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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

some new tweets

Leith Abou Fadel ‏@leithfadel 49 Min.Vor 49 Minuten
Syrian Army confiscates a large weapons supply in Jaroud Talfeeta. Several terrorists arrested by the SAA. #Qalamoun
4 Retweets 5 Favoriten

Leith Abou Fadel ‏@leithfadel 45 Min.Vor 45 Minuten
Inside Slunfeh (northeast Latakia): Iranian Revolutionary Guards man the checkpoints from the Abu Gabi Restaurant to the northern orchards.

Leith Abou Fadel ‏@leithfadel 42 Min.Vor 42 Minuten
Russian Marines in Safita. They have been reportedly traveling back and forth from the Houla Plains, directing NDF reinforcements.

Leith Abou Fadel ‏@leithfadel 40 Min.Vor 40 Minuten
Russian military advisors traveled to the T-4 Military Airport in east #Homs yesterday. Advisors overseeing the SAA's battle in Palmyra

Leith Abou Fadel ‏@leithfadel 29 Min.Vor 29 Minuten
Syrian Army and National Defense Forces capture the western hills in Jabal 'Azzan in southern #Aleppo - 16 Islamists killed.

Leith Abou Fadel ‏@leithfadel 25 Min.Vor 25 Minuten
I am told by a senior officer in the Syrian Air Defense that their airstrikes have never been so accurate. Satellite imagery helping a lot.

Leith Abou Fadel ‏@leithfadel 25 Min.Vor 25 Minuten
Rebel forces can no longer travel untouched around Syria. Russians tracking their movements and directing air traffic.

rebels, beware the eyes in space 8-) Russian Persona class recon satellites see you everywhere, all the time

No matter what you say about Assad, Syria was a prosperous and a stable nation compared to what it is surrounded by. Al Nusra are a bunch of fanatics, killers. They cannot govern or deliver basic services to the masses, they can only deliver war and bloodshed.
That's the point. Syria got to the point its at due to feckless Ba'athi leadership headed by Assad. The Ba'athi regime has proven it can provide a hell of a lot more war and bloodshed than basic services or even stability in the country. I don't believe that somehow all of world conspired against Syria to make it reach this point. It was the irresponsible leadership that kickstarted all of it with their brutality and injustice.

some new tweets

Leith Abou Fadel ‏@leithfadel 49 Min.Vor 49 Minuten
Syrian Army confiscates a large weapons supply in Jaroud Talfeeta. Several terrorists arrested by the SAA. #Qalamoun
4 Retweets 5 Favoriten

Leith Abou Fadel ‏@leithfadel 45 Min.Vor 45 Minuten
Inside Slunfeh (northeast Latakia): Iranian Revolutionary Guards man the checkpoints from the Abu Gabi Restaurant to the northern orchards.

Leith Abou Fadel ‏@leithfadel 42 Min.Vor 42 Minuten
Russian Marines in Safita. They have been reportedly traveling back and forth from the Houla Plains, directing NDF reinforcements.

Leith Abou Fadel ‏@leithfadel 40 Min.Vor 40 Minuten
Russian military advisors traveled to the T-4 Military Airport in east #Homs yesterday. Advisors overseeing the SAA's battle in Palmyra

Leith Abou Fadel ‏@leithfadel 29 Min.Vor 29 Minuten
Syrian Army and National Defense Forces capture the western hills in Jabal 'Azzan in southern #Aleppo - 16 Islamists killed.

Leith Abou Fadel ‏@leithfadel 25 Min.Vor 25 Minuten
I am told by a senior officer in the Syrian Air Defense that their airstrikes have never been so accurate. Satellite imagery helping a lot.

Leith Abou Fadel ‏@leithfadel 25 Min.Vor 25 Minuten
Rebel forces can no longer travel untouched around Syria. Russians tracking their movements and directing air traffic.

rebels, beware the eyes in space 8-) Russian Persona class recon satellites see you everywhere, all the time

Leith Abou Fadel lol
Not sure where from u have intel info, but i've seen Putin himself talking about Novorossia from Odessa to Kharkiv.

This is how Ukrainian tankers were training:

Before Assads came to power governments in Syria were changing every weekend and there was no problem. But Assad decided to stay in power at all cost, even literally drowning whole country in blood. So first it was revolution for better life and freedom, now its simply about removing bloody psychopath maniac.

Russia joined the party since the beginning. If you think Russians are going to fight in Idlib mountains, you are wrong and if u think that Russians are some kind of magic you are even more wrong.

You are right. Judging Jobar and Daraya performance Syria is far more than Chechnya.

I am talking about second Russian war Chechna which was in 2000-es. They lost 6000 soldiers in tiny country, destroyed it totally killing tens of thousands civilians and then paid billions of bribe to Chechen warlords which killed Russians.

