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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Today in Syria:

-- Multiple casualties among pro-Assad forces as they went into minefield near Luf village in eastern Idlib (8 hours ago)

- Reports of big explosion at Ramleh airport in Hama as result of artillery targeting (12 hours ago)

- Tel Rifaat: One Syria army soldier named "Hani Zuaiter" was killed and two others injured after Turkish army bombed the village "Kafr Naya" in Tel-Rifaat countryside (3 hours ago)

- Turkish artillery targeting SAA positions near Saraqib in Southern Idlib (5 hours ago)

- Video of ATGM strike on pro-Assad forces at "Armenian" axis in southern Idlib (7 hours ago)

- Turkish artillery targets the locations of the SDF in Maranaz and Menag military airport, in response to targeting civilians in the city of Afrin in the northern countryside of Aleppo (7 hours ago)

I can go on the whole time like this. If this is the Syrian Civil War thread, than inform us completely about the civil war and dont turn it into a assadite pr machine.

Today in Syria:
I can go on the whole time like this. If this is the Syrian Civil War thread, than inform us completely about the civil war and dont turn it into a assadite pr machine.
I am mostly interested in sharing news about the progress made in the battle for Idlib. But if you want to share reports of casualties or share news from other parts of Syria too, then feel free to do so.

^ Updated situation around Saraqib and parts of western Aleppo
Smiling when their country is lost, economy is crushed and their people dwelling in diaspora around the world. Thanks to the Assad every country in Europe hates Arab/Syrian refugees. The time that Assad wins, there will be no Syrians left to rule about.

I love how people like you only see 1 side of this conflict. Assad's men are dying and Syria is "economically crushed and people living abroad in diaspora" because SAA is just fighting ghosts right? The world's best and strongest militaries arent fight Assad via Sunni terrorist groups like HTS?(@Malik Abdullah probably doesnt see AQ or HTS as a terorist group, just a "rebel group fighting Assad" )

BOY GROW UP!!! Turkey is in a lose-lose because at the end of the day, Turkey will be stuck with the Kurds,which is the undesirable thing for Turkey now.

I love how people like you only see 1 side of this conflict. Assad's men are dying and Syria is "economically crushed and people living abroad in diaspora" because SAA is just fighting ghosts right? The world's best and strongest militaries arent fight Assad via Sunni terrorist groups like HTS?(@Malik Abdullah probably doesnt see AQ or HTS as a terorist group, just a "rebel group fighting Assad" )

BOY GROW UP!!! Turkey is in a lose-lose because at the end of the day, Turkey will be stuck with the Kurds,which is the undesirable thing for Turkey now.

Grow up? You use Caps Lock to put power in your scream and telling me to grow up?

I don't understand what you mean anyway with 'stuck with Kurds'. There are 20 million Kurds and Zaza's living peacefully and happy in the Republic and i am one of them.

Why is Turkey 'stucked' with us? We see Turkey as our only homeland and Turkey sees us as firstclass citizens.

If you are referring to the ypg or pkk, when we bombed the shit out of them and cleansed the border, Assad cried almost every day like a sad dog and rushed to the north to protect those unibrow gypsies (they wish they were real Kurds).

We are definitely not stucked with those people because they live in Syria and not Turkey and are Syria's problem now but we will not hesitate to crush them again and again like we do now in Iraq if they dare to attack our bordercities again.

I love how people like you only see 1 side of this conflict. Assad's men are dying and Syria is "economically crushed and people living abroad in diaspora" because SAA is just fighting ghosts right? The world's best and strongest militaries arent fight Assad via Sunni terrorist groups like HTS?(@Malik Abdullah probably doesnt see AQ or HTS as a terorist group, just a "rebel group fighting Assad" )

BOY GROW UP!!! Turkey is in a lose-lose because at the end of the day, Turkey will be stuck with the Kurds,which is the undesirable thing for Turkey now.
I and many of my friends in pdf have shown true path to turks in years but they have chosen lose-lose path.
accept legitimate Syrian government and make respectful mutual relation with Damascus.
that is only path for all.
I and many of my friends in pdf have shown true path to turks in years but they have chosen lose-lose path.
accept legitimate Syrian government and make respectful mutual relation with Damascus.
that is only path for all.

I am also a supporter of peace with the Assad regime and a updated Adana agreement for terror on the border. Turkey and Syria could benefit both from this.
I am also a supporter of peace with the Assad regime and a updated Adana agreement for terror on the border. Turkey and Syria could benefit both from this.
negotiate with Syrians directly without Iran and Russia involvement !!!
negotiate with Syrians directly without Iran and Russia involvement !!!

A week ago Ali Mamluk from Syrian State Security and Turkish intelligence chief Hakan Fidan talked with eachother in Moscow. Russian sources were positive about their conversation.

I really thought this is a breakthrough between Turkey and Syria (Russia wants Turkish mechanism in the construction of post-war Syria) but now we have this clashes. What happened?
Syria says it intercepted Israeli missiles targeting Damascus
Syria claims shooting down 'most of the enemy missiles' near Damascus, with broadcast images showing explosions.

an hour ago


Syria's air defences have intercepted Israeli missiles near the capital Damascus shortly after their launch from over the occupied Golan Heights as well as through Lebanese airspace, according to its state media.

"Our air defences confronted an Israeli attack" west of Damascus, SANA news agency reported on Thursday, adding that they "were able to shoot down most of the enemy missiles before they reached their targets".

State television broadcast images showing explosions in the sky. AFP news agency reported loud explosions being heard in several districts of Damascus at about 1:15am local time (23:15 GMT).

SANA specified that the Israeli raids attacked the al-Kiswah area - already targeted several times in the past - as well as Marj al-Sultan and Jisr Baghdad.

At least three government and Iranian positions near Damascus and west of the capital had been hit according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR), which said a fire broke out in one of the areas.

There were no immediate reports of damage or casualties. A spokesman for the Israeli army declined to comment.

Previous incidents
Since the beginning of the Syrian conflict in 2011, Israel has carried out many raids against Syrian government forces and their allies, Iran and Lebanon's Hezbollah group.

In mid-January, Damascus accused the Israeli air force of carrying out an attack on the T4 military airport in central Syria. The same base has been attacked by Israeli raids on several occasions.

Israel regularly insists that it will not let Syria become a bridgehead for Tehran.

In November, the Israeli army claimed responsibility for a series of air raids against government military sites and Iranian forces that killed 23 people including 16 foreigners, according to the Observatory.

Sparked by the government suppression of pro-democracy protests, the conflict in Syria has been complicated by the involvement of international powers.

It has left more than 380,000 people dead, including at least 115,000 civilians.



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