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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

in libya, the nato-created "revolutionaries" used the pre-jamahiriya flag of king idris who was himself a western puppet... similar for syrian "revolutionaries" who were created, funded, armed by western governments and their puppets.

the syrian military fights for the two-star flag... so, your three-star colonial-time flag is stuck with which people??

your "about me" declares to this forum that you are ikhwaani by family, and you are proud of it.
I'm not part of the Muslim Brotherhood, but I don't have anything against them. Obviously, people who support dictators like you, would have lots against them, because they speak the truth against them. And I'm sure, this entire protest thing was a foreign conspiracy, and everything was filmed in Qatar, right? Why don't you stick to India's problems? Don't you guys have massive gang-rape everywhere that's being supported by the government?

Syrian, but then call me a traitor, why don't you make up your mind?

:rofl: :enjoy:

I'm not part of the Muslim Brotherhood, but I don't have anything against them. Obviously, people who support dictators like you, would have lots against them, because they speak the truth against them. And I'm sure, this entire protest thing was a foreign conspiracy, and everything was filmed in Qatar, right? Why don't you stick to India's problems? Don't you guys have massive gang-rape everywhere that's being supported by the government?

Ignore that troll, he has nothing better to do in life. He is an Indian claiming to grow up in Libya and trolls everybody. He has called me Ikhwaan and said I need to be permanently banned from forum. :)

Most people here have views like him. They see MB as evil. But, a big portion share our views.
Well, your avatar is directly driven from the Nazi flag, which it's enough to say about your racism. You were supporting national socialists right? :rofl: like your former german counterparts ... even the name of that party is driven from Nazis :lol:
BTW, you always have been an Assad propagandist who is famous for his unending lies about oppositions. I do appreciate the honesty of the new Syrian member, who has the courage to openly admit the problems that the Syrian society have, instead of being a liar like you.
Syria was another North Korea before the revolution starts, and was famous for the secret police, ... it was literally another hell on the earth. Then, couple of honorable people, FSA, tried to change the situation, but your beloved ***-head, was the one who invited ISIS and such terrorists to Syria, and was a secret ally with them, until a few months ago. The destruction that Assad family has brought to Syria, is beyond imagination.
Now, if you as a christian, have worries about living under islamists rule, I can understand that, but you need to remember that they were invited to Syria by your Assad. If Assad had some long-term thoughts and moralities, the situation would not turn into what it is today.

your logic is great, the SSNP red cyclone consists of cross and crescent merged together, why don't you use google... just because it seems similar which is not by the way, it doesn't mean it is nazi, so using your logic we can say Saudi flag is Alqaeda flag since it is similar? ( actually, yes Saudi "Arabia" supports AQ) , or that Hindus and others are nazis since swastika is their symbol?

ummm.. do you even know SSNP to say that I'm Alasad supporter, ignorant... relations between the two are not the great, but they are not bad also.

and you don't know crap about Syria, Syria was heaven on earth, now under "democracy" is it hell on earth... before the war only 1% lived in poverty, now under the war about 6%... this is according to the UN
| Human Development Reports

F$A are nothing but terrorists, they are AQ, I$I$ they are all the same, they all have the same ideology..

you must be an idiot to believe that Alasad invited I$I$, last time I checked Baghdadi was released from American prison ( Guantanamo Bay) also reports suggest he was trained by the west and Israel...
I$I$ is the creation of the west and their puppets, I$I$ was never this strong, but the west and their puppet made it that strong, even the west itself admits its puppets created it...