See above.

As I said Russia performed very poorly in Chechnya. Why do u think that one Russian soldier in company talking pantomima language with Arabs around him will turn them into Rambos - I really dont know.

These are myth. In 1 million Chechnya there ere some 20 k active fighters.They were very poorly armed and mostly poorly trained as well.


Let's agree to disagree. Time will be a great judge.
I see number 500 got immense butthurt attack again? What happened now? :lol:

Not sure where from u have intel info, but i've seen Putin himself talking about Novorossia from Odessa to Kharkiv.

Yeah, and i have seen Putin himself talking about Palestine with the capital in Jerusalem. Go buy more pampers for worst case scenario :lol:
Jordan-backed tribesmen fighting ISIS

BEIRUT – An anti-regime tribal coalition that is financed by Amman and seeks to roll back the threat of ISIS in southern Syria has emerged in recent weeks, a pro-rebel outlet reported on Monday.

Dubai based Al-Aan TV published a report profiling the Collective of Free Southern Tribesmen, a newly re-named rebel conglomeration that is fighting ISIS in southern Syria’s Al-Lajat Plain.

The Collective on September 4 publicly announced that it was beginning an offensive against ISIS in Al-Lajat, which is located on the northeastern edge of the Daraa province near the Druze-populated Suweida region.

Originally called The Free Men of the South, 80% of the group’s fighters are from tribes in Suweida, Daraa, Quneitra and southern rural Damascus, according to the group’s spokesperson Mohammad Adnan.

Adnan told Al-Aan that the group now has 3,000 fighters, is led Syrian Army defectors, and is commanded inside Syrian by former Syrian Army officer Captain Hussam al-Karahisha.

“The Collective’s fighters are deployed in southern Syria and they are fully prepared to wage and direct the fiercest of battles against both the regime and ISIS.”

Coordinating with Jordan

The tribal group has publicly touted its ties with Jordan, with spokesperson Mohammad Adan going into details on the link.

“The Collective of Free Southern Tribesmen is coordinating with neighboring states, especially Jordan, to confront ISIS… in southern Syria,” Adnan said.

“[It] is funded by the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and businessman Sheikh Rakkan al-Khudeir.”

“The Collective’s fighters are deployed in the Al-Lajat area and along the eastern Syrian-Jordanian border,” he added.

“[It] coordinates and communicates with Free Syrian Army factions, [and] participates with them in joint operations rooms during battles.”

In March, Jordan announced that it was preparing to train tribesmen and Syrian rebels to battle ISIS and has since made a number of overtures to tribal groups in southern Syria.

On June 19, representatives of a number of tribal leaders in Syria officially rejected Jordan’s offer for support, however only a week later other tribal leaders voiced their acceptance of King Abdullah’s offer to arm and train tribal leaders.

British daily The Independent reported on July 8 that a group of tribal chiefs in Syria had formed a new “Coalition of Syrian Tribes and Clans” that had held secret meetings with the General John Allen, the US point-man for the international coalition’s campaign against ISIS.

Ongoing battle with ISIS

“The battle to uproot ISIS from the Al-Lajat area to the northeast of Daraa Province is ongoing,” the spokesperson for the Collective of Free Southern Tribesmen said in his Monday interview.

Al-Aan cited an official statement from the collective as saying that clashes are currently centered on the village Housh Hamad, “where ISIS has a strong presence.”

“The village’s surroundings have been cleansed but the ruggedness of area [coupled with] the group’s possession of modern weaponry and [the fact that] it is supported by regime warplanes has made the task difficult.”

“ISIS members are being pursued on foot without vehicles and with light to mid-range weaponry only.”

The battle is important because it opens the road to the regime’s Khalkhala Airbase as well as the road to the Syrian Desert and Deir Ezzor, Al-Aan added.

Btw, Jordan wasn't actively trying to recruit tribes back in March, rather it offered arming and funding to certain tribes if they requested it, and it seems like some did.
WASHINGTON: Russia has deployed 28 combat planes in Syria, U.S. officials said Monday, confirming the latest move in Moscow's increasing military presence in the war-torn nation.

"There are 28 fighter and bomber aircraft" at an airfield in the western Syrian province of Latakia, one of the officials told AFP, speaking on condition of anonymity.

A second official, also speaking on condition of anonymity, confirmed the figure, and added there were about 20 Russian combat and transport helicopters at the base.

That official also said Russia was operating drones over Syria, but did not give additional details.

Washington in recent weeks has expressed growing concern over Russia's increasing military presence in Syria to support President Bashar Assad.

The United States has warned that Russian military backing for the Syrian regime only risks sending more extremists to the war-torn country and could further hamper any effort at bringing peace.

