is a red line crossed and they will use all military power against them to prevent them from having their own country(One that doesn't have Western installed family's/governments that were appointed back in the 20-50's). The internaitonal community will just play on and pretend to be concerned until regime alliance is back into control of most rebel areas. Then they will say nothing can be changed now, and continue hurting ISIS in the mean time.

Salafi Jihadists of Syria have already lost the war at the hands of moderated Sunnies of Syria who are fighting along with all other Syrian minorities against the Salafists.

Why are you blaming us for the formation of ISIS?

Just blame US or Turkey for supplying ISIS for weapons.

Or otherwise just blame the Salafist Islam for being such a Human Hating Religion where these blood thirsty people don't hesitate to even slaughter their own Salafi brothers (what to talk about Shias and other Minorities).

For sure Salafist Jihadies deserve no right to govern in any part of the world, while this means only Zulm upon the minorities.

I love the delusions in this thread. There will be no end to the war as long as the criminal Al-Assad regime is in power. There are only two main options at hand. Continuous war in Syria that the Al-Assad regime and it's terrorist allies cannot win and Syria remaining a highly failed state, or the removal of the criminal Al-Assad regime and its foreign stooges.

Our beloved and ancient Sham will be a graveyard for the vodka and heroin addicts. The Farsi and Hazara Mongol ones alike just like in history. The vodka addicts so far do not dare to send land troops but once they do, the same will apply to them.

These are only your dreams.

Once Jordan, Saudia and Turkey back off, then terrorist Jihadies will have no future in Syria and they will be crushed the same way as Hafizul Asad crushed them, and nobody is going to shed tears for them.

There is absolutely no option for Assad to go, while this means genocide at the hands of Salafi MB terrorists. There is minor to no difference between them and ISIS.

If moderate Syrian Sunnies/Shias/Christians/Minorities want to exist in this region, then at every cost Salafi MB terrorists should be killed.

And Saudia, Turkey and Qatar are themselves nothing. They are only playing that game for which US have chosen them. If US backs off, then Saudia/Qatar/Turkey have absolutely no chance. They are only stupids who have been used by US and Israel for their own purposes.
You know by now 500 will simply deny or shrug off that claim. He is in 'shock and awe' from the air campaign/ground offensive. He can only stutter 'all they did was capture a few small villages'.

It's funny. Just in time when there is an operation going on in south Aleppo, ISIS comes to rebels' help and attacks only supply route to Aleppo. Till now, the road is closed for concerns of IS IEDs, VBIEDs and attacks. Again, they are cooperating with each other.

Meanwhile, @500 is trying so hard to pretend that ISIS is enemy of rebels and other terrorists, while they are the same.

Israel uses precise bombs in cities not barrels.
Yeah right. meanwhile Israel killed 2000 civilians in most recent Gaza war.
Again u know nothing. US aid started to arrive only in 14 Oct. While already on 10 Oct Israel kicked Syrians out of Golan and pushed deep into Daraa. Only 2 Iraqi Divisions saved Assad's butt then.
I was talking about U.S equipment sold to Israel by U.S, not the direct help by U.S.
NATO and their face fart enthusiast friends can cry all they want.

The bombings will continue until all threats are eliminated.
Alliance captured Dahret al-Kassar in Quneitra province.

The hospital in Sarmin in Idlib province has been destroyed to prevent insurgents from getting treatment.


Alliance captured the 4th Battalion base in Quneitra province.

Welcome to the class. Today's lesson is learning what pain is.


Dying in Syria for what? ah, to protect their forward base against Israel.
not everything turns around Israël. not everything has something to do with Israël.
the reason why Iran is helping (except the past when Assad was the only to be against Saddam to invade Iran) is to avoid the salafis hand on the region. some people are scared regions/countries become anti Iran and anti shias.
sadly they don't understand they help a dictator to stay (my opinion) when country needs a change .
not everything turns around Israël. not everything has something to do with Israël.
the reason why Iran is helping (except the past when Assad was the only to be against Saddam to invade Iran) is to avoid the salafis hand on the region. some people are scared regions/countries become anti Iran and anti shias.
sadly they don't understand they help a dictator to stay (my opinion) when country needs a change .

Iran has always avoided using their own men to die in wars unless unavoidable. They have always used Arab proxies to do it for them. Whether that's Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Hezbollah or Iraq Shia militia.

