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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

The subject was a Jaish al Islam tank column 500 km south of the Euphrates, in the Eastern Qalamoun desert. It had absolutely nothing to do with ISIS. But hey, Russians will continue to be Ignoramuses, no matter what I do :omghaha:

State a source in which the Russians bombed that bridge specifically because of a tank column. I am waiting but i will not hold my breath. Like i mentioned earlier destroying the bridge (which is in ISIS held territory) cuts your ISIS brothers into two and prevents reinforcements, supplies and retreat.

I dare you, to find me an entire FSA group that does not speak Syrian with Syrian dialect. Find me one. Or any other rebel group for that matter, that claims to be mostly Syrian. You can't, because the *vast majority* of fighters on all sides are Syrians, all sides have foreign fighters, but the sides with the most foreign fighters are SAA and ISIS.

Continue being an ignoramus, please, it amuses me. :)

I never mentioned anything about "entire groups". I very clearly stated that there are many foreign fighters in various "rebel" groups, this includes the FSA. I'm not even sure what you are trying to prove other then the fact that you have reading comprehension problems but i am understanding after all the IQ level from your part of the world is in the 70s to low 80s which is considered challenged.
One was martyred fighting daesh, the scum of of the earth, hated by any civilized human, and one died fighting Syrians seeking freedom. I am the one who's laughing at your stupidity for comparing them.
Sorry if I offended you but this black dog guy hate the shia and want them dead.
Before what happened in Syria back in 2013 he was cheering for them even after they burned al kasasbeh alive the reason they say daesh are terrorists because they killed Sunnis if they kill only shia they would cheer for them.
Al kasasbeh wasn't innocent he was helping to drop bombs on Syrians just like bashar,russian,and iran or what the gulf and Saudis do in Yemen.

What does 'Abbasakee Ya Zainaib' mean?
we are all your abbas zainab
They mean that they going to protect zainab shrine like Abbas(AS)protected his sister in Karbala
This is the time of the year where the annual monkey/chimpanzee chants, beatings and dances will take place. Quite fitting for the occasion. Where great Islamic figures are turned into idols. A bit like Christian processions and their "Saints". Respected Christian figures, even recent ones, are turned into "Saints".

You have the live "Christmas" music from the local Husseiniyas too. Imaginary "Hijazi Islamic practices" in other words. Instead of Coca Cola it's all about crying and mourning until the event is over and everything returns to normal.

This part of your post buddy...seriously not cool. Wouldn't you agree that if the Shiites want to have their own philosophy or whatever it is their right to do so?

I understand politically you're against the regime, viliyat-e-faqih, ayatollahs and what not but why bring personal belief into this? This part of your post reminded me of how the Salafis and Deobandis started belittling Barvelis because they celebrate the birthday of Mohammed....and that belittling eventually turned into fatwas of them being kafir and stuff.
This part of your post buddy...seriously not cool. Wouldn't you agree that if the Shiites want to have their own philosophy or whatever it is their right to do so?

I understand politically you're against the regime, viliyat-e-faqih, ayatollahs and what not but why bring personal belief into this? This part of your post reminded me of how the Salafis and Deobandis started belittling Barvelis because they celebrate the birthday of Mohammed....and that belittling eventually turned into fatwas of them being kafir and stuff.

I was placing baits in the water for Salman to eat, lol.

I agree, let them do what they want to do. I am not preventing them from doing what they are doing or attacking them physically. I have to state that some of their practices are absurd from a personal and theological point of view but that is all.

The most ironic thing is of course that after Muharram and the mourning period everything will return to normal and the great battle against "injustice" will be fought along the "just" Mullah regime of Iran and the even more "just" and "oppressed" Al-Assad regime. That's what I cannot take seriously.

In terms of personal experience, let me just say, that I find Shia Arabs to be extremely pleasant people by large. I have visited Shia mosques and Husseiniyas in KSA, GCC, numerous Arab countries and I also plan to one day visit Karbala and Najaf for the history and to pray there.

I don't know any other Shia communities enough to comment on them.

