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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Everything is relative. These poor peasants that u laugh about are fighting thousands times better than your country national army. You should cry instead posting silly smilies.

Syrian regime is one of the most brutal and militarized regimes in the world. They are trained by Russian officers for decades. They have thousand of tanks and hundreds of jets. What makes u think they have an "undisciplined" "semi professional" army?

Hezbollah is fighting in the area since early 2013. Nevertheless rebels captured big towns like Nawa, Sheilh Maskin, Harra and more. So what exactly makes u so happy?
poor peasants :lol::lol::lol:
I wish "poor peasants" faced best trained units of russian military backed with one of the best Air force's support (I meant Air support, not something SAA AF does ). It will be funny to see how this poor peasants would run to turkish border like chechen "poor peasants" ran to Georgian border not long time ago :lol:
Why should I cry ? :yahoo: last time I looked from my window, my hometown was calm and peaceful, it looked much better than cities in which poor peasants have big number of supporters :lol:
Lol, any professional army would finish this "rebellion" before it started. Trained by Russian officers. Of course, in soviet Era, that is why "professional army" uses old soviet tactics in modern Urban combat. SAA is so professional that they still after years of war haven't figured how to use Air force and without hezbollah cant even hold ground :lol: well trained,professional soldiers make army professional not thousand of tanks and hundreds of jets.
First of all ISIS entered Syria in early 2013 not 2011/2012 and as soon as it entered Syria, there were serious tensions between the mainly Iraqi daesh terrorists and the FSA. In 2013, Daesh killed many FSA top commanders, looted the little armament the rebels had (most of which they captured from Assad's weapons depots) and raided on the Supreme Millitary Command’s Head Quarters in Bab al-Hawa. Most of The Syrian rebels didn't declare an all out war on ISIS throughout the rest of 2013 but there were however continual tensions between them and daesh. However I am sure Daesh captured 200 times "in quantity and quality" more weaponry from fleeing Iraqi soldiers and Syrian/Iraqi army depots. By your logic, The West should also stop arming the "Moderate" Iraqi government military to prevent the weapons falling into the wrong hands.

Timeline of the events from April 2013 - December 2013
  • ISIS tries to attack the SMC HQ at Bab al Hawa, the SMC calls on the rebels to help defend the HQ.
  • ISIS kidnaps Brigadier General Ahmad Birri, head of Hama military council in Saraqib, Idlib
  • ISIS storms and captures the liberated village of Haram in Idlib countryside, promising to punish criminals
  • ISIS raids and captures Maskana after a dispute with rebels, killing and arresting a number of commanders including Bab al Hawa crossing supervisor Dr. Husayn al Sulayman, Abu Rayan.
  • After failed negotiations, it was made public that the ISIS kidnapped the leader of the Hanano brigade Mohamad Istanboli on his way back from the Homs frontline. Istanboli was on his way to his hometown of Salqin, Idlib
  • ISIS kidnaps Brigadier General Ahmad Birri, head of Hama military council in Saraqib, Idlib
  • Kidnapping of two Atareb FSA commanders
  • ISIS attacks Shada offices in Al Bustan neighborhood in Aleppo
  • ISIS emir in Bab al Hawa reaches deal with SMS to leave the area
  • ISIS stormed Kafranbel and raided the local council, the local media office and the offices of local radio station, Radio Fresh. ISIS accuses the activists of Kafranbel of being agents of the west. Radio fresh had interviewed US ambassador Robert Ford on November 28.
  • December 29, ISIS storms Sarmada and raises their flag declaring control of the village from the rebel and arresting its members. The rebels increases its checkpoint on the Sarmada-Bab al Hawa crossing to keep the ISIS from reaching it. ISIS also raided SMC headquarters near the town and confiscated US aid including helmets and Froot Loops
  • January 2nd, Atareb FSA fight Ali Obeid found dead after he was kidnapped the previous day

By early 2014, various rebel groups declared war on ISIS terrorists and fought them hard especially in the countryside of Aleppo and Idlib. Until June 2014, ISIS terrorists killed 5641 rebels most of whom were moderate. In 2014, 56% of Daesh battles were against Syrian Rebels 29% against Kurds. 12% against Regime Forces.

