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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)



FSA is US trained and armed. They sell out Palestinians to Israel. Hamas would never back FSA.
They are thousands of Syrian refugees in Iran . But it is not a surprise refugees choose Europe instead of Iran.

Like there is no surprise they cannot stay in a Turkey country which is not allowing them to work ...
the guys coming in Iran they are allowed to work. so don't give lessons . or allow them to work and then come back.
No. You r wrong.Turkey is the onnly country give Syrian refugees most freedom and rights of working...can openning shops without paying taxes..,.They r all receive more health service than a Turkish citizen have no health insurance..the living conditons of camps much more better than the ones in ME countries....

BTW, i dind know there were Syrian refugees in Iran too. How many refugees there ara and from where they went to in iran ??
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Why are you embarrassed to write it was a suicide bomber scumbag like their ISIS brethren? It's interesting you are ashamed of writing the word suicide bomber yet you support them.

They failed miserably in their first wave of attack, after using 8 huge suicide bomber khenzirs and shooting 500 rockets on 30,000 civilians of Fua'a.

Hopefully, they will hunt as many of them as possible, just as they have done till now, making Fua'a graveyard of khenzirs attacking it.
Funny how you complain about suicide bombers when Hezbollah and all your other little shia proxies did it and still do it all the time...
But this isn't a suicide bombing. They actually had it on remote control. 8 VBIEDs in total, 7 led by people (from Nusra) and 1 by led by Ahrar, through a remote.
30,000 civilians only? I thought it was 35,000. Maybe they said Ya Ali so much that they were teleported. :omghaha:
As for us failing:

FSA is US trained and armed. They sell out Palestinians to Israel. Hamas would never back FSA.
Vast majority of FSA is not US trained. The arms they get are not that much. We sold out Palestinians? Look at Yarmouk camp and then come back. And as those images clearly proved, Hamas does back FSA and the Syrian revolution.

Rebel MANPAD shooting doing the helicopter in Nayrab several days ago:
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Syria monitor: Insurgents killed 56 govt troops at captured air base - The Hindu

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said the mass killing at Abu al-Duhur air base happened a few days ago, citing sources on the ground
A group tracking the Syrian war said on Saturday that Islamist insurgents shot dead 56 members of Syrian government forces in a mass execution at an air base captured from the army earlier this month in north-western Syria.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said the mass killing at Abu al-Duhur air base happened a few days ago, citing sources on the ground. The air base in Idlib province was captured by an alliance of groups including the al-Qaeda-linked Nusra Front on Sept. 9.

"We confirmed it yesterday in the evening, via people who witnessed it, and via some pictures that arrived - the execution happened," Rami Abdulrahman, director of the Observatory, said, speaking by telephone.

The Observatory said the executions were carried out by the Nusra Front, the Turkistan Islamic Party, and other Islamist groups. The Turkistan Islamic Party is one of the groups fighting in north-western Syria, where it has claimed a role in several major insurgent advances this year.

When the air base fell to insurgents, Syrian state TV said the forces defending it had withdrawn after a two-year siege. It was the last position held by the Syrian military in Idlib province.

The Observatory said a total of 71 members of government forces had been executed at Abu al-Duhur air base since its capture.
Fri Sep 18, 2015 6:03pm EDT
Related: World, Syria
Rebels fire hundreds of rockets at Syrian Shi'ite villages: monitor| Reuters

Insurgents fired nearly 400 rockets at two Shi'ite villages in northwestern Syria on Friday and detonated at least nine car bombs, a monitor said, in a new assault on besieged government-held areas.

An alliance of insurgent groups, including al-Qaeda's al-Nusra Front, attacked al-Foua and Kefraya in Idlib province, an area bordering Turkey that is mostly held by insurgents after rebel advances this year, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said.

Thousands of civilians have been living under siege in the two villages, which are still held by government forces.

Fierce clashes raged between the government forces and insurgents of the "Army of Conquest", a coalition of groups that includes Nusra Front and the powerful Ahrar al-Sham, the Observatory said. Seven of the nine car bombs were suicide attacks, it added.

At least 17 fighters were killed in clashes, separate from the suicide attacks, the Observatory said.

Syrian state TV said forces on the government side had prevented several car bombs from reaching their targets and destroyed them, also killing rebel fighters.

Warring sides agreed to a brief ceasefire last month in the two villages and in Zabadani, a rebel-held town near the Lebanese border under siege by government forces and the Lebanese Shi'ite group Hezbollah, an ally of Damascus.

But the two-day ceasefire, the second that month, collapsed before the wounded could be evacuated from either area.

Government forces have since intensified their assault on Zabadani and say they are on the verge of seizing the town.

(Reporting by John Davison; Editing by Kevin Liffey, Toni Reinhold)
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