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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

. The Southeast/NorthEast and East in general is sparsely populated and had not any traditional centers of power. Outside of Mashhad which gained its importance due to the Ali al-Ridha shrine.

Wrong .

Parthians or in other words Parni tribe rose from north east of Iran / south west of modern Turkmenistan in 150 BC and ruled the east for 400 years before Sassanians .

The same is honest about King Nader Afshar that rose from north east .

In fact , People from every corner of this country rose and fell and established powerful empires and rich civilizations .
Iran is too coward to intervene in sth directly. It only uses it's allies. Anyway, rulers in both Iraq and Syria used to be your allies but now you lost them both and further have been losing Bs of $ in there. In Yemen, the country will turn to ashes but not fall in Iranian allies hands. Yemeni tribes will not allow that to happen.

And I'm sorry I can't show any respect to a country that does not learn it's lesson despite the continuous defeats and humiliation it has been experiencing for tens of centuries.

This :

if you could avoid your 10yo analysis in this forum, it would be great.

By the way , Your brothers are begging for help to kill rafezis in Nubl and Zahraa , Why don't you join them instead of wasting your time here ?

I'm sure you'll understand what he's crying for :

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15,000 Syrian women, girls killed by Assad forces: report

More than 15,000 women and girls have been killed in Syria by pro-government forces since the revolution began in 2011, activists said in a report published on Tuesday.

Forces loyal to president Bashar al-Assad have killed 15,372 women, including 4,194 girls since March 2011, the Syrian Network for Human Rights said, speaking on the International Day for the Elimination of the Violence against Women.

About six percent of the total number of those killed in the Syrian civil war were women, the report said.

The network said that Islamic State (IS) militants had killed 81 women, including the stoning of five women, in Hama, Dair ez Zor, Raqqa and the surrounding area.

The report said that 25 women were shot by Kurdish fighters, and 255 others were killed by the other armed groups.

The activist network said that, from the beginning of the civil war, Assad loyalists had detained 6,500 women, IS had detained 486 women, and the other armed groups have detained 580 women. Around 2,500 women are either still being detained or are missing.

The report said that more than 2.1 million Syrian women have fled their country in attempt to save their lives.

Syria's civil war began in March 2011 as a peaceful protest movement inspired by the Arab Spring and demanding Assad's ouster, but morphed into a brutal war after pro-Assad forces unleashed a massive crackdown against dissent.

The war has resulted in the deaths of an estimated 191,400 people, and displaced roughly half of the country's population, according to the UN.

The majority of fatalities are reportedly of civilians, primarily killed by pro-Assad forces, although other groups are also implicated.

15,000 Syrian women, girls killed by Assad forces: report | Middle East Eye
F$A Fighter in Aleppo Complains about the Terrorists F$A Crumbling State
A fighter in the ranks of the Western-backed F$A terrorists in Aleppo complains during an interview about the corruption that is plaguing rebel forces and the insufficient supplies and income. He states cronyism as one of the main drivers that is leading fighters to leave the combat zone and go work in Turkey instead. He also states that the injustice faced by fighters from the rebel leadership is much more than what was experienced from the regime.

Syria and Iraq never belonged to Mullahistan and never will. Those countries are sovereign Arab countries and will remain as such until the end of time. No matter how many billions your fake wannabe Arab Mullah's that rule your *** waste on their proxies at the expense of the average impoverished and hopeless Iranian citizen.

Al-Assad is on loan in Syria. Also what influence in Syria? Can you tell me? Same with Iraq. The Iraqi Shia Arabs do not like you Farsis. Never did. That you have joined forces against ISIS is nothing. So has KSA itself and those that you accuse of supporting ISIS.

Also it's the local Iraqi Sunni Arabs that are leading the fight and ISOF. Both have nothing to do with Iran. Nor the "Twitter Warriors" the Peshmerga.

At the end of the day Syria is 80% Syrian Sunni Arab and what we see today (a Nusayri ruling elite) is obviously on loan. The best "you" can hope for is for them to form their own autonomous tiny state around Latakia but the Syrians want agree on that nor any regional power. Whether the Arab League or Turkey next door.

Similarily in Iraq. The Iraqi Sunni Arab areas that make up 66-70% of Iraq's territory (including all the crucial routes of trade) will never submit to any "Farsi rule". Meanwhile Southern Iraq neighbors KSA and Kuwait and they can never be a threat to the GCC.

In fact from this day on the relations between KSA/GCC/Sunni Arab world and the Iraqi Shia Arabs (that ironically have closer ancestral ties to KSA than any other group in Iraq) will only improve. Iraq cannot afford anything else. We have already seen signs of that.

Iraq seeks KSA help to return to Arab fold | Arab News

Lastly Farsi influence in Yemen is non-existent. You obviously have no clue about what is going on in Yemen.