Just because people can bare to live with each other doesn't mean they don't hate each other. There are mosques next to synagogues in Israel. Does that mean people get along? Definitely not. I don't want a caliphate. The Caliphate will be established when Mahdi comes. And there is plenty of evidence of racism in the Middle East. Jordanians telling the Sudanese to go home, Saudis hating on Persians, etc. My grandma told me a song/story that goes like this: "Oh my Indian neighbor, look who is in my house, it is a slave (abid in Arabic, same bad meaning as the n*gger), and hes trying to kill me."
Not to mention all the racist jokes said by basically everyone.
I know it was given by the French you idiot. I didn't deny it. But it clearly stuck with the people. AS ALL THE OTHER FLAGS GIVEN TO MIDDLE EASTERN TERRITORIES WERE KEPT, OR SLIGHTLY MODIFIED. Also, you say I'm not Syrian, but then call me a traitor, why don't you make up your mind?
You are a hardcore Assad supporter. Denying that is just ridiculous, since all you do is support him. You probably supported him when he dropped barrel bombs on the refugee camp in Idlib, too.
I'm accusing people rightfully. The Middle East is messed up socially. To deny that is being plain ignorant.
yes this is it, you're not Syria, you really messed up and sectarian... are you even an Arab? saying that mosques in Israel are fine, lol, Alqsa is fine now days ha?
yes there is racism in the middle east, in countries such as like gcc... I was talking about Syrians, Syrians never hated other sects, we lived together since always, however when the wahabi terrorists which are funded by the "infidel" west and their puppet, they started planting the hate ideology and the beheading...

what that heck is that song? this is not a Syrian song... therefore I conclude that you're not Syrian...

you can call me whatever, hardcore Alasad supporter, I really don't care, as I said before I'm pro Syria, and pro everyone with Syria...

and don't you even trying to hide all the F$A terrorists crimes, bringing barrel bombs crap with no proof, it could be a bomb planted by the terrorists, as they always do, they kill innocents and video it, and put on YouTube to blame the army... that BS is really old....

Middle East is messed up socially, however Syria was not ( before the war), Damascus ranked in top 4 in the safest cities world wide, now it is 4th from the bottom, what a great achievement...

People wake up, this is the ideology and hatred by the so called "revolutionaries" they are nothing but terrorists... just read his racist and sectarian rants... he is very "moderate"
I$I$ is the creation of the west and their puppets, I$I$ was never this strong, but the west and their puppet made it that strong, even the west itself admits its puppets created it...

IS is strong today and one of the most prominent reason for that is the great run the shia army of maliki made from Mosul to Baghdad in their underpants leaving behind a vast amount of weapons that were then captured by the IS.

By ur logic are we to take that Maliki and his Shia army are behind strengthening IS.
oh what you're saying that since the Iraqi army retreated it supported I$I$, by your logic, the Americans trained the Iraqi army, so we can go back to the main point, the west created this mess in Iraq, Iraq 2003 invasion, caused a mess in the Middle east, and we are seeing it now in Libya and anywhere the the west interferes... Libya is now taken by AQ... after the NATO revolution in Libya...
Just because people can bare to live with each other doesn't mean they don't hate each other. There are mosques next to synagogues in Israel. Does that mean people get along? Definitely not. I don't want a caliphate. The Caliphate will be established when Mahdi comes. And there is plenty of evidence of racism in the Middle East. Jordanians telling the Sudanese to go home, Saudis hating on Persians, etc. My grandma told me a song/story that goes like this: "Oh my Indian neighbor, look who is in my house, it is a slave (abid in Arabic, same bad meaning as the n*gger), and hes trying to kill me."
Not to mention all the racist jokes said by basically everyone.
I know it was given by the French you idiot. I didn't deny it. But it clearly stuck with the people. AS ALL THE OTHER FLAGS GIVEN TO MIDDLE EASTERN TERRITORIES WERE KEPT, OR SLIGHTLY MODIFIED. Also, you say I'm not Syrian, but then call me a traitor, why don't you make up your mind?
You are a hardcore Assad supporter. Denying that is just ridiculous, since all you do is support him. You probably supported him when he dropped barrel bombs on the refugee camp in Idlib, too.
I'm accusing people rightfully. The Middle East is messed up socially. To deny that is being plain ignorant.

