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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

I showed you the evidence, with a video from HRW. That's not enough?
Your current Iraqi Army does many human rights abuses, just like Saddam's did. To hell with all of your alliances. Any oppressor is an oppressor, no matter what sect, religion, political status, etc.

You showed a barrel in the desert, I want to see it dropped from the helicopter. Can't show me ? no evidence.

There you go with ur hell story again, everyone fries in hell right Thrax ? Saddam is frying, bashar, Saudi kings will fry as well didn't you say that ? Everyone will fry except you living in the safety of USA guarded by kuffar soldiers whom will also fry.
Lets compare.

140 million Russia was fighting 1 million Chechnya. Russia lost one war. In second war they prevail only by basically bribing two Chechen clans and giving them everything they wanted.

In Syria we have 2.5 million Alawis and Shias fighting against 8 million Sunni peasants.

Can u imagine 2.5 million Russia fighting against 8 million Chechnya? :lol:

So SAA performance is not that bad giving the circumstances.
It's more like 90 million Alawis and Shias, remember the majority of Alawites & Shias of Iraq, Yemen, Lebanon, Iran, and Afghanistan are willing to kill Syrians. Also Sunnis are around 17 million, because around ~75% of Syria is Sunni. (Pre-revolution statistics, now more Shias are probably in Syria, because Iran.)
So more like 90 million vs 17 million.

You showed a barrel in the desert, I want to see it dropped from the helicopter. Can't show me ? no evidence.

There you go with ur hell story again, everyone fries in hell right Thrax ? Saddam is frying, bashar, Saudi kings will fry as well didn't you say that ? Everyone will fry except you living in the safety of USA guarded by kuffar soldiers whom will also fry.
People who oppress people will fry in hell. If you didn't notice most world governments are oppressors.
Lets compare.

140 million Russia was fighting 1 million Chechnya. Russia lost one war. In second war they prevail only by basically bribing two Chechen clans and giving them everything they wanted.

In Syria we have 2.5 million Alawis and Shias fighting against 8 million Sunni peasants.

Can u imagine 2.5 million Russia fighting against 8 million Chechnya? :lol:

So SAA performance is not that bad giving the circumstances.
first,I thought 80 million Iranians were against Sunni peasants :lol: Suddenly they disappeared.
p.s Seriously, SAA's performance is not bad, it's awful, just looking how most of their units use their weapons in attack, how they use their air force and so on, it's not hard to figure out they are far away from being professional soldiers (like Hezbollah fighters for example)
neither SADF had better balance in manpower,but they managed to hold on,because of professionalism
first,I thought 80 million Iranians were against Sunni peasants :lol: Suddenly they disappeared.
I said Iran backed, never said Iran fights there (except several hundred which is nothing).

p.s Seriously, SAA's performance is not bad, it's awful, just looking how most of their units use their weapons in attack, how they use their air force and so on, it's not hard to figure out they are far away from being professional soldiers (like Hezbollah fighters for example)
neither SADF had better balance in manpower,but they managed to hold on,because of professionalism
Again compare 140 million Russia performance vs 1 million Chechnya and u will see that SAA performance is not that bad at all.

As I said everything is relative.
I said Iran backed, never said Iran fights there (except several hundred which is nothing).

Again compare 140 million Russia performance vs 1 million Chechnya and u will see that SAA performance is not that bad at all.

As I said everything is relative.
and finally we agree, SAA is trained and ready for urban war like Russian army was(or better to say,wasn't) in First chechen war :-) Russian army just had one important superiority, their Air force could make CAS,something that SyAf cant.
lol, SAA is not trained for urban warfare at all. They have a draft in which people get trained for a week or so and get sent to the frontlines. That's not well prepared.
lol, SAA is not trained for urban warfare at all. They have a draft in which people get trained for a week or so and get sent to the frontlines. That's not well prepared.
it is not trained, and it has never been trained.
exactly because of this (+ inability of making CAS) is the reason why terrorist still hold ground.

but somehow, Assad still manages to control more cities, with help of such a incompetent military(ironically,mostly Sunni) and few thousand experienced Shia fighters , while "he has no public support".
Iraqi Kurdistan: Arabs Displaced, Cordoned Off, Detained | Human Rights Watch

This is why I hate the YPG and most other Kurdish armed groups @Al-Kurdi. They cleanse the area from Arabs in order to make their own country.

last time YPG liberated Til Barak, was advancing on Til Hamis(repelled) and liberated many villages which was about this time last year, the locals turned on them and they turned on them bad. Should be noted that YPG first contacted the locals asked if they wanted to be liberated and they said yes just to backstab them later on. They were loyal to IS and killed dozens of YPG fighters from behind. If these areas weren't a threat YPG wouldn't never have gone there but it was a big threat to the Cizira canton and Til Hamis was the main IS base in the region. Something had to be done.

And by the way, many of the forces constituted of Arabs, Kurds and Arabs fought side by side. So it isn't an ethnic conflict which ISIS and the Raqqa account and some Sunni Arab supremacist accounts so much wishes.

#Tal_Hamis: Commander Abu al-Hadi taking pics with #AlSanadid fighters (and a sweet scimitar) #YPG



YPG spox @Rojekazad names Arab tribes who supported YPG in Tal Hamis op; Shammar, Jevala, Rashid &Sharadin. (Evrensel)
and finally we agree, SAA is trained and ready for urban war like Russian army was(or better to say,wasn't) in First chechen war :-) Russian army just had one important superiority, their Air force could make CAS,something that SyAf cant.
The main improvement in second war as I said was thet they bribed two prominent Chechen rebels (Kadirov and Yamadayev) and gave them whatever they wished.