My post was a reaction to the Shia mercenaries displayed in Blackeagle's post so the context is important. I don't engage in any anti-Shia rants or anti-anyone unless I am talking with dolls on repeat who go "Wahhabi" this and imaginary "Wahhabi" that 24/7 on every Arab/Saudi Arabian topic.
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I have to state that some of their practices are absurd from a personal and theological point of view but that is all.

The most ironic thing is of course that after Muharram and the mourning period everything will return to normal

Sir absurdities are present in any given religion. For instance the stoning of the devil during the Hajj, or the act of running during Safva/Marva etc. They and many other rituals might be absurd to the eyes of a second or third party. Sunnis also turn very pious and God fearing during the month of Ramadan, and we all know what happens after the month ends.

I think you'll agree with me that we should stick to politics. Yes it is true that Iran uses Shiite Islam as a major political tool (that's vilayat-e-faqih in a nutshell) but in all fairness they're not the sole entity in doing so.

I was placing baits in the water for Salman to eat, lol.

They should stone you during the Hajj season next year....along with me :D

I have visited Shia mosques and Husseiniyas in KSA, GCC, numerous Arab countries and I also plan to one day visit Karbala and Najaf for the history and to pray there.

I don't know any other Shia communities enough to comment on them.

I have spent quite a time in Eastern Province, and a little known fact which is actually lost on the entire country of Saudi Arabia is that, contrary to the popular belief, the Qatifis, and more specifically the people from Awamiyah, have an utter disdain for Iranian regime because of Vilayat-e-Faqih. Majority of them are inclined towards Sistani who is anti-Vilayat as well (separation of church and state).

I'll tell you a secret based on my personal experience....we're all the same in the end. Literally no difference...all of us are stupid regardless of ethnicity, religion, sector, blood-type.

@Saif al-Arab
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Sir absurdities are present in any given religion. For instance the stoning of the devil during the Hajj, or the act of running during Safva/Marva etc. They and many other rituals might be absurd to the eyes of a second or third party. Sunnis also turn very pious and God fearing during the month of Ramadan, and we all know what happens after the month ends.

I think you'll agree with me that we should stick to politics. Yes it is true that Iran uses Shiite Islam as a major political tool (that's vilayat-e-faqih in a nutshell) but in all fairness they're not the sole entity in doing so.

I don't deny that. It depends on your personal views after all and convictions.

Actually the stoning of the "devil" is a well-established Islamic principle and it's not really that absurd as it is a mere symbolic action and part of the larger experience of Hajj. Same with Safva. There is an consensus about those two practices in all schools of Islam too.

Meanwhile certain recent Shia practices, that I won't mention here, since we are off-topic and it would cause controversies, are not only harmful for yourself but have nothing to do with Islamic traditions.

Anyway, as I wrote I was placing baits in the waters and moreover reaching to Blackeagle's post that I also quoted.

Ramadan is also an Islamic principle accepted by all Islamic sects.

The thing is that Shia's often use religious argumentation or the notion that they are always fighting against oppression and taking the side of the righteous. A lot of their doctrine is based on that following the First Fitna.

Also I can't think of anything in the ME/Arab/Muslim world currently which is more unjust and bloody in nature, aside from ISIS, than the very same Al-Assad regime that the only Shia theocracy in the world protects and hordes of young Shia volunteers from across the world arrive to "protect" along with the idea of them protecting a SHRINE (like that was ever important compared to actual human casualties) that is not even located in Damascus but CAIRO.

Regarding the use of religion etc., we agree. It's a dirty game and hence why I am not a big fan of "state clergies" or "career imams" as I call them.

They should stone you during the Hajj season next year....along with me :D

I could use a massage but I think that I will skip the stones this time around.:)

Time to call it a day, I have slept less than 5 hours in the past 48 hours (work, assignment, out of town and since that period numerous discussions on PDF after my break, lol)

Time to hit the bed otherwise I will miss all the football today. We can't have that. Celta de Vigo vs Real Madrid in less than 7 hours time.

