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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Actually ISIS is worse then Saddam for Iraq and all Iraqis including Shi'a except kurds as they're foreigners. ISIS have reached levels beyond him, Saddam didn't use all his power to destroy people in the country, ISIS uses all their power to destroy, if they had his power they'd use it. Right now there's a weak state with terrorists and militia's roaming around without any measures being taken to get rid of them, those militia's aren't even doing what they signed up for they're mainly avoiding the warzone and roaming around in the safe south playing vigilantes protesting US help which is beneficial to Iraq.

People dieing isn't that valuable in this region anyway, I'd like a return of someone like Saddam except one that is more intelligent etc. Not because I hate Shi'a or Iranians which I don't. Because a strong state is needed, something which won't come with democracy neither with religious idiots playing vigilante. I'm quite sure you will get the same opinion from other people from Iraq in this forum.

Don't look at it as an Iranian ( hatred against Saddam ), do you want daily bombings in your neighborhood or prefer dictatorial regime of Iran ? latter of course.

No mate don't get me wrong, I wasn't saying that AQ is better than Saddam in the context you mentioned here. You should not forget that with his stupid wars and mass killings, Saddam killed nearly one million Iraqis, this isn't any small number. Saddam's regime was supposed to be secular, but since it was Sunni dominated, hence Shias were the most affected community under his rule, so as Kurds. What kind of freak uses chemical weapon against his own people? (Before people mentioning Assad, I should add that it has not been proved and well documented), but Saddam's case was well proved.

No I don't like daily bombings in my neighborhood indeed, that's why I say the IS, AQ and their likes are worst devils on earth, but saying that Saddam was any better is not fair, he just used different means to kill people.
If ISIS situation escalates Obama will send troops anyway’
assad regime uses UR-77 Meteorit (mine cleaning vehicle)
The Islamic State militant group has been driven out of most of the northern Syrian town of Kobane, a Kurdish commander tells the BBC.
Baharin Kandal, who commands Kurds fighting in east Kobane, said in a phone interview with the BBC's Kasra Naji that she hoped the city would be liberated soon.
Ms Kandal said her militia group had been receiving arms, supplies and fighters but she refused to say how, our correspondent on the Turkish border near Kobane says.
BBC News - Islamic State 'being driven out of Syria's Kobane'

In the Jobar front, Damascus, there has been major advances by SAA in recent days and we can almost conclude that Jobar too is going to be liberated very soon. Today, many pictures came out which showed numerous dead bodies of IF militants in an area in Jobar. Some reports say that they were trying to infiltrate deep inside Jobar using a tunnel 12 m underground, their hideout was revealed to SAA and no one could get out alive.
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America arms the Lebanese army aka Hezbollah. Sunni deserters from Lebanese army bring weapons to IS.

America arms Shiite army of Iraq. They also lose weapons to IS.

America is major weapon supplier for IS.
Syria Army Retakes Village near Aleppo

The Syrian army captured a village in the countryside of Aleppo, marking the latest gain in a push to control the key city.
According to reports on Wednesday, the Syrian army troops took control of Kfar Najad village as they fight to cut the last supply route for the foreign-backed militants in Aleppo, press tv reported.

Reports said that the army managed to kill many terrorists in the operation.
America arms the Lebanese army aka Hezbollah. Sunni deserters from Lebanese army bring weapons to IS.

America arms Shiite army of Iraq. They also lose weapons to IS.

America is major weapon supplier for IS.
Says the guy whose country bombs Syrian army positions in favour of Al Nusra :lol:
There is seriously something very wrong in middle east.....I don't know what would they have been if they had not oil in their hands....and what will be their future after oil is finished in 50-80 years or so...

Even when they can control the world's economy using oil reserves they are still fighting like ancient semi barbarian people...They should know that time is running out of their hands....Once the oil is finished or some other alternative source is found ...the middle east will be nothing more than a waste land....just think about it.

Cold war is over now....and world is moving forward
There are no Iranians with ''Draisawy'' as surname.... especially a IRGC general.
ISIS, similar to its brother ikhwan, will not last long. Let the turks cheer for them a few weeks.
20 IS members killed around Ras al-Ain by PKK/YPG. SOHR + Video confirmed.

Al Hasakah Province: The regime forces launched a raid yesterday night on the neighborhood of Gweran in the southeast of the city of al Hasakah, information reported arresting of some people.

20 IS militants, including non- Syrian fighters, died due to an attack launched by YPF fighters in the western countryside of the city of Raas al Ayn. Information reported that YPG fighters could control Zankat Hill in the western countryside of the city. In the meantime, a car belongs to YPG roamed the street of Ras al Ayn lading IS bodies.

IS repelled SAA assault in Deir Ezzor by killing and beheading unknown number of SAA. Photos confirmed. Clashes ongoing appearantly.

Deir Ezzor Province: Reliable resources informed SOHR that IS fighters demanded from the people who live in the houses opposite to Hwayjet Sakar area on the outskirts of the city of Deir Ezzor to evict their houses due to the ongoing clashes between IS militants and the regime forces in the area of Hwayjet Sakar.

A man and a child from the town of Hatlah were killed due to the regime’s bombardment on the town yesterday.

The warplanes carried out a raid on the town of Hatlah and a raid on Hwayjet Sakar area.

Deir Ezzor Province: The warplanes carried out 5 raids on the neighborhoods of Knamat, al Jbeleh, al Orfi, Hwayjet Sakar and Masaken al Shohadaa in the city of Deir Ezzor.

The regime forces shelled areas on the eastern outskirts of al Hweqa neighborhood and other areas in the city of Deir Ezzor.

Violent clashes have erupted between IS militants and the regime forces in Hwayjet Sakar.

Source: SOHR
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