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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Nope, the 40 killed were from us. Whenever Hezbollah gets its *** kicked by rebels they whine and say "Israeli did it!"

This was my assumption as well. Israeli sources declined to comment. And assigning it to Israel is pathetic, so you got commander killed and 39 other members and we know they won't do shit about it because they're busy advancing Iran's agenda all over Arab world and trying to smuggle explosives from Bahrain into Saudi Arabia to kill Saudis.

He's trying to say Palestinians should worship Iran because Iran said so.

Well said. :lol:

He greatly exaggerates Iran's role in Palestinian arena. Before this when it suits him he says Palestinian movements will suffer and all Palestinians will cease to exist as we ended support to them. But now to justify themselves in Arab world(Because they have no other way to) he will make it appear as if Iran has huge hand in Palestinian armed movements. Which isn't true as he has no idea where most of weapons come from or that they're made by Palestinians. Or that his government cut ties or downgraded them with the biggest armed movement in Palestine. This is getting pathetic and annoying. I never understood why Saudi's hated Iranians so much early on when I first joined forum. Actually I used to argue with Saudi's over it. Now that I spent some time to see what Iranians are really about I realized they don't give a shit about Muslims or Islam and just do everything to advance their national interests.

Look at Yemen, they encouraged Houthi's to prepare to engage Saudi Arabia. Now Houthi's are getting hit hard but also Shia populated cities in Yemen are. Yet Iran won't intervene at all even though they claim to be protectors of Shias. ALl while they keep flooding SHias with religious propaganda that if they attack Arab Sunnis and destroy Saudi Arabia it will hasten Mahdi's arrival. ANd that all Shias should contribute to that but of course except the liberal Iranians or any Iranian citizen. These poor non-Iranian Shias are risking their lives because Iran is fooling them into assisting its political agenda in region. Arab states need to find a way to engage with them and pull them away from Iran because this is getting too far.
This was my assumption as well. Israeli sources declined to comment. And assigning it to Israel is pathetic, so you got commander killed and 39 other members and we know they won't do shit about it because they're busy advancing Iran's agenda all over Arab world and trying to smuggle explosives from Bahrain into Saudi Arabia to kill Saudis.

Well said. :lol:

He greatly exaggerates Iran's role in Palestinian arena. Before this when it suits him he says Palestinian movements will suffer and all Palestinians will cease to exist as we ended support to them. But now to justify themselves in Arab world(Because they have no other way to) he will make it appear as if Iran has huge hand in Palestinian armed movements. Which isn't true as he has no idea where most of weapons come from or that they're made by Palestinians. Or that his government cut ties or downgraded them with the biggest armed movement in Palestine. This is getting pathetic and annoying. I never understood why Saudi's hated Iranians so much early on when I first joined forum. Actually I used to argue with Saudi's over it. Now that I spent some time to see what Iranians are really about I realized they don't give a shit about Muslims or Islam and just do everything to advance their national interests.

Look at Yemen, they encouraged Houthi's to prepare to engage Saudi Arabia. Now Houthi's are getting hit hard but also Shia populated cities in Yemen are. Yet Iran won't intervene at all even though they claim to be protectors of Shias. ALl while they keep flooding SHias with religious propaganda that if they attack Arab Sunnis and destroy Saudi Arabia it will hasten Mahdi's arrival. ANd that all Shias should contribute to that but of course except the liberal Iranians or any Iranian citizen. These poor non-Iranian Shias are risking their lives because Iran is fooling them into assisting its political agenda in region. Arab states need to find a way to engage with them and pull them away from Iran because this is getting too far.
There isn't a way you can really dialogue with Shias. They have an inherent hate towards Sunnis, I'm not saying it's impossible, I'm just saying it's hard. They always want their way, and they would rather stick to Iran even though Iran is f*cking them over rather than just stop the hatred. And modern day twelvers wouldn't be the way they are right now if it wasn't for that bastard Ismail I who converted the majority Sunni population of Iran forcibly, instated twelver shiism as the empire's religion, and added in the tradition of cursing the Sahaba (ra), pseudo-worshipping Ali (ra) and Hussein (ra), etc.
There isn't a way you can really dialogue with Shias. They have an inherent hate towards Sunnis, I'm not saying it's impossible, I'm just saying it's hard. They always want their way, and they would rather stick to Iran even though Iran is f*cking them over rather than just stop the hatred. And modern day twelvers wouldn't be the way they are right now if it wasn't for that bastard Ismail I who converted the majority Sunni population of Iran forcibly, instated twelver shiism as the empire's religion, and added in the tradition of cursing the Sahaba (ra), pseudo-worshipping Ali (ra) and Hussein (ra), etc.