To tell you an amazing fact, Syrian lion himself lives in America

F$A are nothing but terrorists, they are AQ, I$I$ they are all the same, they all have the same ideology..

you must be an idiot to believe that Alasad invited I$I$, last time I checked Baghdadi was released from American prison ( Guantanamo Bay) also reports suggest he was trained by the west and Israel...
I$I$ is the creation of the west and their puppets, I$I$ was never this strong, but the west and their puppet made it that strong, even the west itself admits its puppets created it...

There is a limit to hypocrisy, Instead of blaming Assad for ISIS, you are putting rubbish, crap unfounded, not worth two dime allegations on every other entity and absolving assad from everything !

Do you take r us for fools, who are not following Syrian conflict? Do you know even Pro Assad loyalists were cursing him in June 2014 when ISIS started attacking syrian army, that why Assad tolerated ISIS presence? Do you know it was Assad plane to use ISIS to weaken FSA and associated entities.

Unless you acknowledge both side of coin, whatever coming out of your mouth would be always taken with pinch of salt.

And you have a lot of nerve in saying there is no proof Assad army use barrel bombs which indiscriminately kills everybody. How do you know they don't use it, I mean you don't even live syria?
Baghdadi's Wife and Son Detained in Lebanon at Checkpoint
Suja al-Dulaymi, who is one of the wives of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of the terror group Islamic State (IS, aka ISIL or ISIS), was detained with her 8-year-old son at a checkpoint in northern Lebanon 10 days ago. The Lebanese authorities also detained in Tripoli the wife of a leader in the al-Qaeda affiliated Jabhat al-Nusra, who goes by the alias of Abu Ali al-Shishani.

There is a limit to hypocrisy, Instead of blaming Assad for ISIS, you are putting rubbish, crap unfounded, not worth two dime allegations on every other entity and absolving assad from everything !

Do you take r us for fools, who are not following Syrian conflict? Do you know even Pro Assad loyalists were cursing him in June 2014 when ISIS started attacking syrian army, that why Assad tolerated ISIS presence? Do you know it was Assad plane to use ISIS to weaken FSA and associated entities.

Unless you acknowledge both side of coin, whatever coming out of your mouth would be always taken with pinch of salt.

And you have a lot of nerve in saying there is no proof Assad army use barrel bombs which indiscriminately kills everybody. How do you know they don't use it, I mean you don't even live syria?
Are you kidding me... we all know, I$I$ is strong now due the gcc funding, heck the whole world know that Turkey became terrorists highway... and now you're blaming Alasad for making them, heck even western government acknowledged that their puppets made strong I$I$, and Saudi Prince admitted it ... Saudi Billionaire Prince: Saudi Arabia's Funding of Rebels in Syria Led to Rise of ISIS
unstable Syria means unstable region... and this is what the west and their puppets caused, they created chaos and war in Syria, and now the region is burning...

Syrian army didn't engage with I$I$, because it was letting terrorists kill each other.. .and it worked great, when I$I$ finished the other terrorists group the Syrian army got engaged in fierce war with the I$I$ terrorists... so I guess little military strategy that was obvious, however, since it fits your agenda, you gonna play dumb and use SAA didn't attack I$I$, while before that Syria was bombing I$I$ in Raqqa on daily basis, but it never made the western news since it never made their agenda...

and you have a lot of nerve also, you live in Syria? I was talking about the refugee camp bombing, the videos posted showed no barrel bombs, just burning tents, so how do you know it was a barrel bomb dropped from Syria heli? or wait, if fits your propaganda, thus you gonna play that card...

funny most people here also play with the death figure in Syria, not knowing that most of those killed in Syria are pro Syria and pro Syrian army... they just use that number as a toy to play their sectarian terrorists ideology card...
Germany's DW Reports ISIS Supply Lines Originate in NATO Territory, Turkey!!

Germany's international broadcaster Deutsche Welle (DW) published a video report of immense implications - possibly the first national broadcaster in the West to admit that the so-called "Islamic State" (ISIS) is supplied not by "black market oil" or "hostage ransoms" but billions of dollars worth of supplies carried into Syria across NATO member Turkey's borders via hundreds of trucks a day.

