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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

in the whole middle east mongols destructed 1 time middle eas but they via turks ensured stability
crusaders destructed to middle east 1000 times but cahos is still going on as their ideology,military,exploitation natural sources etc
they are master in this jobs

I guess if u were contemporary to mongols you would never wanted to see even one of them.
104th Airborne in Dair al-Zor

Nafez Assad Allah Company of the 104th airborne brigade, of the Syrian Republican Guards lead by Commander General Issam Zaher al-Deen expanded its secured parameter around Dair al-Zor airbase and airport.

The military operation was to push back ISIS terrorists, and expanding the parameter around the airport.

The operation resulted in killing of number of ISIS terrorists and the capture of others.

Video of mostly the deployment, the battle videos were not released.

More than 650 killed in a month since the IS started its attack on Ein al-Arab”Kobane”
October 16, 2014

SOHR documented the death of 662, were killed since the IS started its attack on EIn al-Arab “Kobane” in the 16th of September this year to yesterday’s midnight 15/October/2014 .

the dead included 20 civilians, they are 17 civilians ( 2 of them were teenager ) were executed by the IS in Ein al-Arab countryside 4 of them were beheaded, in addition to 3 civilians killed by ISIS bombardment on areas in Ein al-Arab”Kobane ” which started in the 27th of September .

258 fighters from YPG and al-Asayesh , killed by ISIS bombardment and clashes against the IS in Ein al-Arab”Kobane” and its countryside, including a leader (female ) in the YPG, attacked ISIS grouping then detonated herself by the grouping , in addition to fighters were beheaded, 3 of them were females.

374 fighters from the IS killed by ambushes, targeting their vehicles, and clashes against the YPG around Ein al-Arab”Kobane and its countryside , including 4 detonated themselves in Mashtana Nour hill near the city and inside it.

9 fighters from rebel and Islamic battalions who are backing up the YPG in its fight against the IS, were killed during clashes against the IS in Ein al-Arab”Kobane” countryside.

a volunteer in YPG killed when he was carrying ammo in his car , after ISIS targeted him in a front in Ein’Al-Arab “kobane” .

We in SOHR believe that the real number of the dead is twice the number which SOHR could document , due to the extreme secrecy on casualties from both sides, in addition to the difficulties to access to many areas and villages , which witnessed clashes and bombings from both sides.

More than 650 killed in a month since the IS started its attack on Ein al-Arab”Kobane” | Syrian Observatory For Human Rights

we are turk mate lol
you have no connections to them. who said that to you? what do you look like?
like this?
Aleppo province: clashes took place between regime forces backed by allied gunmen against Islamic battalions around al-Rasoul al-A'zam mosque in Jam'ya al-Zahra neighborhood west of Aleppo, regime forces bombed with shells the turning of al-Wadihi-Abtin , warplanes raided Andan town, no reports of losses.

IS have arrested 11 people at least in Deir Ezzor
Reliable resources informed SOHR that IS carried out a raid on people’s houses in the town of Hatla yesterday night; information reported arresting of 11 people at least, including the mayor of the town.
IS have arrested 11 people at least in Deir Ezzor | Syrian Observatory For Human Rights
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Reliable resources informed SOHR that IS carried out a raid on people’s houses in the town of Hatla yesterday night; information reported arresting of 11 people at least, including the mayor of the town.
hatla was under ISIS control months ago. why should they carry raid on them?
army operation in saker huwaja has started fiercely. and maybe ISIS is afraid of people of hatla helping the army.
Situation in Ayn Al-Arab as 16 October 2014


Meanwhile Kurds launched an assault from Ras al-Ayn towards Tel Abyad. Kurdish sources claim initial victories showing photos of dead IS members.


Reports indicate that a brigade within Jaish al-Sham gave bayah to IS, and joined IS with their equipments.

Jaysh al-Sham - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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hatla was under ISIS control months ago. why should they carry raid on them?
army operation in saker huwaja has started fiercely. and maybe ISIS is afraid of people of hatla helping the army.
may be
Let me use the very very basic logic:

What is bad? Killing people
Who killed more innocent people or caused it? Saddam
Who is worse then? Saddam

You say 'Jihadists' are bad because they kill people, it's very true, they are the worst of scums, but they can't and won't reach the level of Saddam.

Actually ISIS is worse then Saddam for Iraq and all Iraqis including Shi'a except kurds as they're foreigners. ISIS have reached levels beyond him, Saddam didn't use all his power to destroy people in the country, ISIS uses all their power to destroy, if they had his power they'd use it. Right now there's a weak state with terrorists and militia's roaming around without any measures being taken to get rid of them, those militia's aren't even doing what they signed up for they're mainly avoiding the warzone and roaming around in the safe south playing vigilantes protesting US help which is beneficial to Iraq.

People dieing isn't that valuable in this region anyway, I'd like a return of someone like Saddam except one that is more intelligent etc. Not because I hate Shi'a or Iranians which I don't. Because a strong state is needed, something which won't come with democracy neither with religious idiots playing vigilante. I'm quite sure you will get the same opinion from other people from Iraq in this forum.

Don't look at it as an Iranian ( hatred against Saddam ), do you want daily bombings in your neighborhood or prefer dictatorial regime of Iran ? latter of course.
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Actually ISIS is worse then Saddam for Iraq and all Iraqis including Shi'a except kurds as they're foreigners. ISIS have reached levels beyond him, Saddam didn't use all his power to destroy people in the country, ISIS uses all their power to destroy, if they had his power they'd use it. Right now there's a weak state with terrorists and militia's roaming around without any measures being taken to get rid of them, those militia's aren't even doing what they signed up for they're mainly avoiding the warzone and roaming around in the safe south playing vigilantes protesting US help which is beneficial to Iraq.

People dieing isn't that valuable in this region anyway, I'd like a return of someone like Saddam except one that is more intelligent etc. Not because I hate Shi'a or Iranians which I don't. Because a strong state is needed, something which won't come with democracy neither with religious idiots playing vigilante. I'm quite sure you will get the same opinion from other people from Iraq in this forum.
Not just Iraqis, anyone who has common sense can understand this. Dictators like Saddam, Assad, Ghaddafi could be bad but they kept the lid of extremism closed. Once they are removed, their countries become a free-for-all for the all islamist maniacs around the world. I even have a Shia iraqi friend who doesn't like overthrowing Saddam. She says that at least in Saddam's time, country was safe and women had rights.
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