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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Before US intervention in June 2014 ur Iranians and Iraqis fled from ISIS with speed of light.

Here simple fact:
* Iran tried to take Basra from Iraq for 8 years. They lost hundreds of thousands but failed to advance 1 meter.
* US took Basra in few days with minimal looses.

More than 560 thousand Syrian children were thrown by Khamenai from homes to tents in freezing cold, in order that Assad thugs could drink alcohol on ruins.
LMAOOO.....where did u find this new conspiracy theory to sell to us?

I mean, EVEN TODAY, US influence cant match Iranian influence in Basra. As a mtter of fact, the only countries in the Middle East that US influence is larger than Iran is only in ISrael, and weak GCC arabs who essentially pay US for protection. OUtside of that, US influence doesnt pass Iranian influence. Thats why Us needs all the weapons and sanctions.

THe fact that Iran is currently tied(at the minimum) with US for regional dominance, shows US has already lost because that means US cant beat an IRan not under sanctions. THe US has thrown all it can and still cant dominate without money or threat of sanctions or currying favors. lol.

Fairy tales.

Without US ISIS would now stand at Baghdad gates.
Liar. this is what you mean to say:

Fairy tales.

Without Iran ISIS would now stand at Baghdad gates.

If you were in Iraq spewing this BS, IRaqis would beat the living daylight out of you- US did not save Baghdad from falling. that is like saying Hitler saved Jews from dying.
LMAOOO.....where did u find this new conspiracy theory to sell to us?

I mean, EVEN TODAY, US influence cant match Iranian influence in Basra. As a mtter of fact, the only countries in the Middle East that US influence is larger than Iran is only in ISrael, and weak GCC arabs who essentially pay US for protection. OUtside of that, US influence doesnt pass Iranian influence. Thats why Us needs all the weapons and sanctions.

THe fact that Iran is currently tied(at the minimum) with US for regional dominance, shows US has already lost because that means US cant beat an IRan not under sanctions. THe US has thrown all it can and still cant dominate without money or threat of sanctions or currying favors. lol.

Liar. this is what you mean to say:

If you were in Iraq spewing this BS, IRaqis would beat the living daylight out of you- US did not save Baghdad from falling. that is like saying Hitler saved Jews from dying.
Simple fact:
* Iran tried to take Basra from Iraq for 8 years. They lost hundreds of thousands but failed to advance 1 meter.
* US took Basra in few days with minimal looses.

Meanwhile Israel eliminates today another Hizbalshaitan terrorist in Syria:

3 Turkish soldiers killed in Syrian air raid in Idlib
UN Secretary-General Guterres warns risk of escalation 'grows by the hour' and calls for an immediate ceasefire.

3 hours ago

At least 33 Turkish soldiers have been killed in an air raid by Syrian government forces in the northwestern Idlib province, the governor in the southeastern province of Hatay said early on Friday, raising an earlier death toll, while also threatening an escalation of conflict and another refugee crisis.

The deaths are the largest number of fatalities suffered by Turkey in a single day since it began sending thousands of troops into Idlib in recent weeks, amid a Russia-backed Syrian government offensive to seize the war-torn country's last opposition-held stronghold, which is home to more than three million people.

The ferocious bombing campaign and ground assault have displaced nearly one million people since December, more than half of whom are children.

In response, Turkey warned it is attacking "all known targets of the Syrian regime".

In a statement, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres expressed "grave concern" of an escalation of violence and called for an immediate ceasefire.

He said that "the risk of even greater escalation grows by the hour" without urgent action.

The US State Department also weighed in, saying it is "very concerned" about the reported attack, adding "we are standing by our NATO ally Turkey."

"We stand by our NATO ally Turkey and continue to call for an immediate end to this despicable offensive by the Assad regime, Russia and Iranian-backed forces," a State Department representative said.


A Turkey-backed Syrian fighter fires a truck-mounted gun towards the town of Saraqib on Wednesday [Omar Haj Kadour/AFP]
Through his spokesman, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg also issued a statement condemning the "indiscriminate" air strikes by the Syrian regime and Russian forces.

Rahmi Dogan, the governor of Turkey's southeastern province of Hatay, earlier announced in televised remarks that 22 soldiers were killed.

Following the attack, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan held a two-hour emergency security meeting in Ankara that was attended by ministers and military officials.

Syrians fleeing attacks in Idlib find shelter in caves

Separately, Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu spoke by phone with NATO's Stoltenberg, according to state media.

The Turkish army is retaliating with artillery fire at Syrian government targets in Syria.

"All known" Syrian government targets are under fire by Turkish air and land support units, Turkey's communications director Fahrettin Altun said on Friday, according to the state-run Anadolu news agency.

