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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

So according to our 'think-tank', cutting SAA's only supply route to largest city in Syria (Aleppo) doesn't have any strategic value, but attacking small villages north of Aleppo which don't have any actual importance is called a 'strategic' attack.

I think the more you go on with this, more embarrassment will come out of it. The 'rebels' and ISIS are basically the same in nature, just like how they were cooperating with each other before they started fighting over money and land. They are all the same scums.
U are not reading what i am saying.

In order to cut supply line you need to HOLD that checkpoint. But can lightly armed insurgents hold checkpoint in midst of desert vs armed to teeth army? - Obviously not. They are just sitting ducks there. So that attack has zero strategic value.

If that attack is true and not PR, the only thing they achieved is killing some soldiers, most probably poor drafted Sunnis.
Unconfirmed reports say the strategic town of Khan Tuman has been liberated by Syrian Army backed by Hezbollah , IRGC and Iraqi militias .

This can be a bad news for terrorists and their supporters .
U are not reading what i am saying.

In order to cut supply line you need to HOLD that checkpoint. But can lightly armed insurgents hold checkpoint in midst of desert vs armed to teeth army? - Obviously not. They are just sitting ducks there. So that attack has zero strategic value.

If that attack is true and not PR, the only thing they achieved is killing some soldiers, most probably poor drafted Sunnis.

You will bring excuses no matter what I say. Even when IS attacked Palmyra, they were apparently secretly 'cooperating' with SAA.

Unconfirmed reports say the strategic town of Khan Tuman has been liberated by Syrian Army backed by Hezbollah , IRGC and Iraqi militias .

This can be a bad news for terrorists and their supporters .

Not confirmed yet, but I think it will be a matter of when rather than if.


This moderate rebel commander was moderately killed today in South Aleppo:

Lets people judge.

Attacking "checkpoint" in the middle of desert has no any strategic value. OK u killed some soldiers (most probably some poor drafted Sunnis). What next? U cant hold checkpoint in middle of desert vs. Assad air force, thousands tanks and artillery. So zero influence even if its true.

North Aleppo on the other hand is arable dense populated area. This is strategic place where rebels can hold positions. And this is place where IS attacks rebels and does not attack Assadists.

Zionists could do everything through their wickedness and propaganda.

Even when ISIS was slaughtering hundreds of Syrian soldiers and Iraqi Shias, still zionist could prove that ISIS and Syrians and Iraqies are the best friends.

I told it earlier, it is a curse of god upon these Salafi Jihadists that they will slaughter their own people if they are not 100% living according to ISIS Sharia.
You will bring excuses no matter what I say.
You have nothing to counter my arguments.

Even when IS attacked Palmyra, they were apparently secretly 'cooperating' with SAA.
Palmyra had not military value for Assad either, but was good for propaganda.

If ISIS is that bad why Russia and Assad are bombing exclusively anti ISIS forces? Why Iranian officers and Halesh mercenaries are fighting rebels and not ISIS?

This moderate rebel commander was moderately killed today in South Aleppo:

Iranian mercenaries killed another Syrian, 22 million more to go.
I don't know why Russians don't test effects on phosphorus kab-1500 thrown on rats...
Conditions are perfect.
Iranian mercenaries killed another Syrian, 22 million more to go.

On the contrary, the majority of Syrians live in Alliance controlled places.


Alliance captured Jabboul and Judaydeh in eastern Aleppo province.

Alliance captured al-Amara and Tallit al-Mahdia in southern Aleppo province.

Alliance captured Kafr Belqas in southern Aleppo province.
Daesh militants suffered huge losses, fleeing to Turkey: Syrian general

A Syrian army general says government forces have dealt heavy blows to members of the Daesh terror group and other Takfiri outfits operating in the country, forcing the extremists to flee towards the Turkish border in search of refuge.

“Our armed forces are broadening their control in the regions of Jib al-Ahmar and Salma, and all the hills around Latakia [Province], killing more than 300 terrorists. Furthermore, they destroyed several vehicles armed with machine guns near Salma and Bradon dam,” said Syrian army spokesperson Ali Muaeeb during a press briefing in the capital, Damascus, on Thursday.

He added, “The successful operations of our armed forces, and the big losses in the lines of terrorist organizations have led to the collapse of the terrorists’ morale, and their escape in large numbers towards the Turkish border.”

Muaeeb further said Syrian army troopers, backed by Russian air force and fighters from the Kurdish People Protection Units, have made headway in over 30 villages across Syria as they continue their battles against foreign-backed militants.


Syrian government soldiers are seen in the eastern outskirts of the northwestern Syrian city of Aleppo, Syria, on October 21, 2015. (© AFP)

“Our armed forces [have] continued their military operations targeting terrorist organizations in different areas of the operation's territories,” he said.

The foreign-sponsored conflict in Syria, which flared in March 2011, has claimed the lives of more than 250,000 people and left over one million injured, according to the United Nations.

In recent weeks, Syrian armed forces have made a series of new gains in the fight against the Takfiri militants. Reports say large numbers of Daesh terrorists are abandoning the ranks of the extremist group amid the advances of government troops.

The Russian aerial campaign against the militants in Syria, which started in late September, has contributed to the Syrian army’s counter-terror military operations in several parts of the Arab country.

PressTV-Daesh fleeing to Turkey: Syrian general-
On the contrary, the majority of Syrians live in Alliance controlled places.


Alliance captured Jabboul and Judaydeh in eastern Aleppo province.

Alliance captured al-Amara and Tallit al-Mahdia in southern Aleppo province.

Alliance captured Kafr Belqas in southern Aleppo province.
They are still Syrians, unlike mercenaries who fight for Assad. Poor Assad cant capture even shitty Bedouin habitations in the middle of desert without Iranians and Hezies.
Conflict News ‏@Conflicts 6h6 hours ago
Russia, Jordan to coordinate actions on #Syria via Amman-based center, others invited - RT

Looks like Jordan is following Egypt's example, so safe to say Arab world has abandoned Syrians. Now its decision up to KSA plus Turkey. Turkey has problems at home with Kurds. KSA is on its own.
Jordan is not an independent state its US colony.

Regardless of who is fighting on the ground(we know majority and leading in current operations isn't SAA), they are effective.
Losing dozens of tanks and hundreds of troops in order to capture couple Bedouin tents is hardly effective strategy.
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