Back to the Syrian conflict, may it soon end for the betterment of Syria, the Syrian people and region. Also damn our pathetic regimes especially the Arab ones for their inactive and cheap speeches in regards to Syria. I have only contempt for them nowadays. My limit has been reached. Gaddafi for all his lunatic (IMO) statements at times was right about the current Arab "leadership". Look what you made me do @Metanoia before I turn 25, @jamahir will have converted me to "Gaddafism" :lol:

Sir absurdities are present in any given religion. For instance the stoning of the devil during the Hajj, or the act of running during Safva/Marva etc. They and many other rituals might be absurd to the eyes of a second or third party. Sunnis also turn very pious and God fearing during the month of Ramadan, and we all know what happens after the month ends.

I think you'll agree with me that we should stick to politics. Yes it is true that Iran uses Shiite Islam as a major political tool (that's vilayat-e-faqih in a nutshell) but in all fairness they're not the sole entity in doing so.

They should stone you during the Hajj season next year....along with me :D

I have spent quite a time in Eastern Province, and a little known fact which is actually lost on the entire country of Saudi Arabia is that, contrary to the popular belief, the Qatifis, and more specifically the people from Awamiyah, have an utter disdain for Iranian regime because of Vilayat-e-Faqih. Majority of them are inclined towards Sistani who is anti-Vilayat as well (separation of church and state).

I'll tell you a secret based on my personal experience....we're all the same in the end. Literally no difference...all of us are stupid regardless of ethnicity, religion, sector, blood-type.

@Saif al-Arab

I know the prevalent opinion of Shia Arabs in KSA and the GCC. If all of those millions of people really wanted to attack their fellow citizens due to small religious differences, vice versa too, KSA/GCC would have been another Syria/Iraq decades ago. Of course it is not like that and Ali Husseini al-Sistani is still the dominant "Imam/Grand Ayatollah/Marjah" for Shia Twelvers worldwide. Thank God for the Shia community because if that was Khamenei they would be in trouble.

@SALMAN AL-FARSI I will delete my post since I understand if users cannot detect the humor and context. I will leave this discussion as I think that it is is important.
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Hahaha a person who worships Assad and Russia talking about democracy? Bahaha

Ceasefire in Syria Possible - Syrian Opposition Party Member

A member of a Syrian opposition party claims that Syrian President Bashar Assad’s willingness to cooperate with the armed opposition in the country in the anti-terror fight shows that a comprehensive peace agreement is possible in the country.

"It shows that there is a way for the Syrian Army and the combating opposition to sit around the table like what they currently do in different areas across Syria where they agreed on a ceasefire and to extend these local ceasefire agreements to comprehensive peace," Samir Aita of the Syrian Democratic Forum opposition party told Sputnik on Friday.

Read more: Ceasefire in Syria Possible - Syrian Opposition Party Member

dont think assad is leaving because he has come all this way already
Okay superboy. Then explain how there is no wake in the water even though the camera has high enough resolution to pick up small pieces of debris falling into the water; moreover, how is there a black plume of smoke if it hit the water? It's also very clear that the wind is blowing the smoke east, you keep telling people to put on glasses but it is you that clearly needs a pair of glasses.
Its river, so explosion rises clay and mud. Here underwater explosion rising black cloud:

In fact u can see that first smaller bomb which hit the bridge had no dark cloud.
Well small village of Rityan in Aleppo has more strategic value for example, because of Assadists capture it they will cut rebels to half.

Also if Palmyra was so important, Assad would send there some Halesh or Iranian mercenaries. But they left poor Sunni conscripts for slaughter.

I watch now battles in South Aleppo and in North Hama and I see from rebel side all Syrians and from Assadist side mercenary scum from all over the world.







More Aleppo:

Even for SANA video they could not find some Syrian infantry in Aleppo.

They have big numbers but absolutely impotent. When Assadists tried offensive in Aleppo in the beginning of 2015 with their own forces alone it ended in miserable failure although numbers they used was huge.

LOL, its like doll on hand asking for help.

The same way Israel would have been sent to history's trash can without U.S help till now, countries do receive help from their supporters.

