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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Anyone with half a brain knows Saudi Arabia does not use Soviet caliber ammo. They didn't buy those for themselves.

In fact, this article says the crate was found in a terrorist base in Aleppo.

Lugansk Cartridge Works | The Rogue Adventurer
They use the AK-103, which uses 7.62x39mm. And they have plenty of older AK variants in reserves. And while they did send us ammo and weapons, regime was sent ammo, weapons, fighters, logistics, intelligence, money, etc.
And you're sitting there whining.
Stop arguing with the troll.
Anyways, from what Ahrar al Sham said, they and other rebels groups learned how to build tunnels through the help of Qassam brigades. I think this will make you very happy @Falcon29.
And to you Iranian trolls, Qassam actually attacks Israel, unlike Hezbollah who attack them once a decade at most. Hezbollah are only good at attacking defenseless tourists. And Qassam support the revolution. There goes your little "axis of resistance."

Regime using children as soldiers:

"The brave honorary hero Muhammad Mahmoud Ali."

When did they say that? I read the report on 'Arab21', I don't think thats a reliable site. And I doubt rebels would spill such information. It would anger Israel and the West. Rebels are learning many things and gaining experience. Regarding Hamas aiding them, that doesn't need to be discussed. Not because Iran, ties with Iran are done forever. But Iranians will take credit for Hamas's work for next 100 years. So don't bother discussing with them. When Syria is liberated though, cooperation should occur and become public. Rebels can produce missile arsenal with help of Hamas, they(rebels) have many smart people and would start their programs. Expect them to be isolated from international community, so they won't be able to form air force , navy, etc....They will become guerilla specialists in my opinion.
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Stop arguing with the troll.
Anyways, from what Ahrar al Sham said, they and other rebels groups learned how to build tunnels through the help of Qassam brigades. I think this will make you very happy @Falcon29.
And to you Iranian trolls, Qassam actually attacks Israel, unlike Hezbollah who attack them once a decade at most. Hezbollah are only good at attacking defenseless tourists. And Qassam support the revolution. There goes your little "axis of resistance."

Regime using children as soldiers:

"The brave honorary hero Muhammad Mahmoud Ali."

Speaking of child soldiers, I believe the Mullah's in Iran will order a new Shia baby boom just like the Iran baby boom in Iran-Iraq war:

From Baby Boom to Baby Shortage | The Iran Primer
"The origin of the problem dates to the 1979 revolution. Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini called on women to produce a new Islamic generation for both cultural and security reasons. Khomeini wanted to create a paramilitary force of 20 million religious volunteers to protect Iran from foreign influence. Over the next decade, a baby boom almost doubled the population from 34 to 62 million."

Why does Iran have such a young population?
"When the Iranian monarchy was overthrown in 1979, the leaders of the new Islamic republic drew attention to a tenet of the Quran that encourages early marriage and large families. Population growth became part of the national agenda, with incentives to reward families for each additional child. Everything from TVs to cars to food was distributed on a per capita basis through a rationing system, making it advantageous to have many children. These incentives remained in place through the 1980-88 Iran-Iraq War, when population growth was viewed as a strategic advantage: more children, more future soldiers."
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When did they say that? I read the report on 'Arab21', I don't think thats a reliable site. And I doubt rebels would spill such information. It would anger Israel and the West. Rebels are learning many things and gaining experience. Regarding Hamas aiding them, that doesn't need to be discussed. Not because Iran, ties with Iran are done forever. But Iranians will take credit for Hamas's work for next 100 years. So don't bother discussing with them. When Syria is liberated though, cooperation should occur and become public. Rebels can produce missile arsenal with help of Hamas, they(rebels) have many smart people and would start their programs. Expect them to be isolated from international community, so they won't be able to form air force , navy, etc....They will become guerilla specialists in my opinion.
Ahrar al Sham said that, won't anger anyone in the West, they don't get vetted by them. Not necessarily. West wants "secularists" in power (have fun finding a large portion of secularists. If a vote were to take place in Syria, most would support a Sharia-based constitution.) We won't have to look far for weapons, Ukraine, Turkey, and our own minds will provide us with weapons. I say Ukraine because they sell to anyone that has money, and Turkey because we will have a close relationship with them defiantly. Both can provide very advanced weaponry. Europe also really doesn't care about Hamas much.

