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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

I don't know Jesus because I'm Muslim? Okay Kiddo. I have to ask God for forgiveness because we don't worship Humans. ;)
So governments that are puppets to Russia and China are okay because the West is doing it? That means its okay to behead people because ISIS are doing it.
lol, the U.S. doesn't really care about Syrians, I acknowledge that, but they're too stupid to see that they'll never control Syria in the slightest, since Islamists are the majority of the rebels (including FSA).
Jesus (pbuh), just like all the other prophets, dislikes the ignorant. So that explains your relationship with him. :)
No you just don't know Jesus that you made silly mistake by putting the words Jesus and hate in the same sentence... Russia and China don't have puppets, they have allies, that's th different between west and east... The west have puppets and use them as they like, and that's why the west war on Syria is to control the country... USA is arming and training Islamists, and Islamists countries like Saudi Arabia and etc are pure western puppets, so yes the west controls Islamists and even helped them, remember who helped bin laden? Who gave birth to alqaeda? Who made i$i$ strong? Yes the west..

Anyways I'm done with you, you have so much to learn and your ignorant racist mentality is stopping you from accepting the true facts..

Take care, I will be praying for you... May God heal you... :wave:
And show me one single incident that Shiism is being imposed in Sunnis not only in Syria, but anywhere in this world.

What's your problem with Ashura celebrations? Do you feel Shiism is being 'imposed' on you by seeing that? Those ceremonies are even held in European and American countries. I bet Shiism is being imposed on Europe. You are unbelievable.

Saudis are keeping in power the Sunni minority and that means imposing their stooge on the country, Shia or Sunni doesn't make a difference.
Lebanon. Hezbollah attacks Syrian refugees and Lebanese residents of Arsal. Sunnis are being beheaded by Shiite militias in Iraq for being Sunni. Hundreds of other cases.
Ashura celebrations, that were unheard of before, being guarded by shiite militias, and not allowing anyone near thme, meaning that no Damascene has any freedom of movement during them. Sure, that's totally not enforcing religious discrimination.
Bahrain is 46-70% Shiite, the figures are arguable. And not all Shiites are protesting him, and a lot of the Sunnis aren't, because they know what comes after he gets imposed. Iran comes after. That still doesn't justify his iron-fist rule though.

No you just don't know Jesus that you made silly mistake by putting the words Jesus and hate in the same sentence... Russia and China don't have puppets, they have allies, that's th different between west and east... The west have puppets and use them as they like, and that's why the west war on Syria is to control the country... USA is arming and training Islamists, and is list countries like Saudi Arabia and etc are pure western puppets, so yes the west controls Islamists and even helped them, remember who helped bin laden? Who gave birth to alqaeda? Who made i$i$ strong? Yes the west..

Anyways I'm done with you, you have so much to learn and your ignorant racist mentality is stopping you from accepting the true facts..

Take care, I will be praying for you... May God heal you... :wave:
I guess the governments of Syria, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Zimbabwe, etc. are not puppets, at all. Sure.
And no, the US wants secularists in power, not Islamists. Only 1 Islamist group was vetted, and that was the one dedicated to fighting ISIS.
Yes, Jordan, Saudi, etc. are all western puppets. Which is why Jordan has a 10 billion dollar nuclear reactor deal with Russia and Saudi Arabia bought 45 artillery pieces from China. So puppet.
Al Qaeda was an extremist offshoot of the Mujahideen, that wasn't the west's fault. ISIS was formed in 1999, and if you haven't noticed, the US have basically been fighting them since 2003.
Lebanon. Hezbollah attacks Syrian refugees and Lebanese residents of Arsal. Sunnis are being beheaded by Shiite militias in Iraq for being Sunni. Hundreds of other cases.
Tell that lies to someone who buys it.
Ashura celebrations, that were unheard of before, being guarded by shiite militias, and not allowing anyone near thme, meaning that no Damascene has any freedom of movement during them. Sure, that's totally not enforcing religious discrimination.
Bahrain is 46-70% Shiite, the figures are arguable. And not all Shiites are protesting him, and a lot of the Sunnis aren't, because they know what comes after he gets imposed. Iran comes after. That still doesn't justify his iron-fist rule though.
The ceremonies are protected because there is a history of nutbag animals blowing up themselves in the ceremony killing people. That's why. If you call Ashura ceremonies Shiism being imposed on others, then it's being imposed on people in thousands of cities every year.that's good.

I'm done with you here.
I guess the governments of Syria, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Zimbabwe, etc. are not puppets, at all. Sure.
And no, the US wants secularists in power, not Islamists. Only 1 Islamist group was vetted, and that was the one dedicated to fighting ISIS.
Yes, Jordan, Saudi, etc. are all western puppets. Which is why Jordan has a 10 billion dollar nuclear reactor deal with Russia and Saudi Arabia bought 45 artillery pieces from China. So puppet.
Al Qaeda was an extremist offshoot of the Mujahideen, that wasn't the west's fault. ISIS was formed in 1999, and if you haven't noticed, the US have basically been fighting them since 2003.
USA and China have trade, USA and Russia also, does that mean they are puppets of each other?
How sad to see people like you wasted a precious gift from God, the brain, your brain is so brainwashed you can't even think right?... So you admit that USA supported the mijhadeen aka Islamists... So stop saying the USA doesn't support Islamists...
Tell that lies to someone who buys it.