There is no difference between a foreign terrorist and a domestic one, they both should be killed. There are thousands of Chechecn, Uzbek and other foreign terrorists fighting in Syria now. But it doesn't matter, they all should be killed, foreign terrorist or Syrian terrorists. There is a reason Russia doesn't differentiate between Jaish al-Fateh terrorists and ISIS terrorists, they are the same.
The same way Israel would have been sent to history's trash can without U.S help till now, countries do receive help from their supporters.
US started helping Israel only AFTER the Six Day war in 1967.

There is no difference between a foreign terrorist and a domestic one, they both should be killed. There are thousands of Chechecn, Uzbek and other foreign terrorists fighting in Syria now. But it doesn't matter, they all should be killed, foreign terrorist or Syrian terrorists. There is a reason Russia doesn't differentiate between Jaish al-Fateh terrorists and ISIS terrorists, they are the same.
Those few foreigners who fight for rebels are volunteers who come on INDIVIDUAL basis. Same happened during civil war in Spain for example when many volunteers came to fight for Commies.

On the other hand foreigners who fight for Assad are members of military organizations sent by STATES. So that is basically a foreign intervention into Syria.

As for calling people terrorists - Ayatulas and Assadists should be last to speak about terrorism.
US started helping Israel only AFTER the Six Day war in 1967.
If they had not sold Israel military tech, Israel would e in history trash can now.

Those few foreigners who fight for rebels are volunteers who come on INDIVIDUAL basis. Same happened during civil war in Spain for example when many volunteers came to fight for Commies.

On the other hand foreigners who fight for Assad are members of military organizations sent by STATES. So that is basically a foreign intervention into Syria.

As for calling people terrorists - Ayatulas and Assadists should be last to speak about terrorism.

No comparison here. If individual foreigners without consent of gov come to a country to fight, they are terrorists. But if the government itself asks for support, it's completely legitimate.
If they had not sold Israel military tech, Israel would e in history trash can now.
I already proved that its nonsense. US started help only AFTER Israel fully secured itself in 1967.

No comparison here. If individual foreigners without consent of gov come to a country to fight, they are terrorists. But if the government itself asks for support, it's completely legitimate.
No that's not definition of terrorist. Terrorist is someone who deliberately targets civilians for political purposes. Thats what Assadists are doing on daily basis.
No that's not definition of terrorist. Terrorist is someone who deliberately targets civilians for political purposes. Thats what Assadists are doing on daily basis.

In that case Israel is the mother of terrorism based on your logic considering 60 years of golden history in that field .
Terrorist is someone who deliberately targets civilians
I already proved that its nonsense. US started help only AFTER Israel fully secured itself in 1967.
In 1973 war, Israel would be fully destroyed if it was not for U.S help and equipment given to Israel.


SAA captures Turanjeh company (also known as 4th company) in Quentra, killing a very high ranking rebel commander in the process.


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Its river, so explosion rises clay and mud. Here underwater explosion rising black cloud:

In fact u can see that first smaller bomb which hit the bridge had no dark cloud.
Its river, so explosion rises clay and mud. Here underwater explosion rising black cloud:

In fact u can see that first smaller bomb which hit the bridge had no dark cloud.

I'm literally stunned at your stupidity. From your own video there is a shockwave in the water, yet in the video form the bridge the water is completely calm.

The funny thing is that there is zero proof that backs your original claim. As usual you are cheerleading for the terrorists while trying to do everything possible to discredit Russia. There is an explosion with the wind carrying the smoke westwards away from the bridge. Your genius conclusion: it was a miss.

US started helping Israel only AFTER the Six Day war in 1967.

Those few foreigners who fight for rebels are volunteers who come on INDIVIDUAL basis. Same happened during civil war in Spain for example when many volunteers came to fight for Commies.

"Few foreigners?" Try 15,000 (CIA estimate). As for volunteers, all foreigners such as Hezballah or Shia militias that fight for Syria are also volunteers.

On the other hand foreigners who fight for Assad are members of military organizations sent by STATES. So that is basically a foreign intervention into Syria.

There is a foreign intervention in Syria? Actually you are right. The US, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Israel, ect are interfering in a foreign country called Syria. What do you call foreigners that cross into Israel and attack the Israeli military? You would call these people terrorists yet when jihadists cross into Syria you are praising them.
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