Ba'ath ideology has nothing to do with Sunni Islam. It's a secular ideology to begin with. A nationalistic and socialistic ideology too. The Ba'ath party under the dictatorship of the Al-Assad family has been dominated by Alawis who nobody outside of themselves consider as Muslims. They worship Ali ibn Abi Talib (ra) as their Prophet.
@rmi5 even told me that the Mullah's of Iran did never consider them as Muslims let alone Shia's until this conflict. He mentioned the names of leading Mullah's in Iran with this opinion and showed links. Banned now but as soon as he returns he will confirm this.
Similarily in Iraq there were more Shia Ba'ath party members than Sunnis. It's factually wrong to equal Ba'athism with Sunni Arabs. Even the founder of the Ba'ath ideology was a Syrian Christian Arab. Let us not bullshitt here more than necessary.
Of course this conflict has a sectarian dimension. Anyone claiming the opposite is joking.
Anti-Al-Asshead Syrians are in the vast majority. Especially in the diaspora. He has lost all legitimacy and needs to go. Along with his regime. How can any sane person even question this?
Also stop pfucking equaliing Al-Asshead's removal with Daesh rule. That's what Al-Asshead propagandists do 24/7 already. No, Syria will be ruled by moderate Syrian Sunni Arab Muslims who are in the majority. Just like Iraq which is currently dominated by Shia Arabs who are the majority.