Sadly I hate to admit that out of what I've observed, I can't manage to convince Shia's anything. When I tell them that Iran is using them as a tool in the region, I'm immediately rejected. And then they begin lecturing me, doing the usual thing that Iran is just opposing the Wahabi/Zionist agenda and the people of Yemen/Arab world also are. And that 'Islam' will prevail. They are too sectarian, I still don't believe going to war is solution. But it's highly likely they will try attacking Saudi Arabia in near future. The tragic part is most of them are well educated and not brainwashed, but they intentionally advance their agenda. I don't why some of them believe Iranians are divine or they're Iranian themselves. The way they make it sound as if the Prophet is Iranian, his family is Iranina, Mahdi will be an Iranian who will command Iranian army and defeat all 'Wahabi's' and that Allah deemed you must support Iran to be considered rightly guided. It's pathetic.

I'm no dawah guy so Saudi Arabia can do that to try changing their thoughts. I just speak what I see and use logic.
They can learn alot from you guys on how to become bffs with Israel. That's why they do bombing runs for you and provide you free treatment in their hospitals.
Treatment is called the Hippocratic oath. Every doctor takes it, and every doctor who doesn't comply is a disgrace to all other doctors. This is basic logic, not sure if Iranian worshippers like you have the cranial capacity to understand that though. And no, they don't "do bombing runs for us." They have struck only Hezbollah positions in Syria so far.
Sadly I hate to admit that out of what I've observed, I can't manage to convince Shia's anything. When I tell them that Iran is using them as a tool in the region, I'm immediately rejected. And then they begin lecturing me, doing the usual thing that Iran is just opposing the Wahabi/Zionist agenda and the people of Yemen/Arab world also are. And that 'Islam' will prevail. They are too sectarian, I still don't believe going to war is solution. But it's highly likely they will try attacking Saudi Arabia in near future. The tragic part is most of them are well educated and not brainwashed, but they intentionally advance their agenda. I don't why some of them believe Iranians are divine or they're Iranian themselves. The way they make it sound as if the Prophet is Iranian, his family is Iranina, Mahdi will be an Iranian who will command Iranian army and defeat all 'Wahabi's' and that Allah deemed you must support Iran to be considered rightly guided. It's pathetic.

I'm no dawah guy so Saudi Arabia can do that to try changing their thoughts. I just speak what I see and use logic.
Yup. Iran is just butthurt about their empire, and they're using Arab shiites as meat shields. Not that Iranian shiites are any better at fighting :omghaha:
It's funny because according to the hadith the Mehdi will be from Saudi Arabia and his army will be from Khorasan, aka Afghanistan, Pakistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan. Funny thing is ISIS supporters also use this hadith to legitimize ISIS, while Iranians use it to legitimize themselves because they have a province named Khorasan. They have so much alike.
Yup. Iran is just butthurt about their empire, and they're using Arab shiites as meat shields. Not that Iranian shiites are any better at fighting :omghaha:
It's funny because according to the hadith the Mehdi will be from Saudi Arabia and his army will be from Khorasan, aka Afghanistan, Pakistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan. Funny thing is ISIS supporters also use this hadith to legitimize ISIS, while Iranians use it to legitimize themselves because they have a province named Khorasan. They have so much alike.

