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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Hezbollah themselves are Islamists, just of the Shiite variety.

On a side note, there are quite a number of Christians in Hezbollah. I think a brigade size.

Hezbollah recruiting non-Shiites for ISIS fight: report | News , Lebanon News | THE DAILY STAR

This Hezzy guy on the left seems to be a Christian.


Some Hezzy guys having fun in Qalamoun. They have really crappy arms compared to Russian army.

Yup. lot's of Assadists.
Too bad they avoid that today and yesterday Assad bombed the same market in Aleppo (Sha'ar) and killed dozens of people (50+). And then @Serpentine has the guts to say that I am the one with the crocodile tears.
Well why are u surprised only certain deaths matter for rest u need a certificate, proof with pictures from sources that are acceptable or else they don't count.
I think its a good time for Chinese "if" they gonna go to Syria to test there new military hardware
They are far from being islamist. They look more nationalist to me.
If they were nationalists they'd name themselves 'Party of Lebanon' or 'Party of Syria' ('Party of Iran' is probably more accurate) instead of Party of God, or Hezbollah in Arabic.

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