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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

I can show u Assadists beheading, but too graphic.

Iyad El-Baghdadi ‏@iyad_elbaghdadi 5h5 hours ago
Here's why this whole "Do you want Syria to become like Libya?" thing is stupid.

Wonder were you getting these numbers from and mr Iyad El-Bahgdadi is another supporter of the so called Rebels :pleasantry:
Prior elections in Iran all analysts predicted that some radicals are going to win, but Iranians chose most liberal one, because they were frustrated from sanctions. This shows that sanctions were very effective. There was no reason to rush (except that western companies wanted to make business with Iran). 5-10 years more and mullahs would bend.

As for Assad. Does any sane person believe that he will ever rule the entire Syria again? - Of course not. So why keep him?
people voted for roohani because of many reason. By the way do you know the people you call radical defeat themselves because they could not agree on one candidate and participated with 4 candidate against one candidate . while Mr. Aref wisely decided to step down in favore of Mr. Roohani and so the groups who were called reformist only had one candidate.

Russian involvement will not change a thing on the ground. All they are interested in is to escalate the conflict further to increase the price of oil as their economy is falling apart. That and divert attention from Ukraine.

Growing oil prices suits the GCC and Russian involvement gives the GCC/anti-Al-Assad regime camp an excuse to increase their support for the Syrian opposition.

Thus fasten the inevitable war of attrition that the Al-Assad regime has no chance of winning.

At top of that the Arab diaspora (biggest minority in Europe) in Europe has increased with millions and will increase with further millions in the not so distant future. Increasing the economic and political power of that group in Europe.

The Arab populations keep increasing very quickly so nearby (Europe) Lebensraum is needed.

What's not to like?
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