Moscow, meanwhile, has been on a diplomatic push to get the coalition of Western and regional powers fighting ISIS to join forces with Assad against the jihadis.

U.S. Defense Secretary Ashton Carter spoke with his Russian counterpart Sergei Shoigu on Friday, ending an 18-month freeze in military relations triggered by NATO anger over Moscow's role in the Ukraine crisis.

They agreed to continue discussions, which are crucial to lessen the risk of incidents involving coalition forces and Russian forces operating in the same air space.

The U.S.-led coalition is carrying out almost daily strikes against the extremists in Syria.

looks like more figther jets have arrived :yahoo::yahoo::yahoo:
Russia involvement is better than nothing, but this should of happened a year ago.

Su-24M,Su-25, and Su-30SM are a game changer

along with the Mi-24, and hopefully Mi-28N, and UAVS these rats will be dead, or heading to Europe for asylum :rofl:
true it should have done a long time ago Russia should have been there but we have to think Russia didnot like to interfere in Syria affairs , all just wanted to finish through talk and peace it didnot work
there are reports from the war field that new toy are there in the air and accurate and precision
good i am happy that there is no safe place force for terrorist
with even air power and advice and navy power it will turn the tide again

i am not sure about the amount 4 Su30 SM 12 Su25 6 Su 24 and other mi28 mi24 and mi35
my question is who will fly this birds
Yeah baby. In 2013 Iraq and Lebanon entered the war. In 2015 Russia enters the war. Syria war is not a civil war.



true it should have done a long time ago Russia should have been there but we have to think Russia didnot like to interfere in Syria affairs , all just wanted to finish through talk and peace it didnot work
there are reports from the war field that new toy are there in the air and accurate and precision
good i am happy that there is no safe place force for terrorist
with even air power and advice and navy power it will turn the tide again

i am not sure about the amount 4 Su30 SM 12 Su25 6 Su 24 and other mi28 mi24 and mi35
my question is who will fly this birds

Russians fly them.

Russia involvement is better than nothing, but this should of happened a year ago.

Su-24M,Su-25, and Su-30SM are a game changer

along with the Mi-24, and hopefully Mi-28N, and UAVS these rats will be dead, or heading to Europe for asylum :rofl:

1 year ago Assad was winning so no intervention necessary. This year rebels captured Idlib so Russia intervenes.

Well God help your people, all you have left now is God. I was saying this from the beginning, and in the beginning it sounded annoying and exaggerated. I did this intent-fully, I was bashing, Iran(In sense that hostility with West doesn't exist), Arab nations(in sense that they don't actually support revolution) and US(In sense that they make false promises to give impression they side with rebels to damage rebels reputation). And now you see US-Russian coordination against rebels in Syria, pretty much they are fully isolated now with Arab approval. You guys(I'm sure you personally did)wouldn't believe me when a couple years ago I was telling everyone I guarantee you whole world will oppose opposition and won't allow them to win. All because of the Islamic banners(And I'm not too religious), the world has a mysterious bias.
+ Chechens, Uzbeks, Egyptians, Tunisians, Saudis, Turks, Palestinians and terrorists from 60 other nations.

Men on ground, ethnicity aren't important for me. I am looking at conflict from larger POV.
Men on ground, ethnicity aren't important for me. I am looking at conflict from larger POV.

The larger POV is that all assets will be used against Daesh and al qaeda. By next year you will see FSA break off from their alliance with extremists across the country. Once the grinding has stopped the remaining players will get on a table and come to some sort of agreement. Today is September 22nd 2015.
The larger POV is that all assets will be used against Daesh and al qaeda. By next year you will see FSA break off from their alliance with extremists across the country. Once the grinding has stopped the remaining players will get on a table and come to some sort of agreement. Today is September 22nd 2015.

Obviously you have bad reading comprehension, by 'larger POV' I am indicating on focusing on total military assets of both sides and not who individuals are. Majority in rebel side are Syrian, majority is also Syrian on regime side but not as large as rebel majority. As for IS, IS far east from the current 'Western' regime held state in Syria and doesn't pose a threat to it in short term. Nusra is one party in small portions of Idlib, what US thinks of them is irrelevant and doesn't scare anybody any. I don't support US war against Syrian rebels. Meanwhile, Syrian rebels all on their own going up against Iran, Russia, Western led coalition, Arab nations, etc....are managing quite well and still making advances. Men will not go down without fight, they aren't the type where you carpet bomb civilians in hopes of defeating men because you're a whuss. Russian, US, Irani, Shia soldiers are whusses cowards who simply have no gut to fight on ground and expect foreign air forces to do fighting for them. IS also recently shelled Baghad military airport which is shipping Iranian arms/Iraqi fighters to Assad. So bottomline, even with increased international assistance, Assad can't defeat motivated people.

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