The report titled, "'IS' supply channels through Turkey," confirms what has been reported by geopolitical analysts since at least as early as 2011 - that NATO member Turkey has allowed a torrent in supplies, fighters, and weapons to cross its borders unopposed to resupply ISIS positions inside of Syria.
He has called me Ikhwaan and said I need to be permanently banned from forum. :)

hazzy, you are back with your hamas propaganda... :hitwall: but i know the perfect thread for you... there was a recent thread by horus which reinstated permanent ban for isis/taliban supporters/apologists. :D

@WebMaster @Horus @waz @Jungibaaz wasn't hazzy banned??

he has nothing better to do in life.

oh, i do have one thing in life... initiating socialist revolution, political and technological... which will also work against nato puppets ( hint, hint ).

I'm not part of the Muslim Brotherhood, but I don't have anything against them.

that means you are a supporter and apologist of ikhwaan, and you deserve permanent ban according to reinstatement of such ban rule on pdf.

Obviously, people who support dictators like you, would have lots against them,

what coincidence that those you call "dictator" are also called that by western governments... oh, wait... western governments created groups like qaeda/taliban/ikhwaan...

because they speak the truth against them.

what truth is that??

And I'm sure, this entire protest thing was a foreign conspiracy, and everything was filmed in Qatar, right?

how about the fake fall of tripoli in 2011, with the "green square" entire constructed either in qatar or in india?? you surely have pre-empted my pointing it out. :D

Why don't you stick to India's problems?

i am socialist... you should have guessed that by my user-name... humanity's problems are my problems.

you see, you are more indian than me... your ikhwaan's "spiritual" main mullah, sayyid qutb, was deeply inspired by the "teachings" of the indian mullah, maudoodi, who in turn had created a perverted form of islam which mixed "indian culture" with what he though was muslim practices... and i being hardcore socialist don't even accept the legitimacy of india as a political nation... so, you are the indian here, sir.

Don't you guys have massive gang-rape everywhere that's being supported by the government?

true that.

i won't bother watching some cia produced disinfo vid.
yes this is it, you're not Syria, you really messed up and sectarian... are you even an Arab? saying that mosques in Israel are fine, lol, Alqsa is fine now days ha?
yes there is racism in the middle east, in countries such as like gcc... I was talking about Syrians, Syrians never hated other sects, we lived together since always, however when the wahabi terrorists which are funded by the "infidel" west and their puppet, they started planting the hate ideology and the beheading...

what that heck is that song? this is not a Syrian song... therefore I conclude that you're not Syrian...

you can call me whatever, hardcore Alasad supporter, I really don't care, as I said before I'm pro Syria, and pro everyone with Syria...

and don't you even trying to hide all the F$A terrorists crimes, bringing barrel bombs crap with no proof, it could be a bomb planted by the terrorists, as they always do, they kill innocents and video it, and put on YouTube to blame the army... that BS is really old....

Middle East is messed up socially, however Syria was not ( before the war), Damascus ranked in top 4 in the safest cities world wide, now it is 4th from the bottom, what a great achievement...

People wake up, this is the ideology and hatred by the so called "revolutionaries" they are nothing but terrorists... just read his racist and sectarian rants... he is very "moderate"
Yes I am Arab, and I'm definitely Syrian. I'm from Halab, a city you've clearly never been to.
Did I say Mosques in Israel were fine to you? I just said they exist. Doesn't mean they're fine.
You idiot, in Syria there were plenty of East Asian maids who came, and they were treated like crap. And again, just because people live together doesn't mean they don't hate each other.
That is a Syrian song, or at least, a Halabi song, but clearly, as usual, you call me a terrorist and not Syrian and don't even listen to any of my claims.
Screw you and your nationalism.
Yeah sure, totally no barrel bombs. And they're support accurate, too, right? Because dropping something that is unguided and barely stabilized will totally go on target. Oh wait, their target is civilians in the first place.
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