RuAF lack UAVs and have little precise weapons. So their performance is not much different from SyAF: both rely on brutal force and massive destruction.
The main improvement in second war as I said was thet they bribed two prominent Chechen rebels (Kadirov and Yamadayev) and gave them whatever they wished.

RuAF lack UAVs and have little precise weapons. So their performance is not much different from SyAF: both rely on brutal force and massive destruction.

do you know if Israel are supporting the Kurds militarily? is there any sign?
do you know if Israel are supporting the Kurds militarily? is there any sign?
I dont think its even possible since Kurdistan is landlocked. Israel used to support Kurds in 60-70-es through Iran. Today this route is closed for obvious reasons.
I dont think its even possible since Kurdistan is landlocked. Israel used to support Kurds in 60-70-es through Iran. Today this route is closed for obvious reasons.

Exactly which is the main problem, there were reports that KRG had ordered military equippment from E.Europe but turkey refused to be used as transit some week ago. Israel's experience, know-how and expertise would play a huge role and I find it a bid odd because israeli special? forces did train kurdish forces back during 2006

Surely it must be possible to atleast send people via Turkey? to send experts to help refurbish some T-55 like Israel did with the Slovenian ones which they had captured from the yugoslavian army.

And Israel is a supporter of Kurdistan, one of those oil tankers that had been off the shore of Texas for several months ended up in Israeli port some day ago. So I find it strange because when it comes to bypassing obstacles Israel is nr 1.
The main improvement in second war as I said was thet they bribed two prominent Chechen rebels (Kadirov and Yamadayev) and gave them whatever they wished.

RuAF lack UAVs and have little precise weapons. So their performance is not much different from SyAF: both rely on brutal force and massive destruction.
The main improvement was better organized russian army, which had less casualties than militants.
everything else, just additional factors.
p.s Russians would have won first war,although having incompetent military if their commanders weren't retarded.

About RuAF and SyAF... are you trolling or comparing them seriously ?
This is what Russian AF did on daily basis :
now compare this to "air support" (barrel bombing) made by SyAF.

about precious weapons... Russia is using Air based anti tank missiles and pinpoint strike ability of cruise missiles (in Georgia they Destroyed several Radars with it), they have everything you need for anything. If SAA had something like RuAF, at least they would have managed to stop terrorist's toyota parades on Highways :lol:
The main improvement was better organized russian army, which had less casualties than militants.
everything else, just additional factors.
Russian casualties in second Chechen war were pretty similar to first war. Thats despite they bribed two major Chechen rebels as I said.

About RuAF and SyAF... are you trolling or comparing them seriously ?
This is what Russian AF did on daily basis :
now compare this to "air support" (barrel bombing) made by SyAF.
LOL, u show dive attack with unguided rockets WW2 style as example of great air support? :lol:

There are plenty of that shyt in Syria:

And dive bombing too:

about precious weapons... Russia is using Air based anti tank missiles and pinpoint strike ability of cruise missiles (in Georgia they Destroyed several Radars with it), they have everything you need for anything.
Did not see precise bombing used by Russia in that war. Here Syrians use precise:



Exactly which is the main problem, there were reports that KRG had ordered military equippment from E.Europe but turkey refused to be used as transit some week ago. Israel's experience, know-how and expertise would play a huge role and I find it a bid odd because israeli special? forces did train kurdish forces back during 2006

Surely it must be possible to atleast send people via Turkey? to send experts to help refurbish some T-55 like Israel did with the Slovenian ones which they had captured from the yugoslavian army.

And Israel is a supporter of Kurdistan, one of those oil tankers that had been off the shore of Texas for several months ended up in Israeli port some day ago. So I find it strange because when it comes to bypassing obstacles Israel is nr 1.
Since 1979 the only link is through Turkey, which is very limited (and even more limited in past years).

Actually Iran closed the link even before 1979 - in early 1975 due to agreement with Iraq. So the golden age Israel-Kurdish relations was 1961-1974.
US Intel Chief: Turkish ‘Permissiveness’ Aiding IS

Speaking to the Senate Armed Services Committee, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper complained about a “permissive” climate in Turkey that was allowing ISIS to grow and bring in recruits from abroad.


For $25:rofl:, wannabe ISIS militants cross from Turkey into Syria

Turkey's 500-mile border with Syria remains permeable, serving as a "jihadi highway" for wannabe fighters, in the control of Turkish criminal gangs and border guards that can easily be bribed for a rather insignificant sum of money.
Jasim Qalthim, one of many Turkish smugglers, told the Huffington Post that the Turks "could make it [smuggling] harder if they wanted."

All It Takes To Cross From Turkey To ISIS-Held Syria Is $25

Despite Turkey’s insistence that it’s doing all it can to secure the 500-mile-long border, smugglers, fighters and refugees say that Turkish criminal gangs and bribed Turkish paramilitary police have created an environment where anyone can cross into Syria, for a price.
When [the Turks] close one area, they open up another,” Jasim Qalthim, a 30-year-old smuggler in this Turkish border town of Karkemish, told The WorldPost.
Some smugglers “buy” a particular section of the border for a half an hour at a time from an Islamic State “emir,” or prince, who controls the border guards, he says.

Turkey and US agree to train and arm Syrian rebels
in fight against Isis(aka Asad) That's ridiculous:blah:
Turkey and the United States signed an agreement Thursday to train and arm Syrian rebels fighting the Islamic State group, said the US embassy in Ankara.
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