Yemen's Houthis proxy, not ally for Iran - Al-Monitor: the Pulse of the Middle East

Also come back to me and brag when your 80 million big Mullahstan gets a bigger economy than 10 million big UAE before you spread nonsense about hegemony in the ME.:rofl: As long as we (Arabs) are here there will not be such a thing. Ever.

It may be that Kurds and Iraqi Shia Arabs or Syrian Sunni Arabs were not very much under influence of Iran .... but thanks to Saudi Jihadies and ISIS Jihadies, situation is this that all of them feel Iran is their best ally and friend.

All other countries Saudia and Jordan and Qatar etc., they are the real axis of Salafi Jihadies and sooner or later there will be civil wars in these countries. For sure Syria, Iraq and Kurds, all of them want to keep themselves miles miles away from this Salafism which has become a sign of extremism.
Violent clashes in Ein al-Arab”Kobane” and no less than 90 shells on the city
November 29, 2014 Comments Off

Trusted sources reported to SOHR that a fighter from ISIS detonated himself in a car near Syri-Turkey borders what caused a material damages in the area followed by clashes between ISIS and YPG in the area, A fighter from the IS detonated himself with a belt what killed a number of fighters from YPG, Clashes also taking place around al-Amal hospital which was taken over by YPG earlier. ISIS took control on Azadi yard, reports of detonating a suicide car south of the city.
Clashes also taking place btween the two sides in Mashta Nour hill after an attack by the YPG on ISIS bastions in the area, reports of losses in both sides. 90 shells fired by the IS fell on areas in the city since this morning.

More than 95 shells launched on Kobani in the last 36 hours
November 29, 2014 Comments Off

Reliable sources reported to SOHR that IS militants have launched 40 homemade shells on areas in the city of Kobani since this morning, thus the number of shells launched by IS on the city of Kobani in the last 36 hours rose to 95 .

YPG fighters carried out a military operation targeting an IS vehicle in the village of Tal Ghazal in the southern countryside of Kobani leading to kill 2 militants, including a local emir.

Several fronts in the city of Kobani are witnessing mutual firing between YPG and IS, amid flight of US led coalition warplanes over the city.

30 fighters killed and no less than 110 shells on EIn al-Arab”Kobane”

November 29, 2014 Comments Off

Trusted sources reported to SOHR that Clashes continue between ISIS and YPG near the crossing after a suicide vehicle explosion by the IS, Clashes also continue west of the city, the IS advanced with Tanks, no less than 110 shells fired by ISIS fell on areas in the city since this morning. 8 YPG and 17 ISIS killed during the violent clashes.
4 ISIS detonated themselves around the city by suicide cars and explosive belts. Coalition air strikes targeted ISIS in al-Senaa area, reports of losses.

seems like IS pulled off a big offensive last night until today
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ISIS taking control street by street. Every day we are reading 20, 30 even 50 isis fighers are killed. But still is isis fighting and not losing:-).

How long can you keep lying?

Isis launches attack on Kobani from inside Turkey for first time
Assault by Islamic State militants reportedly began with suicide attack on border between Turkey and strategic Syrian town

Kobani has been under Isis assault since September, but the militants have never attacked it from Turkey before. Photograph: Jake Simkin/AP
Islamic State (Isis) has launched an attack on the Syrian border town of Kobani from Turkey for the first time, a Kurdish official and activists said.

The assault began with a suicide attack by a bomber in an armoured vehicle on the border crossing between Kobani and Turkey, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR), a UK-based opposition group, said.

Nawaf Khalil, a spokesman for Syria’s Kurdish Democratic Union party, said that Isis “used to attack the town from three sides” but “today, they are attacking from four sides”.

Turkey has previously backing the Syrian rebels fighting to topple the country’s president, Bashar al-Assad, has it has been reluctant to help the Kurds in Kobani for fear of stoking Kurdish ambitions for an independent state.

There was no comment from Ankara on Saturday about Isis fighters launching the assault from Turkish soil.

SOHR said heavy fighting also took place south-west of the town, where Isis brought in tanks to reinforce their fighters.

The group began its Kobani offensive in mid-September, capturing parts of the town and dozens of nearby villages. The town later became the focus of air strikes by the US-led coalition against the militants.

Kurdish fighters have slowly been advancing in Kobani since late October. Hundreds of people have been killed in the fighting

SOHR said on Saturday that the latest fighting killed at least eight Kurdish fighters and 17 jihadists.
ISIS taking control street by street. Every day we are reading 20, 30 even 50 isis fighers are killed. But still is isis fighting and not losing:-).

How long can you keep lying?