Activists: 7,000 killed in Syrian rebel infighting

View attachment 197757 View attachment 197758

Sure enough, about a year later, Nusra extremists are now showing their true colors and doing the same thing ISIS terrorists did from April 2013- January 2014. But the moderate rebels can not confront them now so long as the world keep away from helping strengthen the rebels' hand.

–Ajnad al-Sham commander Abu Zaid Qanas allegedly was killed by Nusra in eastern Ghouta.

– JAN executed media activist Walid al-Qasim and 5 FSA Dawn of Freedom Brigades rebels in Huraytan, north of Aleppo.

–Clashes between Al-Nusra and Western-backed rebels spread from Aleppo province into neighboring Idlib–Reuters

Syria battle between al Qaeda and Western-backed group spreads| Reuters

–Nusra Pushes Out Western-Backed Rebels from Aleppo, Idlib Provinces

Nusra Pushes Out Western-Backed Rebels from Aleppo, Idlib Provinces | Al Akhbar English

And today they killed 29 FSA fighters

Dozens dead as Nusra takes US-backed Syria rebel base: activists | News , Middle East | THE DAILY STAR

You think they entered as a conventional army in 2013 to attack the FSA directly ? They infiltrated those area's years before. 2013 was they year they were formed as a true independent force in Syria and took over Raqqa.


Kurds have had a fast progress against ISIS. I guess they can capture even more lands in the east of Hasakah in the coming days.
You are in your Pro-IS and Anti-Iran Mode these days, it's a matter of time before you change mood for the thousandth time on this forum. @1000 knows exactly what I'm talking about.
Hey guess what? When he changes his opinion next time, you will be right behind him licking his ***. Both of you are on the same boat.
You think they entered as a conventional army in 2013 to attack the FSA directly ? They infiltrated those area's years before. 2013 was they year they were formed as a true independent force in Syria and took over Raqqa.
No ISIS officially entered in Syria in 2013 as terrorists experienced in guerilla warfare. A year before that, they sent terrorists across the border to establish the nusra terror organization.
No ISIS officially entered in Syria in 2013 as terrorists experienced in guerilla warfare. A year before that, they sent terrorists across the border to establish the nusra terror organization.

Who cares about 'officially', you're right they 'officially' entered Syria in 2013. That's when they raised their flag as an independent group and started fighting the FSA. But in reality they entered way earlier, Syria descending in war gave ISI a much better breathing space than Iraq back than, they moved to Syria long before 2013.
poor peasants :lol::lol::lol:
I wish "poor peasants" faced best trained units of russian military backed with one of the best Air force's support (I meant Air support, not something SAA AF does ).
It will be funny to see how this poor peasants would run to turkish border
Actually Russian air force performance in the war was pathetic at most. They made some 500 sorties and lost 7 planes. And they did not use precise munition just like Assad air force.

In Syria Assad makes over 100 sorties a day, barrel bombing everything with no mercy.

like chechen "poor peasants" ran to Georgian border not long time ago :lol:
Chechens killed over 12,000 Russian soldiers, as result Russia made one of the Chechen rebels a king of Chechnya, and pays him billions each year.

Why should I cry ? :yahoo: last time I looked from my window, my hometown was calm and peaceful,
Over 25% of your country is occupied. Hundreds of thousands of ur brothers became refugees.

Lol, any professional army would finish this "rebellion" before it started. Trained by Russian officers. Of course, in soviet Era, that is why "professional army" uses old soviet tactics in modern Urban combat. SAA is so professional that they still after years of war haven't figured how to use Air force and without hezbollah cant even hold ground :lol: well trained,professional soldiers make army professional not thousand of tanks and hundreds of jets.
Same kind of army defeated u in 5 days. Yet u laugh about people who successfully fight for 4 years.
Actually Russian air force performance in the war was pathetic at most. They made some 500 sorties and lost 7 planes. And they did not use precise munition just like Assad air force.

In Syria Assad makes over 100 sorties a day, barrel bombing everything with no mercy.

Chechens killed over 12,000 Russian soldiers, as result Russia made one of the Chechen rebels a king of Chechnya, and pays him billions each year.

Over 25% of your country is occupied. Hundreds of thousands of ur brothers became refugees.

