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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

We should along with other GCC states and most Arab countries continue to support the Future Movement and the Christians. Including all anti-Hezbollah Shia's which are actually quite a lot and whose voices are silenced by the Hezbollah propaganda.

These guys are really fickle. One day they're supporting Hezbollat blindly, the other the Future movement. Do they even have political agendas for Lebanon or at least a clear vision?

Speaking about the Arab Jews living across the Arab world. I was, am and always will be against those policies that forced them out. They had nothing to do with the conflict in Israel/Palestine or Zionism and were good citizens of their countries and those few who remain are that to this day despite hardships. I don't like what was done to them but I know that most have no interest in going back to Yemen, Morocco, Libya, Iraq etc. and I don't blame them given their history, the current state of their ancestral lands and the fact that Israel is a developed country.

A lot of faults have been committed by people in the ME and nobody is a saint, neither the Jews. So that's why I am saying that we should try to move on. At least I would like for us Arabs to do that. I can't speak in the name of others and they are free to do what they want to do. We have many problems right now that need to be solved so we can reach and fulfill our enormous potential and move forward. That can be done while retaining our proud culture and religion etc. More flexibility and less dogmatism would not hurt though and of course political and social changes that would enable the common man and WOMAN to have a bigger say.

Yet as I told I see a big potential and much progress at least in the GCC but also elsewhere that have bigger hardships than the GCC.

Now, we better return to the topic.
Michel Aoun, who seeks Hezbollah’s backing for a number of reasons—supporting his own election to the presidency as well as the nomination of his son-in-law, Chamel Roukoz, as army commander—endorses the scheme. That’s not surprising. Aoun was a master at pushing the military into divisive conflicts that led to its ruin. His dismal record alone should persuade the government to ignore his advice.

The only thing Aoun is a master of is not tripping on his own stupidity. I've literally never seen a human with a less mental capacity than this guy. I've known 7 year olds who make more sense than him. I wish I can find some translated speeches or debates starring Aoun. People are really missing out.
These guys are really fickle. One day they're supporting Hezbollat blindly, the other the Future movement. Do they even have political agendas for Lebanon or at least a clear vision?

I don't know really as I have not followed Lebanese politics closely for a long time but I know that Arab Christians by large are great people and that they should be taken as allies rather than enemies as they should have and probably do not have any interest living under a Hezbollah governed Lebanon. From what I know about the Sunni Arab community in Lebanon and the Christians have OK ties with each other people to people.

Anyway I let @Halimi comment on that should he log on.
When that is dealt with I am open for cooperation with Israel. After all we are neighbors and might as well cooperate instead of being hostile.
The king himself was open to normalizing the relationship with Israel, but only after they abide by UN's resolutions (as should any other country) especially that they involve an integral part of our people.

I don't know really as I have not followed Lebanese politics closely for a long time but I know that Arab Christians by large are great people and that they should be taken as allies rather than enemies as they should have and probably do not have any interest living under a Hezbollah governed Lebanon. From what I know about the Sunni Arab community in Lebanon and the Christians have OK ties with each other people to people.

Anyway I let @Halimi comment on that should he log on.

Sorry don't misunderstand me, I know that they are a great people and all, and I have Lebanese christian friends so I know from experience. I just meant their religious and political leadership.
The only thing Aoun is a master of is not tripping on his own stupidity. I've literally never seen a human with a less mental capacity than this guy. I've known 7 year olds who make more sense than him. I wish I can find some translated speeches or debates starring Aoun. People are really missing out.


He is hilarious.

Nothing beats alMayadeen when we speak about Lebanon. I get my weekly laughs from those fools. It's just amazing.:lol: Arab channels are hilarious, you gotta love it.

I rather watch Wesal TV 24/7 than listen to them.

In memory of brother Rakan.

البث المباشر لقناة وصال الفضائية

The king himself was open to normalizing the relationship with Israel, but only after they abide by UN's resolutions (as should any other country) especially that they involve an integral part of our people.

Sorry don't misunderstand me, I know that they are a great people and all, and I have Lebanese christian friends so I know from experience. I just meant their religious and political leadership.

That's because they like other vulnerable minorities in the Arab world/MENA/Muslim world are betting on more horses at once and always try to ally themselves with the stronger party or at least the party (ies) that they perceive as being the strongest. In reality a Christian Arab obviously has zero interest in living under a Hezbollah ruled Lebanon. The only thing they share with ALL LEBANESE and most Arabs is their opposition to the Israeli regime.

Sunni Arabs (the rulers of Lebanon historically and the rich class) and Arab Christians in Lebanon were historically almost always allied. Druze too.
Nothing beats alMayadeen when we speak about Lebanon. I get my weekly laughs from those fools. It's just amazing.:lol:
You know what I like most about those channels? they're really so hate filled and delusional that they have caused most of the demoralization that happened to their followers. Since they're always undermining their oppositions' power and influence, so whenever they suffer a huge setback, it's always a spectacle to see. Keep up the good work "resistance" axis :)

Or take one of the most famous Lebanese rulers in recent history, Bashir Shihab II.

Bashir Shihab II - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Notice the badass bread and fur he is wearing.:lol:

real life dwarf? o_O cool
You know what I like most about those channels? they're really so hate filled and delusional that they have caused most of the demoralization that happened to their followers. Since they're always undermining their oppositions' power and influence, so whenever they suffer a huge setback, it's always a spectacle to see. Keep up the good work "resistance" axis :)

Indeed. It's hilarious. I love trolling on Arab comment sections when that happens.:lol: Youtube too is a goldmine for hilarious comments.