The ceremonies are protected because there is a history of nutbag animals blowing up themselves in the ceremony killing people. That's why. If you call Ashura ceremonies Shiism being imposed on others, then it's being imposed on people in thousands of cities every year.that's good.

I'm done with you here.
Why don't you just google Shia militia war crimes in Iraq? Or here, something even better: Let me google that for you
The ceremonies aren't "well protected." They're preventing anyone from getting around and about in Damascus. Plus, most of the celebrators in that ceremony (according to many Damascenes themselves) where Iranian, Afghan, or Iraqi. And they were held in even Sunni parts of Damascus (not just the Sayyida Zayneb shrine.)
USA and China have trade, USA and Russia also, does that mean they are puppets of each other?
How sad to see people like you wasted a precious gift from God, the brain, your brain is so brainwashed you can't even think right?... So you admit that USA supported the mijhadeen aka Islamists... So stop saying the USA doesn't support Islamists...
Trade is different than weapons purchases. Much different.
USA supported Mujahideen, but they clearly aren't supporting the Islamic Front in Syria, the main rebel Islamist group.
Trade is different than weapons purchases. Much different.
USA supported Mujahideen, but they clearly aren't supporting the Islamic Front in Syria, the main rebel Islamist group.
You know that USA buys Russian weapons...
USA supported Mujahideen, aren't those Mujahideen Islamists? USA is supporting hardcore Islamists and even to point where f$a leaders asked USA to remove al nu$ra from terrorists list because f$a are like them...
This was actually videotaped in 27th of March 2015, I'll take it as a lie for April Fool's Day :

#FYI: The Latest Lie From Hasan Nasrullah

Summary :
Nasrullah: ...O brothers, my beloveds, my dears..go to east, go to west, spin the entire world. Go up to Mars, come down to Earth...
There is a problem in the brain...there aren't many, Iranians in Syria are very limited in number, about 20, 30, 25, 40...they cannot be 50, I am responsible for what I am saying...<skipping>...
To defy this blatant hoax, without showing how many Iranians were killed using Iranian sources and not even Syrian sources, neither will I count how many Iranians I posted of, I will only :

1. Refer to that Iranian mercenary, who was captured in Daraa and admitted he (alone) came with 900 others to Syria (this post).
2. This gentleman from Pakistan would like to reply in Arabic :) :
Summary :
Gentleman: Peace be upon all of you Muslims of Syria, I am Pakistani, standing on mountains of Tora Bora...
Hasan Zummeira (x3), you are Iblees, you are a dog, you are a devil, you are a big donkey...
May God bless you and your country, if Zummeira ever had to reply to you, the only thing he will find to say are words like 'takfiri', 'wahhabi' or etc...
Terrorists in Idlib demolished the statue of famed Syrian figure, Ibrahim Hanano.
Hanano is Hanano, that statue was NOTHING but a piece of rock if compared to humans, get real :

1. If that statue was hit by an airstrike, would any Iranian dare to write a comment ?, no, because all of you have already ignored the mosques destroyed by the tyrant, no one dared to comment.

2. Before Hanano had taken arms against the occupiers in 1919, he gathered every single piece of furniture he had and burnt them, he said: We don't need furniture in an occupied land.

Thus, if Hanano is still alive today, he will destroy that statue himself and declare war against that tyrant and his foreign gangs who have been slaughtering us since 2011 .

Moreover, Hanano was born in Idlib (i.e. he is a 'takfiri') so are you trying to tell us that you 'really care' ?
To you, Syria is only Tartus, Syrians are only Alawites, sectarianism boils in your veins. You only care about them while you enjoy seeing Muslims die, heard, read and seen enough already .

3. Now it's your turn, justify the death of 13,000 innocents killed by regime torture inside the prisons.
Ignore it (like always) and you'll prove me right :
To Iranians, pieces of rock are more important than human lives, actually, killing thousands in the name of Sayyida Zainab (ra) was enough to prove that.

