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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

and in Egypt affter kicking morsy out of power thousands of people were killed by army and new government. many more than the numbers u can imagine in the 2011 in homs and deraa. by the way halab was not involved in protests that time. it was more like a prepared plan fore syria.

My point being, Assad showed a weak resolve, couldn't contain his mess, didn't even know how to handle it, how to go after leadership instead of letting loose on the people and giving international media who is already against him would a chance to do a number on hum.

Atleast Supposed world was with Egyptian military when they did all of this !
Let me use the very very basic logic:

What is bad? Killing people
Who killed more innocent people or caused it? Saddam
Who is worse then? Saddam

You say 'Jihadists' are bad because they kill people, it's very true, they are the worst of scums, but they can't and won't reach the level of Saddam.

So US replaced One evil with another one. One evil was containing his rivals only within his country, while the other evil is trying to unleash demon in other countries as well as fighting his rival as . Which evil you would pick ?

Look at the big picture, Isn't whole region destabilized due to non-existence of saddam regime ?

Just like what is happening at libya !
Atleast Supposed world was with Egyptian military when they did all of this !
So among bad persons in ME Assad is at the end of the list. look in Turkey more than 30 people have been killed for Kobani protests. so Killing protestors is an excuse to overthrow Assad?

If they start something, we will kill them.
u r erasing the problem and not solving it then.
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So US replaced One evil with another one. One evil was containing his rivals only within his country, while the other evil is trying to unleash demon in other countries as well as fighting his rival as . Which evil you would pick ?
Although I do blame Saddam the maniac, but I am also no fan of U.S invasion of Iraq. They messed up big time, caused a lot of death and destruction and then left the country while there was a void in leadership, army etc.
It should be noted that Saddam never faced an inside threat like AQ or IS, since Kurds and Shias mainly never used acts of terrorism to fight his tyranny, like suicide bombings in public places, beheading, executions, etc. It would be a lot more different then.
So do among bad persons in ME Assad is at the end of the list. look in Turkey more than 30 people have been killed for Kobani protests. so Killing protestors is an excuse to overthrow Assad.

There is difference b/w killing discreetly and killing indiscriminately in politics. Never push for a boiling point, That's where random variables come in equation which you can't handle. Point being Egyptian and turkish killings. They kept it discreete. Under the radar !
So do among bad persons in ME Assad is at the end of the list. look in Turkey more than 30 people have been killed for Kobani protests. so Killing protestors is an excuse to overthrow Assad.

In Kobani protests are 37 people died. Most of them being from Kurdish PKK and Kurdish Hizbullah. They clashed and killed each other.So few people died because of attacking the army.

Other than that, protests in Turkey won't aid Kobani or overthrow Assad. Protestors just hurting their own poeple nothing more.

u r erasing the problem and not solving it then.
Mate, if YPG fire on us from their Syrian towns....they will be mince-meat. Nor ISIS neither YPG can carry their fight to Turkey.

Anyways, this is how i think.
since Kurds and Shias mainly never used acts of terrorism to fight his tyranny, like suicide bombings in public places, beheading, executions, etc.
I think the problem is in Sunni Islam teachings at least at present.
Although I do blame Saddam the maniac, but I am also no fan of U.S invasion of Iraq. They messed up big time, caused a lot of death and destruction and then left the country while there was a void in leadership, army etc.
It should be noted that Saddam never faced an inside threat like AQ or IS, since Kurds and Shias mainly never used acts of terrorism to fight his tyranny, like suicide bombings in public places, beheading, executions, etc. It would be a lot more different then.

Saddam and his family got what they deserved. Unnatural deaths and not a person to mourn for them. But like you said, in a multi ethnic, multi sectarian country, leaving a vacuum instead of filling it is worst thing to do. We Pakistani's have learned this the hard way when a similar vacuum was left unfilled by US after afghan war and AF-PAK region is as fked up as Iraq-Syrian region

I think the problem is in Sunni Islam teachings at least at present.

Look at what Shia Gangs are doing. Given the chance, they would do the same thing as ISIS or likes of it are doing
Mate, if YPG fire on us from their Syrian towns....they will be mince-meat. Nor ISIS neither YPG can carry their fight to Turkey.
Anyways, this is how i think.
Stalinistic ideas. how many Kurds support PKK in Turkey?

we never support independence kurdistan it is state policy but we have to accept atonomous ıraq kurdistan because just they give cheap oil islamic iran sell very espensive oil us
and u think Barzani stated autonomy? Don't u know the difference between autonomy and independence?

There is difference b/w killing discreetly and killing indiscriminately in politics. Never push for a boiling point, That's where random variables come in equation which you can't handle. Point being Egyptian and turkish killings. They kept it discreete. Under the radar
ooooo. Turkish killings ok. but for Egyptian one all the world turned a blind eye to that. much much worse than Assad.

do not neglect a point. I have an example for u. in Iran during Shah rein little people were killed in 1979 revolution but western media magnified that but after islamic revolution opposing people were slautered in thousands. but western media turned a blind eye to that. so all are plans,
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Stalinistic ideas. how many Kurds support PKK in Turkey?

and u think Barzani stated autonomy? Don't u know the difference between autonomy and independence?
america established autonomous kurdistan if they declare independince sate we will crush them for example no trade cut off electricity and water. etc. thats why they havent courage independence kurdistan until right now
Meanwhile in Deir al Zoor, SAA pushed back IS significantly in Saqer island, which will end their proximity to the airport.
I think the plan is to capture Al-Uthmaniyah and Saqer island which will cut IS access to outside of the city and put them under siege, then launch a large scale attack from the southwest or the areas in city that are under SAA control, hence blocking the IS from retreating or fleeing.


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