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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

The locals in Suruc and Urfa tell me that the Turkish government that is boasting to have received and provided shelter to the refugees of Kobani is not entirely accurate. Government-affiliated institutions did in fact provide help and shelter but to no more than 6,000 people. The overwhelming majority are taken care of, according to the locals, mainly by the people of Suruc, which has a population of 101,000 as displayed on the sign at the entrance of the town.

At the exit of Suruc toward Urfa, three refugee camps on the side of the highway have been erected close to each other. Thousands of people, mostly women and children, live in the camps' tents that were set up by the municipality of Suruc, whose mayor is a member of the People's Democracy Party (HDP), the sister party of the PYD in Turkey, which is known for being pro-PKK.

Tens of thousands of refugees from Kobani live in shelters provided by various organizations scattered around Suruc, its villages and in Urfa. Many live next to their vehicles that hold their belongings in the no-man’s-land between the barbed border fences in a part of the Suruc plain that IS has not reached.

Read more: Watching Kobani - Al-Monitor: the Pulse of the Middle East
The locals in Suruc and Urfa tell me that the Turkish government that is boasting to have received and provided shelter to the refugees of Kobani is not entirely accurate. Government-affiliated institutions did in fact provide help and shelter but to no more than 6,000 people. The overwhelming majority are taken care of, according to the locals, mainly by the people of Suruc, which has a population of 101,000 as displayed on the sign at the entrance of the town.

At the exit of Suruc toward Urfa, three refugee camps on the side of the highway have been erected close to each other. Thousands of people, mostly women and children, live in the camps' tents that were set up by the municipality of Suruc, whose mayor is a member of the People's Democracy Party (HDP), the sister party of the PYD in Turkey, which is known for being pro-PKK.

Tens of thousands of refugees from Kobani live in shelters provided by various organizations scattered around Suruc, its villages and in Urfa. Many live next to their vehicles that hold their belongings in the no-man’s-land between the barbed border fences in a part of the Suruc plain that IS has not reached.

Read more: Watching Kobani - Al-Monitor: the Pulse of the Middle East

look foker, hdp isnt the one paying the camp the governer. when a earthquake hit Van(city) several years ago we did saw how miserable the bdp was.

SALMAN AL FARSI is right you are really goat fokers....
look foker, hdp isnt the one paying the camp the governer. when a earthquake hit Van(city) several years ago we did saw how miserable the bdp was.

SALMAN AL FARSI is right you are really goat fokers....

And you are a racist.
And you are a racist.

racist is al zordi and not me, the fact that he is a facist dont make me a racist. Stupid Turkish goverment they have to sent them back to kokani and let them handle ther problem and you can go with them. If you have the money help your kurdish people....

No money from the Turks anymore....
Advances for YPG in Ein al-Arab”Kobane”
November 24, 2014 Comments Off

SOHR was informed that YPG took control on few buildings around Ein al-Arab”Kobane” after violent clashes against the IS, YPG advanced in the governmental square and east of Azadi yard in addition to taking control on the cultural center in the city, the clashes accompanied by mutual bombardment from both sides and led to death of 18 fighters from ISIS in addition to human losses in YPG.
Coalition warplanes went in 5 air strikes targeted ISIS east of the city, confirmed reports of losses in ISIS. YPG fighters targeted 2 motorcycles for ISIS between Aleppo and Kobane in addition to targeting a car in Tal Hejab village and a Vehicle between Helnej and Shekh Joban, what killed a number of fighters from the IS.
Heavy clashes around 2 shia dominated cities of Nubl and Al Zahraa in Aleppo .

Wahhabi terrorists are trying to enter the cities but local forces have stopped them , hunting 2 tanks in southern fronts .

If the city fall , A big massacre will happen by terrorists . They killed a shia family around there yesterday for being shias .
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