Conclusion: Lives of 13,000 citizens are FAR MORE important than a piece of rock, but if you kill those 13,000 you are 'too moderate' and when you destroy a single piece of rock, you are worse than moderate .
I'm sure you'll find an excuse for this one too.
Not making excuses, but a piece of rock means nothing if humans die for it. Please don't tell me Ka'aba or something as it cannot be compared to a statue, you can restore a statue but you can never bring back martyrs to life .
Not all Jews are Zionists. That's ISIS-style mentality.
Which is why Houthis added to their motto: Curse be upon the Jews .
Look at Yemen now, if you call those in Syria revolutionary, those in Yemen are actually much more than revolutionaries, because they don't behead anyone, don't blow themselves up among Yemenis and etc. Can you tell me what is your stance on Yemen? What about Bahrain?
1. The regime thugs beheaded | killed even before anyone took arms against them, allow me to post graphic content and you'll see.
2. Don't blow themselves up ?, seriously ?!, you are a terrorist only when you blow yourself up ?, not surprised as you believe rock is more important than Muslims.
3. Bahrain ?, they are unpeaceful. Would you like to see how they reacted to Decisive Storm ? (see this).
4. In Yemen, Houthis began to recruit children, besides, I cannot support minorities to rule majorities as we have experienced what minorities do .
I said he will participate in a fair elections with candidates from all sides and if he loes, he will leave. But the fighting never stopped.
As a Shiite, do you like it if someone makes you choose from candidates and Yazeed was one of them ?
Then you should know if you consider Yazeed as a bad person, to us, Bashar is very much worse than that .
Was Assad imposing 'Shiism' on Syrians?
Having a hypocrite 'grand mufti' aka stooge was enough to prove it, having most cities (except Alawite majority Tartus and other towns) destroyed, knowing that most of the displaced and refugees are Sunnis, are all enough to prove it .
Tell that lies to someone who buys it.
In fact, he is talking to someone whose opinion doesn't matter :meeting:, according to Syrian Lion's rules, so find someone who buys your opinion .
Assad did not leave the country. Even after the GCC, the west, and Turkey supported the creation, funding, and logistics of rebels, who are mostly foreigners, he is still in the country.
It is April Fool's Day .
So you admit that USA supported the mijhadeen aka Islamists... So stop saying the USA doesn't support Islamists...
I will use your logic, if you consider the US as the worst enemy of Syria then tell us how many Americans did your Bashar or his ancestors kill ?, how many Americans did the alleged 'Resistance Axis' (who keep shouting death to America) kill ?

The US's removal of Afghanistan's Taliban and Iraq's Ba'ath made Iran benefit. Yet they were flying over Sulaimani in Tikreet to help him, so much for the so-called 'death to America' .

Answer without involving ISIS | Al-Nusra :
I will repeat my question to all Assad-apologists, if you believe most of us support Bashar...then you do believe we have got enough men to win this war so...

Why Do You Keep Sending Shiite Militias ?
Are there not enough men in Syria ?, or is it because you know most of them would rather fight against Bashar ?

@Syrian Lion - That question is for YOU too, make me laugh once again, you did it before :) .
55 Muslims died due to your beloved's airstrikes, including children and none of them was armed .
@Antaréss Alasad never claimed that he is an Islamist, while thrax here said it and he tries to deny that islamists master in Syria are the west...see the difference here... the resistance axis contains how many countries and vs how how many ( you have the west, their puppets and Israel)? it is vs superpowers that the western puppets allowed to take control over the region, the resistance is against the west taking over the countries that are left independently... the resistance is not about killing American people... the problem is not with American people, it is with the government...
stop whining about Shia militas, they are nothing compared to foreign fighters that are in F$A and other terrorists groups... and Hezbollah was the last party to enter the war...and yes Iran has advisers in Syria, and Iraq.. which is normal thing...

Christians in Idlib fled already, you think they were waiting for you to kill them? and those who died, died when F$A and Nu$ra terrorists got there, why didn't they die before F$A and Nu$ra terrorists got there... so go back to main reason and see who was the cause of their death, which is obviously is the F$A terrorists Alqaeda...
and as you claim if Hanono would fight with the terrorists, then why would they destroy his statue that shows his legacy, and statue for simply remembering that hero?
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Hanano is Hanano, that statue was NOTHING but a piece of rock if compared to humans, get real :

1. If that statue was hit by an airstrike, would any Iranian dare to write a comment ?, no, because all of you have already ignored the mosques destroyed by the tyrant, no one dared to comment.

I am truly disgusted at their hypocrisy shedding crocodile tears over Hanano's statue. The 'moderate' mullah regime demolished historical Baha'i holy sites such as the House of Mírza Abbas Nurí and the Bab in Shiraz and later built a mosque on the site just like ISIS. They destroyed shrines and graves of many venerated Baha'i figures, Reza Shah's mausoleum, and even threatened to bulldoze Ferdowsi's tomb in Tous and Persepolis. Why are they, all of a sudden, quick to condemn something they, themselves, have supported in the past.

The Islamic Revolution isn't embarrassed by saying that they destroyed Shah's statues.

No one is saying that no statues should ever be destroyed. If, for example, rebels destroy Assad's statue, than that makes sense.

And most of us don't agree with everything Iran does. I, for example, don't agree with the government ever destroying non-political statues, like of poets like Ferdowsi, and there is always big discussion in Iran regarding such actions. Thankfully, such treatments of our poets was mainly done after the revolution, and isn't done anymore.
FSA Southern front rebels have captured the last border crossing held by the regime, on the border with Jordan

Oh, the good old 'FSA', comes only with Al-Qaeda flag. You try too hard to pretend that 'FSA' is actually a strong force, but every single time, nutjobs appear instead of them.

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