Same kind of army defeated u in 5 days. Yet u laugh about people who successfully fight for 4 years.
same kind of army :lol::lol: and now you are seriously comparing SAA with 58th Russian army with tons of experience in Urban combat ? :lol: are you brain dead ? :lol:
This topic isn't about Georgia, go and read about Russian Air force's action in 08 war and give me a favor and don't waste my time on bullshit like comparing CAS made by SyAF and their russian counterparts :D
Who cares about 'officially', you're right they 'officially' entered Syria in 2013. That's when they raised their flag as an independent group and started fighting the FSA. But in reality they entered way earlier, Syria descending in war gave ISI a much better breathing space than Iraq back than, they moved to Syria long before 2013.
A few dozen might have entered Syria earlier. but back in 2012, The total number of ISIS fighters which was by and large in Iraq, was less that 2000 members. Maybe your country should've executed the terrorists before ISIS stormed your prisons including Abu Ghraib and freed thousands of daesh members including 500 senior psychotic leaders, hardened killers, and master bomb makers who were on death-row. Those same terrorists are now leading the violent ISIS campaign in Syria and helping Assad by bring the Syrian rebellion onto his favorite ground, And now thanks to daesh scums Assad is viewed as protector of minorities & a champion of resistance against terrorism.
A few dozen might have entered Syria earlier.
I'd say thousands.

but back in 2012, The total number of ISIS fighters which was by and large in Iraq, was less that 2000 members. Maybe your country should've executed the terrorists before ISIS stormed your prisons including Abu Ghraib and freed thousands of daesh members including 500 senior psychotic leaders, hardened killers, and master bomb makers who were on death-row. Those same terrorists are now leading the violent ISIS campaign in Syria and helping Assad by bring the Syrian rebellion onto his favorite ground, And now thanks to daesh scums Assad is viewed as protector of minorities & a champion of resistance against terrorism.
Good advise but you see, like I said 100 times the army had no operational freedom, their hands were tied by political strings. Anything they do the whole world shouts 'sectarian' 'Shia maliki army killing innocent Sunnis', therefor they couldn't do anything but watch IS sleeper cells infiltrate cities.
@1000 maybe because the Iraqi army DOES kill innocent civilians. Hundreds of photos of them with beheaded heads, and videos of them beating up people to death. Anyways, this thread is about Syria, not Iraq.
@1000 maybe because the Iraqi army DOES kill innocent civilians. Hundreds of photos of them with beheaded heads, and videos of them beating up people to death. Anyways, this thread is about Syria, not Iraq.

Another attempt as with lies of barrel bombs used in Iraq which left you leaving me with no answers. I saw only a handful of pictures of soldiers with heads, heads of bearded ISIS members yes, who cares ?

Show me video's of soldiers beating people to death. The recent liberation of Al-Baghdadi in Anbar by the army shows quite different. As for the thread, reply to me in the other one if you want to. I was talking about IS in Syria, it's connected with Iraq.
Another attempt as with lies of barrel bombs used in Iraq which left you leaving me with no answers. I saw only a handful of pictures of soldiers with heads, heads of bearded ISIS members yes, who cares ?

Show me video's of soldiers beating people to death. The recent liberation of Al-Baghdadi in Anbar by the army shows quite different. As for the thread, reply to me in the other one if you want to. I was talking about IS in Syria, it's connected with Iraq.
I showed you the evidence, with a video from HRW. That's not enough?
Your current Iraqi Army does many human rights abuses, just like Saddam's did. To hell with all of your alliances. Any oppressor is an oppressor, no matter what sect, religion, political status, etc.
same kind of army :lol::lol: and now you are seriously comparing SAA with 58th Russian army with tons of experience in Urban combat ? :lol: are you brain dead ? :lol:
Lets compare.

140 million Russia was fighting 1 million Chechnya. Russia lost one war. In second war they prevail only by basically bribing two Chechen clans and giving them everything they wanted.

In Syria we have 2.5 million Alawis and Shias fighting against 8 million Sunni peasants.

Can u imagine 2.5 million Russia fighting against 8 million Chechnya? :lol:

So SAA performance is not that bad giving the circumstances.

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