Khorosan hadith is weak and fabricated, same with Sufyani hadith. No army will come from there. IN beginning Mahdi will be there to solve the situation in Arab world/ME region. Most people involved in beginning will be Arabs. After he succeeds in the objectives Allah gave him in the region, is when he will preach Islam, unveil original Torah and original gospel and ark of covenant to the Christians and Jews. And he will make truce deal with the West. Which I believe according to hadith will be broken eventually. During the wars after his emergence, there will be non-Arabs and Western converts who participate in them. But majority will be Arabs because wars will take place in Arab lands in the begining. A lot of people will make bayah to him but that doesn't mean they will fight. Fighting will be personal choice until it makes fard for adult males.
Treatment is called the Hippocratic oath. Every doctor takes it, and every doctor who doesn't comply is a disgrace to all other doctors. This is basic logic, not sure if Iranian worshippers like you have the cranial capacity to understand that though. And no, they don't "do bombing runs for us." They have struck only Hezbollah positions in Syria so far.

Yeah right I'm sure Israelis would gladly treat army soldiers because of the Hippocratic oath. Like I said fsa, aq and Israelis are bffs. You cant deny this obvious fact.
Yeah right I'm sure Israelis would gladly treat army soldiers because of the Hippocratic oath. Like I said fsa, aq and Israelis are bffs. You cant deny this obvious fact.
Except, the Israelis treated SAA soldiers too. And civilians. A doctor is a doctor no matter the nationality.

Khorosan hadith is weak and fabricated, same with Sufyani hadith. No army will come from there. IN beginning Mahdi will be there to solve the situation in Arab world/ME region. Most people involved in beginning will be Arabs. After he succeeds in the objectives Allah gave him in the region, is when he will preach Islam, unveil original Torah and original gospel and ark of covenant to the Christians and Jews. And he will make truce deal with the West. Which I believe according to hadith will be broken eventually. During the wars after his emergence, there will be non-Arabs and Western converts who participate in them. But majority will be Arabs because wars will take place in Arab lands in the begining. A lot of people will make bayah to him but that doesn't mean they will fight. Fighting will be personal choice until it makes fard for adult males.
I know it's pretty weak, I'm sure Syria will be the beginning of an governance of Sharia, none of that ISIS crap. Sufyani hadith btw is purely shiite, there won't be any guy named Sufyani. Shiites hated Abu Sufyan (ra) and therefore called this non-existent evil the Sufyani.
The commander of Marj Ruhayyil (Balli) Military Airbase who was killed on Thursday was responsible for orchestrating the barrel bomb campaign in Syria. rot in hell you bastard!

Planner of Syrian barrel bomb attacks killed in Damascus

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Damascus, Syria – Maj. Gen. Pilot Nadim Ghanem Jawad, commander of the Balli Military Airbase of the Syrian army, was killed along with a number of security members in an incident, local sources reported on Friday.

According to reports, the death of Ghanem and his companions was caused by the explosion of a barrel bomb during preparations in the airbase. Pro-Assad forces use barrel bombs in the bombardment of opposition-held areas across the country.

Ghanem is considered as one of the pillars of the Syrian regime forces. He was responsible for the barrel bombs’ campaigns.

Balli Military Airbase is an alternative to the Damascus International Airport in case the is taken over by rebels, which explains the importance of the airbase for the Assad regime.

Ghanem has assumed the leadership of the airport and the “Brigade 64 helicopters”, from which the pro-regime forces used to conduct barrel bomb attacks on the Syrian cities, towns and neighborhoods which contributed to the killing of tens of thousands and the destruction of large areas of the country.

Planner of Syrian barrel bomb attacks killed in Damascus - ARA News
RIH FSA, ISIS, Nusra terrorists.
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