Well, they are losing men and ground so they are losing? and it says today they are bringing in tanks to Kobae knowing that they will be knocked out within a minute by airstrikes, thats surely a desperate losing move.

If your military victories are over retreating Iraqi soldiers and tribesmen yet you cant take a town with a few Kurds in (LOL) who are armed with shite then they really are losing and the only thing prolonging the demise of IS is its numbers which will dwindle to the point where they will probably hold onto a few small enclaves in Syria for the next few years/until stability returns to Syria.

Anyone flying a flag of "Islam" in a warlike way is probably not going to last very long, the only people foolish enough to fight wars in the name of religion in this day and age are not likely to be a threat to any BASIC resistance, add in some military training and they are wiped out.
It seems Kobane is about to fall .

Kurds lost the border crossing after ISIS launched an offensive operation , started with 4 suicide attacks .

Things are getting ugly :tsk:

Isis launches attack on Kobani from inside Turkey for first time
Assault by Islamic State militants reportedly began with suicide attack on border between Turkey and strategic Syrian town

Kobani has been under Isis assault since September, but the militants have never attacked it from Turkey before. Photograph: Jake Simkin/AP
Islamic State (Isis) has launched an attack on the Syrian border town of Kobani from Turkey for the first time, a Kurdish official and activists said.

The assault began with a suicide attack by a bomber in an armoured vehicle on the border crossing between Kobani and Turkey, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR), a UK-based opposition group, said.

Nawaf Khalil, a spokesman for Syria’s Kurdish Democratic Union party, said that Isis “used to attack the town from three sides” but “today, they are attacking from four sides”.

Turkey has previously backing the Syrian rebels fighting to topple the country’s president, Bashar al-Assad, has it has been reluctant to help the Kurds in Kobani for fear of stoking Kurdish ambitions for an independent state.

There was no comment from Ankara on Saturday about Isis fighters launching the assault from Turkish soil.

SOHR said heavy fighting also took place south-west of the town, where Isis brought in tanks to reinforce their fighters.

The group began its Kobani offensive in mid-September, capturing parts of the town and dozens of nearby villages. The town later became the focus of air strikes by the US-led coalition against the militants.

Kurdish fighters have slowly been advancing in Kobani since late October. Hundreds of people have been killed in the fighting

SOHR said on Saturday that the latest fighting killed at least eight Kurdish fighters and 17 jihadists.
Terrorists oops i mean ''activists'' producing lies again, what happened to Turkish Tank deliverys to Isis?

Turkey denies ISIS attacked Kobane from its territory

Turkey denied on Saturday that jihadists from the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) have launched an attack on the border town of Kobane from its territory, an official statement said.

The statement from the Turkish prime minister’s office said that “it is known that the terrorist group ISIS has been attacking too many places simultaneously in Kobane and also to Mursitpinar border gate since this morning.”

It added: “One of these attacks was made in the Syrian side of the border by a bomb-laden vehicle.

The allegation that the vehicle in the mentioned attack reached the border gate through Turkish land is definitely a lie.”

It also confirmed that none of the Turkish officials said that the bomb-laden vehicle has passed the border from Turkey.

The statement came after a Kurdish and activists said ISIS militants’ attack came from Turkish territories.

ISIS group “used to attack the town from three sides,” Nawaf Khalil, a spokesman for Syria’s Kurdish Democratic Union Party, told the Associated Press. “Today, they are attacking from four sides.”

The assault began with a suicide bomb in an armored vehicle on the border crossing between Kobane and Turkey, said Khalil and the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.

Turkey, while previously backing the Syrian rebels fighting to topple President Bashar Assad in that country’s civil war, has been hesitant to aid the Kobane fight over its own fears about stoking Kurdish ambitions for an independent state. Ankara had no immediate comment Saturday about ISIS fighters launching the assault from Turkish soil.

Associated Press journalists saw thick black smoke rise over Kobane amid the attack. The sound of heavy gunfire echoed through the surrounding hills as armored vehicles took up positions on the border. The Observatory said heavy fighting also took place southwest of the town where ISIS brought in tanks to reinforce their fighters.

ISIS began its Kobane offensive in mid-September, capturing parts of the town as well as dozens of nearby villages. The town later became the focus of airstrikes by the U.S.-led coalition against the militants.

Kurdish fighters slowly have been advancing in Kobane since late October, when dozens of Iraqi Peshmerga fighters joined fellow Syrian Kurds in the battles. The fighting has killed hundreds of fighters on both sides over the past two months.

The Observatory said Saturday the latest fighting killed at least eight Kurdish fighters and 17 jihadists.

ISIS has declared a self-styled Islamic caliphate in areas under its control in Iraq and Syria, governing it according to its violent interpretation of Shariah law. The group has carried out mass killings targeting government security forces, ethnic minorities and others against it.

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