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Saudi Arabia: Sandwiched by jihadists in Iraq and Yemen

Saudi Arabia: Sandwiched by jihadists in Iraq and Yemen - BBC News

Along Saudi Arabia's long, lonely desert border with its northern neighbour Iraq, the Ministry of Interior guards have every reason to stay alert.

Isis, the well-armed and well-funded jihadist army that has seized control of most of western Iraq, is now effectively at the kingdom's doorstep.

Nearly half the 900km (560 mile) Saudi-Iraq border is with Iraq's Anbar province where The Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (Isis), now rebranded as simply "The Islamic State", is largely able to move its fighters around at will.

Saudi Arabia may not yet be directly in its sights but officials fear this is only a matter of time.

Isis backlash
question is how would the world react to China becoming involved?? especially Saudi Arabia and friends.

They can say they bomb ISIS. In reality they do not have to be limited to bombing ISIS. They can bomb any Islamists.
They can say they bomb ISIS. In reality they do not have to be limited to bombing ISIS. They can bomb any Islamists.

you are bombing them with your f/a-18 's , it's like israel's love bomb for iran on facebook ; why don't you instead use your b-2 and b-52 you used against iraq and saddam hussain's pro-christian regime back in 2003?
Are you really an American? Or are you an extreme leftist or one of those conspiracy nuts who believe that Jews control everything and since the House of Saud are apparently Jews, they are part of the established world order?

yeah, but I don't think Ultron is.

we created ISIS if not intentionally, but by our dumb foreign policy of training and arming "moderates" or "freedom fighters"

I am far from being a leftist.

not all Jews are bad, but you can't deny for such a small really small group of people they control the banks,media, and sovereign countries and their governments.

what is happening in Syria is in the best interest of Israel. the fall of President Assad would open up a free lane to attack Iran!! am I wrong?
only if you consider iraq to be part of iran , this ain't 2003 , everyone knows how israel can't do hit with their fleet of f-15 f-16 's and kafir / mirrage warplanes , heck even the egyptian airforce posses more formidable bombers than the israelis
yeah, but I don't think Ultron is.

we created ISIS if not intentionally, but by our dumb foreign policy of training and arming "moderates" or "freedom fighters"

I am far from being a leftist.

not all Jews are bad, but you can't deny for such a small really small group of people they control the banks,media, and sovereign countries and their governments.

what is happening in Syria is in the best interest of Israel. the fall of President Assad would open up a free lane to attack Iran!! am I wrong?

No, he is our old buddy @Superboy .

The predecessor group of modern-day ISIS was already present (although it was a totally irrelevant group whose rise to power nobody could have predicted) in Iraq and Jordan before the US invasion of Iraq.

Although it's obvious that the IMO unnecessary invasion of Iraq in 2003 helped it to emerge. I mean it was bound to attract people from Iraq and the wider region.

How is constant instability next door preferable for Israel? I get that they want to see a weak neighboring Arab world that does not cause a threat to them but don't you think that they would be in trouble should the impossible happen and ISIS creates a state composed of the Levant and Iraq and potentially other areas of the ME?

Which is something that should be praised as nobody can deny that Jews are very talented people or at least a lot of them have been or are.

Israel won't ever attack Iran or vice versa. In a lots of ways Israel and Iran share the same interests. Both want a weak and divided Arab world first and foremost.

Anyway what we know as ISIS (the modern-day form) was created among mainly Iraqi Sunni Arab prisoners in Camp Bucca. Al-Baghdadi himself was a prisoner in that camp.

Take a look. This is just one link that I quickly found. There is much more material. What is crucial here is that the few captured high level ISIS members have admitted to that being a fact.

US Camp Bucca in Iraq accidentally formed ISIS by housing jihadists together | Daily Mail Online
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Obama's drone warfare against the iSIL only represents the size of his willingness in dealing with michell obama , nothing more , nothing less
:rofl: snipers/scouts aren't suppose to be seen.

Not seen by the enemy. Shot through the heart. And you are to blame. :p:

Assad KSVK sniper


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