For Iran to commit men and have senior members killed, it must be something really important.

So just what is so important? Iran was supporting Assad before ISIS had a stronghold on Syria.

The reason they supported Assad was because Syria was the conduit to smuggling arms to Hezbollah against Israel. The Iranians have been paranoid about losing their Israeli border presence. They knew that if Syria fell to the opposition, that arms shipments to Hezbollah would be greatly reduced or stopped.

We know Iran has been busy trying to create a new front with Israel in the Golan. They've been liquidated every time they have tried, but are still trying.
This war is pointless. Assad is only 50 years old compared to Hadi who is 70 years old. 20 more years of killing will end up with millions of people dead.

The best way out of this is to do an early presidential election overseen by the UN in which Assad is allowed to run.
It's funny. Just in time when there is an operation going on in south Aleppo, ISIS comes to rebels' help and attacks only supply route to Aleppo. Till now, the road is closed for concerns of IS IEDs, VBIEDs and attacks. Again, they are cooperating with each other.

Meanwhile, @500 is trying so hard to pretend that ISIS is enemy of rebels and other terrorists, while they are the same.
Despite "the only road was cut" Asadists kept large offensive in Aleppo. For some reason they are not concerned about that cut.

Yeah right. meanwhile Israel killed 2000 civilians in most recent Gaza war.
Thats total number of killed, mostly Hamas members + civilians killed by misfired Hamas rockets. Iranian rockets supplied to Hamas killed far more Gazans than Israelis.

Can you show me a SINGLE example of Israel using unguided bombs or MLRS in Gaza?

I was talking about U.S equipment sold to Israel by U.S, not the direct help by U.S.
US never fought directly for Israel. As for sold equipment do u think Arabs fight only with their own produced equipment? What a nonsense argument.
Despite "the only road was cut" Asadists kept large offensive in Aleppo. For some reason they are not concerned about that cut.

Meh. Off terrain vehicles. Syria is mostly desert, no roads.
But this does:D:D

If there implementing a media blackout, then how do know about their apparent success o_O ?
Oh yes, I'm sure stronk Russian APS is totally equiped on all 110% of SAA tenks. Great logic comrade.

Media blackout because Russia and regime actually do use media to locate rebel positions, some rebel groups are too revealing.

State a source in which the Russians bombed that bridge specifically because of a tank column. I am waiting but i will not hold my breath. Like i mentioned earlier destroying the bridge (which is in ISIS held territory) cuts your ISIS brothers into two and prevents reinforcements, supplies and retreat.

I never mentioned anything about "entire groups". I very clearly stated that there are many foreign fighters in various "rebel" groups, this includes the FSA. I'm not even sure what you are trying to prove other then the fact that you have reading comprehension problems but i am understanding after all the IQ level from your part of the world is in the 70s to low 80s which is considered challenged.
This entire conversation about the JAI tank column was never about ISIS.

Aww, ran out of an argument so you make fun of the mentally ill? I expected more, then again, you're pro-putin Russian. Expectations too high maybe.
The vast majority of rebels are Syrian, but here's what you said:
"You mean to say the FSA, ISIS and the 40 other groups fighting in Syria are all Syrians? Gosh there happens to be a lot of Syrians that keep coming from Turkey with foreign birth certificates.

Source: Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed) | Page 781"
Now, are you going to admit that what you said was retarded?
Because you clearly insinuated that somehow rebel groups get all their troops from the outside. Or a large portion. Which is entirely untrue.

It's funny. Just in time when there is an operation going on in south Aleppo, ISIS comes to rebels' help and attacks only supply route to Aleppo. Till now, the road is closed for concerns of IS IEDs, VBIEDs and attacks. Again, they are cooperating with each other.

Meanwhile, @500 is trying so hard to pretend that ISIS is enemy of rebels and other terrorists, while they are the same.

Yeah right. meanwhile Israel killed 2000 civilians in most recent Gaza war.

I was talking about U.S equipment sold to Israel by U.S, not the direct help by U.S.
Regime and ISIS joint attacks on rebels in North Aleppo = Not joint attacks, just stronk SAA tactics.
ISIS and Rebel joint attacks on regime supply line to Aleppo = Clear coordination between terrorist groups.
Iranian double standards at work.

Oh, you want to talk about equipment sold?
May I remind you how Israel supported Iran against Saddam?
Israeli support for Iran during the Iran–Iraq war - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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