Your post about Russian troops in Armenia ....well look at this:

Makhul said that the Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم said: " The Turks (Russians) will make two invasions: one of them will be in which they will devastate Azerbaijan, and in the second one, they will reach to the shore of the Euphrates (river)." (Nuaim bin Hammad's book Kitab Al-Fitan)


Your post about Russian troops in Armenia ....well look at this:

Makhul said that the Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم said: " The Turks (Russians) will make two invasions: one of them will be in which they will devastate Azerbaijan, and in the second one, they will reach to the shore of the Euphrates (river)." (Nuaim bin Hammad's book Kitab Al-Fitan)

Russians are not the Turks. By Turks he meant mongols.
Mongols invaded and devastated Azerbaijan, along with the Caucuses region, as well as Russia. (And formed the Golden Horde Khanate, which accepted Islam at around ~1300)
The Mongols also reached Baghdad and burned the entire city down. They also threw all the books in the library into the Euphrates, and it was said that the river's color turned black for several days due to the ink. (Eventually they adopted Islam and became the Ilkhanate.)
If you ever need history, I'm always here :) (as long as there aren't exams.)
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Russians are not the Turks. By Turks he meant mongols.
Mongols invaded and devastated Azerbaijan, along with the Caucuses region, as well as Russia. (And formed the Golden Horde Khanate, which accepted Islam at around ~1300)
The Mongols also reached Baghdad and burned the entire city down. They also threw all the books in the library into the Euphrates, and it was said that the river's color turned black for several days due to the ink. (Eventually they adopted Islam and became the Ilkhanate.)
If you ever need history, I'm always here :) (as long as there aren't exams.)

So it already happened, shame on me for not reading up well. :D
Define 'sectarian'. I consider any ME country arming terror groups in Syria much more sectarian, because they claim to arm 'Sunnis'. Same as Yemen, they have attacked it because Houthis are not Sunnis, you hate them because they are not Sunnis, you bash Iran because it's not Sunni, stop this 'sectarian' tactic, it doesn't work anymore. If it was about being sectarian, people like you and countries that I mentioned are the most sectarian counties on earth. Meanwhile Iran doesn't have any problems to give arms to Sunni groups who ask for it, like Hamas.
U assume too much my little friend, oh the innocent huttis and the innocent iranians, and the innocent this and the innocent that. Again u try to shift the argument to a different direction to hide ur hypocrisy. U want me to define sectarianism.
Sectarianism is when u have ur own terrorist flag, and yet take it a step further with the other flags, and yet u with ur face and rotten mouth, point fingers at others.

And for iran supplying Hamas, well we also saw how u guys called for their heads when they didnt agree with u. U dont do it out of love for Sunnis, u just do it to make everyone's life miserable.

Hezbollah is continuing to kick Nusra's arse in Qalamun, every single day, they are capturing more areas in Qalamun mountains from Nusra vermin.

i long for the day i plant the green flag near the kaabah.
what green flag?
Just for ur info KSA flag is Green

Same as Yemen, they have attacked it because Houthis are not Sunnis, you hate them because they are not Sunnis

Houthis lived in peace until iran just like satan whispered in there ears n now they burn and satan laughs.

every killed assad soldier means one saved russian soldier from jihadi attacks.

in fact russia and USA have a secret agreement over syria.

just for your information.

previously u said this is all done by illuminates......?

how is a dead/alive assad solder beneficial to russia?

Best syrian tank explosion yet.....u can clearly see turret flying.

They use the AK-103, which uses 7.62x39mm. And they have plenty of older AK variants in reserves. And while they did send us ammo and weapons, regime was sent ammo, weapons, fighters, logistics, intelligence, money, etc.
And you're sitting there whining.
again your attitude and non sense is showing very much who is your master
So what's going on with the Hezzies in Qalamoun? I see a lot of their fanboys calling it a great victory etc

What's the real story?
After Sukhnah, Assad regime is about to lose Palmyra, ancient Roman city in the Homs Province.

Half of the city has fallen and many regime soldiers fled from the battlefield.

Assad will flee to moscow. We will give him ayslum.

mark my words. i know everything. Russia is reliable partner for everyone.

do not believe US/illuminati propaganda about Russia.

Even new chechen leader is pro Russia. We have deal. We give him supplies and he gives as good troops to fight imperialistic enemy.
wonderful... drug addicts burning cigarettes.

they are too religious hard to believe they are drug addict.

by "green flag", i meant the simple ( and revolutionary ) jamahiriya flag... see my profile-picture.

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