This below was also epic real life trolling.

Actually another thing that many don't know about @azzo

Most of the leading Druze and Maronite (Christian sect) families are converts from Sunni Islam and belong to ancient Arab tribes, some tracing their ancestry to the Lakhmids.

For instance the leading family of the Druze. (Arslan) (Emirs)

Lakhmids - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And the leading families of the Maronite.

Or take one of the most famous Lebanese rulers in recent history, Bashir Shihab II.

Bashir Shihab II - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Notice the badass beard and fur he is wearing.:lol: Such old paintings are legendary. Would love to collect them.

You know what I like most about those channels? they're really so hate filled and delusional that they have caused most of the demoralization that happened to their followers. Since they're always undermining their oppositions' power and influence, so whenever they suffer a huge setback, it's always a spectacle to see. Keep up the good work "resistance" axis :)

real life dwarf? o_O cool

Dwarf? That's just the badass beard man. If he lived today he would win those "beard championships" each year.:lol:

Also he was part of the Chehab family who trace their ancestry to the ancient and noble Banu Makhzum clan of the Quraysh. Hijaz for the win baby!

Same story with many Christians in Jordan, Syria and Palestine. Just like whole tribes and clans in Arabia were Christian once. In fact one of the oldest Christian communities and churches too existed/were built in KSA.

Chehab family - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

More reason to work with the Christians of Lebanon against Hezbollat.
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Nothing beats Saudi official channel's report on Hasan "zumaira" Nasrullat though :lol: Especially since they're known to be poised and "regal".

I lost it at "Sayyed Al mumat3ah" ROFL​
Nothing beats Saudi official channel's report on Hasan "zumaira" Nasrullat though :lol: Especially since they're known to be poised and "regal".

I lost it at "Sayyed Al mumat3ah" ROFL​

Just stop or I will spill my Coffee Arabic all over my laptop.:lol:

Just notice the tone of the clown. It's like a fucking funeral man.:lol: Reminds me of the Mullah's in Iran and their tone. Imagine what will happen once Al-Assad gets killed or once his regime will be removed. I am fearing collective seppukus on live tv.:lol:

Those creatures live on another planet. Their "resistance axis" fairytales have poisoned their brains. Sanity cannot be expected from them. The constant anti-Western barking is unbearable too.

Nothing beats Saudi official channel's report on Hasan "zumaira" Nasrullat though :lol: Especially since they're known to be poised and "regal".

I lost it at "Sayyed Al mumat3ah" ROFL​

LOL, I was still commenting on that other video you posted. Now it makes more sense! Will watch that video. Already the "still photo" and thread title are giving me big expectations of a good long laugh.:lol:
Just stop or I will spill my Coffee Arabic all over my laptop.:lol:

Just notice the tone of the clown. It's like a fucking funeral man.:lol: Those creatures live on another planet. Their "resistance axis" fairytales have poisoned their brains. Sanity cannot be expected from them. The constant anti-Western barking is unbearable too.

Yeah, I feel sorry for him. But it's still amazing that such a guy, with immense ignorance about the regional power balance, hold a high position in the Iraqi government.

LOL, I was still commenting on that other video you posted. Now it makes more sense! Will watch that video. Already the "still photo" and thread title are giving me big expectations of a good long laugh.:lol:

Lol sorry, I put the wrong video.
First i became so sad on what was happening in syria why people are fighting each other and destroying such a beautiful nation with such rich history.
But now after reading so many bolgs and articles. Reading both sides of stories claiming
"Child murderer Assad"
and "Alqaeda cur throat Terrorists".
Syrians and Iraqis are pathetic.
Yes as a nation. There may be good guys sensible guys yes.
But the people i see on blogs.
Wufffff So much hatered for each other.
Man we have fought three wars with indians but tell you even we Pakistanis and Indians dont hate each other like that you syrian and Iraqis hate your own counteymen.
For god sake take some sense and unite.
You are becoming pathetic laughing stock for destroying your own homeland like barbaric savages (Both sides)
First i became so sad on what was happening in syria why people are fighting each other and destroying such a beautiful nation with such rich history.
But now after reading so many bolgs and articles. Reading both sides of stories claiming
"Child murderer Assad"
and "Alqaeda cur throat Terrorists".
Syrians and Iraqis are pathetic.
Yes as a nation. There may be good guys sensible guys yes.
But the people i see on blogs.
Wufffff So much hatered for each other.
Man we have fought three wars with indians but tell you even we Pakistanis and Indians dont hate each other like that you syrian and Iraqis hate your own counteymen.
For god sake take some sense and unite.
You are becoming pathetic laughing stock for destroying your own homeland like barbaric savages (Both sides)
The fall of the artificial borders is inevitable. The inhabitants of Syria/Iraq could never identify with any of these countries, and the leaders of these countries couldnt do some decent nation-building. Why would a Sunni from Iraq fight to save the country that discriminates them? (same goes for the Kurds )
The fall of the artificial borders is inevitable. The inhabitants of Syria/Iraq could never identify with any of these countries, and the leaders of these countries couldnt do some decent nation-building. Why would a Sunni from Iraq fight to save the country that discriminates them? (same goes for the Kurds )

Sure, true to some extent, but Arabs don't even think in terms of sect or nation. They think in terms of TRIBES. Aside from that, who the F just thinks a Sunni Iraqi and a Syrian Iraqi are going to kiss and become family? They differ.
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