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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

All this whining about Iran's 'interference' in Arab world, again, with double standards.

Just look what a mess your country created in Afghanistan by supporting Taliban terrorists. Were they Arabs? Of course not. Why did you interfere in there then?

Countries don't choose their interests based on races and it's too hard for you to understand it seems.

LOL, at your "interference". There are no double standards. Your interests/interference or whatever you want to call it is harmful and your interests collide with that of the Arab world. You are by large unwanted. Why is this hard to accept? Why don't you worry about your brothers in Tajikistan and Afghanistan instead?

The Arabs did not create Taliban nor funded them. The Taliban lives on the heroin trade which ironically your country is the major buyer of as you have the world's biggest heroin addiction. Together with Russia.

I do not care about your so-called "interests". I care about what is going on in the Arab world as do 99% of all Arabs regardless of differences in sect or politics and your interests are by large poisonous.

It is hard for you to understand that internal Arab matters are not your business.

If your interest was genuine and positive then I would have nothing against it. For instance I have nothing against future GCC and Iranian economic cooperation. But if you think that we will accept Hezbollah like organizations to emerge in our countries like you wish for then forget it.

Speaking about racism. All your Farsi friends (almost) write nonsense about Arabs at least once every week. No Arab cares about your internal matters or relations with your brothers in Tajikistan and Afghanistan in comparison but every Iranian almost is almost obsessed about our internal relations.
Why only see one side? Tens of other groups are fighting on opposite side and you bring them all under the banner of 'revolutionary'. What can I say?

And no, we didn't arm Assad. Arms is the last thing Syrian army needs, since it was one of the best equipped Arab armies before the conflict. Even if Syria doesn't import any arms for ten years, it won't need any arms to get the fight going. It's an army after all, not a small group of fighters.
There is more than 1 side to this. There is the Assad regime and it's thugs, ISIS, the revolutionaries (composed of FSA and IF affiliated groups) and then there is JaN. I don't support JaN, as they have been doing some very bad things lately (taking over Idlib, invading Rastan, etc.). The revolutionaries I refer to are the FSA and IF and their affiliates. While they do get a small amount of foreign support, the regime get massive arms. They get ammunition and new weapons from Iran (see those "Falaq" rockets or whatever they're called, used by Peshmerga too), along with new laser-guided weapons from Russia (bunker-busters used against rebel HQs). And, they resort to making barrel bombs, which have killed tens of thousands of people. If that isn't enough evidence that Iran and Russia are supporting the regime, I don't know what is.
Another sectarian mindset, no wonder your 'revolution' is sooo messed up. A revolution that is based on sectarian lines is doomed from very beginning. Good luck dealing with ISIS, Nusra and other terrorists, they will give you your freedom indeed. :)

PS: Instead of inviting me to Syria, leave the comfort of U.S and go fight for your 'freedom', this is the irony, isn't it?
lol shame on your Serpentine for believing he is Syrian... and if he is Syrian, he betrayed his country, I mean you should know from his avatar, why on earth would a Syrian have french flag as an avatar? lol

he is not Syrian, and the reason I know that is because he is racist and sectarian....
he is nothing but a false user, I bet he doesn't even know anything about Syria...
lol shame on your Serpentine for believing he is Syrian... and if he is Syrian, he betrayed his country, I mean you should know from his avatar, why on earth would a Syrian have french flag as an avatar? lol

he is not Syrian, and the reason I know that is because he is racist and sectarian....
he is nothing but a false user, I bet he doesn't even know anything about Syria...
Most Syrians I met are Anti-Assad. Now that mention it. I think you are not Syrian. And if you are Syrian, the Syrian people don't accept you as one. No real Syrian could support a mass-murderer like Assad.
Most Syrians I met are Anti-Assad. Now that mention it. I think you are not Syrian. And if you are Syrian, the Syrian people don't accept you as one. No real Syrian could support a mass-murderer like Assad.

in syria they dont have time for chitchat. The real syrians are fighting, dont matter if you are a rebel or pro assad.

So what the fak is he?

The millitary conspriction is for men and woman in Syria. Even students are fighting but not this joker:-).
Most Syrians I met are Anti-Assad. Now that mention it. I think you are not Syrian. And if you are Syrian, the Syrian people don't accept you as one. No real Syrian could support a mass-murderer like Assad.

You are not in a place to decide what Syrians want.
Who should decide then? Assad and his power hungry family or the Syrian people who protested for democracy I know which ones Iran’s supporting.
He personally is also supporting the dictator Assad who killed tens of thousands of innocent Syrian families with dropping barrel bombs on cities. I believe in Karma. Eventually what Iran is supporting will come home.
He personally is also supporting the dictator Assad who killed tens of thousands of innocent Syrian families with dropping barrel bombs on cities. I believe in Karma. Eventually what Iran is supporting will come home.
Him and his likes are total hypocrites complains about the evil West when at the same time his country is partly responsible for the deaths of thousands of people and a destruction of a whole country.
Who should decide then? Assad and his power hungry family or the Syrian people who protested for democracy I know which ones Iran’s supporting.
Syrians should decide.
No one from outside should say who can be a candidate or not. Stop arming terrorist groups, let candidates from all sides join and hold an election. If Syrians decide to choose 'evil Assad' or anyone else, that's it, none of any non-Syrian's business.

He personally is also supporting the dictator Assad who killed tens of thousands of innocent Syrian families with dropping barrel bombs on cities. I believe in Karma. Eventually what Iran is supporting will come home.

Then you should be more afraid, you know what I mean.
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