Turkey to open Idlib border
Turkey has decided to "respond in kind" to the attack by the Syrian government, Altun, Turkey's communications director, added

Attacks on Turkish forces have caused severe tensions between the Syrian government's key ally, Russia, and Turkey, which backs certain opposition groups in Idlib.

Erdogan has previously pledged to launch a military operation to push back Syrian government forces if they did not retreat from a line of Turkish observations posts by the end of February.

Syria's war: Doctors take precautions to protect hospitals

Meanwhile, a Turkish official told Reuters News Agency that Turkey's police, coastguard and border security officials had been ordered against trying to stop Syrian refugees from reaching Europe, in anticipation of an imminent arrival from Idlib.

Middle East Eye also reported that Turkey will open its Idlib border and allow refugees free passage to Europe.

Turkey already hosts more than 3.6 million Syrian refugees and fears a new influx, said Al Jazeera's Hashem Ahelbarra, reporting from the Turkish-Syrian border.

"In the coming days, [it is likely] to see Turkey take an aggressive role and ask the European Union and NATO, in particular, to take a very strong stance when it comes to what is happening now in Idlib," he added.

"Turkey feels that it is fighting this fight on its own while it considers what is doing an attempt to put an end to the humanitarian [crisis in Idlib]."



^ Situational map of NW Syria, might be slightly outdated


^ A more recent updated map of southern Idlib
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OK, so regarding Turkey saying it will allow Syrian civilians flow into EU, i think this is Turkey's way of blackmailing EU + US + NATO into giving TUrkey much needed "support" against Russia in Syria...it wont work.
OK, so regarding Turkey saying it will allow Syrian civilians flow into EU, i think this is Turkey's way of blackmailing EU + US + NATO into giving TUrkey much needed "support" against Russia in Syria...it wont work.

Greece and Bulgaria have already closes land borders with Turkey according to some reports if this was 2015 yeah it may have worked but basically Erdogan has burned bridges with the EU and US to flirt with Russia and Iran then burns bridges with them not a good strategy as for the whole thing in Syria very hard to have nuanced take on it I say it will end in stalemate this crisis
To help clarify the current situation in terms of demographics and population in Syria. in 2011 Syria had a population of 22 million.

-3.6 Million in Tr
-3.8 Million in Idlib
-2 million in Kurdish held areas
-1.1 million in EU
-930,000 in Lebanon
-660,000 in Jordan
-570,000 in other Arab countries ( Egypt, Qatar, Sudan, etc.
-245,000 in Iraq
-60,000 in North America (Us and Canada)
= 12.8-13 million Syrians live outside of government controlled areas.

600,000 have been killed

At present, the Arab Republic of Syria has a population of 8 million- 9 million in the areas of their control.

Let that sink in.
To help clarify the current situation in terms of demographics and population in Syria. in 2011 Syria had a population of 22 million.

-3.6 Million in Tr
-3.8 Million in Idlib
-2 million in Kurdish held areas
-1.1 million in EU
-930,000 in Lebanon
-660,000 in Jordan
-570,000 in other Arab countries ( Egypt, Qatar, Sudan, etc.
-245,000 in Iraq
-60,000 in North America (Us and Canada)
= 12.8-13 million Syrians live outside of government controlled areas.

600,000 have been killed

At present, the Arab Republic of Syria has a population of 8 million- 9 million in the areas of their control.

Let that sink in.

Idlib is not 4 mil

You're throwing around with mils like it's a small thing
Eight fighters with Lebanon’s Hezbollah killed in Syria

an hour ago

BEIRUT (AP) — Lebanon’s militant Hezbollah group lost at least eight fighters in northwest Syria in skirmishes with insurgents and airstrikes by Turkey’s air force, an opposition war monitor and the militant group said Saturday.

The casualties followed the death of at least 33 Turkish soldiers earlier this week.

The deaths marked the highest for the group in Syria in years as Hezbollah has pulled out many of its fighters from the neighboring country.

Hezbollah sent thousands of its battle-hardened fighters into Syria a year after the country’s conflict began in 2011, helping President Bashar Assad’s forces win major battles against insurgents. But over the past two years, Hezbollah has withdrawn many of its forces, leaving only a few hundred of them in several areas around the war-torn country.

The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said 14 Hezbollah fighters were killed Friday afternoon in the village of Talhiyeh when Turkish drones attacked their post as well as others of the Syrian army. The Observatory said 48 Syrian soldiers have also been killed since Thursday in Turkish bombardments and drone attacks in the region.

The Observatory’s chief, Rami Abdurrahman, said the 14 Hezbollah fighters included 10 Lebanese citizens and four of other nationalities, including at least one Iranian.

Hezbollah later released a statement listing the names and photos of eight of its fighters, including an Iranian cleric identified as Sayyed Ali Zengani. It gave no details other than saying that they “were martyred while performing their jihadi duties.”

More than a thousand Hezbollah fighters, including several founding members, have been killed in Syria.

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