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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

infrastructure definition by a russian shia chinese :

Houses (military base),
animals (working for the enemy, like steel mines essential for the enemy),
Mothers (soldier factory),
children (next growing soldiers, raw meterials)
grandpa (gives advices, information and communication systems)
grandma (makes food, a chain in the food supply and military medical infrastructures)
the cat (sneaky spy)
dog (enemy alarm system)
graves (bunkers)

thats what you see..
+1 for you for being so innovative :enjoy:

Kurdish forces rejected a call on Wednesday from the Syrian army and police to join their ranks following Turkey's cross-border incursion.

US House advances bill imposing sanctions on Turkey over Syria
"The general command of the armed forces is ready to welcome members of SDF units who are willing to join its ranks," said a defence ministry statement carried by state news agency SANA.

It said all Syrians, including the Kurdish minority, were confronting "one enemy".

Syria's interior ministry said it was willing to provide police services to residents of the northeast, calling on members of the Kurdish internal security services, known as Asayish, to join its ranks, SANA reported.

The SDF, the de facto army of the Kurdish administration in northeast Syria, turned down the proposal.

"A unity of ranks must proceed from a political settlement that recognises and preserves the SDF's special status and structure," it said
Interesting, I think that the Kurds would have joined Syrian army against Turkey which the Syrian army calls a 'common enemy'. However seems Kurdish forces want a separate command and independent rights if they join the Syrian army. I think they want to be something like Hezbollah or PMU and other powerful independent Shi'a militias( quasi military) in Lebanon,Yemen and Iraq. Remains to be seen if they can succeed in having this independent rights if they join the Syrian army.




From slow murder Khamenai aka Putin turn today to mass extermination again. Note: not a single Khamenaist on this forum condemns this 100% terror.
He found his brother alive after the attacks on their home...




FYI: Assad killed at least 200,000 people, meanwhile Al-Baghdadi killed 5004 . They both are terrorists, so why to kill ine and deal with the another one?

Assad aka Putin aka Khamenai bobming of Kafrouma, southern Idlib, killed 7 civilians. 3 members of the al-Yousef family, and 3 children from the al-Aqeda family were killed. The faces of the dead children are pierced with shrapnel injuries.
British founder of Syria's White Helmets found dead in Turkey
Investigation launched after body of James Le Mesurier, who helped start volunteer rescue group in Syria, is discovered.

10 hours ago


Le Mesurier was awarded an Order of the British Empire in 2016 for his efforts [Photo courtesy James Le Mesurier]
A former British army officer who helped found the White Helmets volunteer search-and-rescue organisation in Syria was found dead in Turkey on Monday.

The body of James Le Mesurier, founder and CEO of Mayday Rescue group, was discovered near his home in central Istanbul's Beyoglu district by worshippers on their way to a mosque, the state-run Anadolu news agency reported.

The Istanbul governor's office said that "comprehensive administrative and judicial investigations into Le Mesurier's death have been initiated".


Local media reports said his body was found with fractures to his legs and head outside of his apartment. Anadolu said police established that no one had entered or left his home around that time and believe he fell to his death.

A security source told Reuters News Agency that Le Mesurier apparently fell from the balcony of his home office and his death was being treated as a suspected suicide.

The private DHA news agency said authorities were investigating whether he committed suicide, adding he allegedly had been on anti-depressant pills.

Le Mesurier's wife told police her husband had been taking medicine to treat "intense stress", Anadolu reported. His body was awaiting an autopsy.

'Shock and sadness'
Le Mesurier's Mayday Rescue group founded and trained the White Helmets, also known as the Syria Civil Defence.

In a statement on Monday, Mayday called him a "great leader and a visionary".

"James dedicated his life to helping civilians respond to emergencies in conflicts and natural disasters. Nowhere was the impact of his important work felt so strongly as in Syria," the international non-profit organisation said.

Le Mesurier was awarded an Order of the British Empire by Queen Elizabeth in 2016 for services to Syria Civil Defence and the protection of civilians in Syria.

The White Helmets, formed in 2013, expressed their "shock and sadness" on Twitter.

The White Helmets


· 15h

We have learned with shock and sadness the news of the death of @lemesurierjames, founder and director of the humanitarian organization @MaydayRescue, early on Monday at his home in Tophane in Istanbul, Turkey. Mayday is one of the institutions supporting the White Helmets.

The White Helmets


The Syrian Civil Defense family extends its deepest condolences to the James family, and we express our deepest sorrow and solidarity with his family. As we also must commend his humanitarian efforts which Syrians will always remember.


5:37 PM - Nov 11, 2019
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The voluntary search-and-rescue group was formed to respond to bombings by Syrian government forces in opposition-controlled parts of the country.

White Helmets praised for humanitarian role in Syria (2:31)

Le Mesurier told Al Jazeera in 2015 he began training and supporting the organisation in early 2013 alongside Turkish rescue experts, starting with "a single team of 20 people".

"I was working in Istanbul ... and got together with a group of Turkish earthquake rescue volunteers," he said.

"It all came together with an initial training course of 20 guys from northern Aleppo, then spawned from one team to 20 teams."

The White Helmets have been credited with saving thousands of people in rebel-held areas hit by bombing by government and Russian forces in Syria's more than eight-year-old civil war.

A documentary about the group won an Academy Award in 2017.

'True hero'
Members of the White Helmets say they are neutral. Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and his backers, including Moscow, describe them as tools of Western propaganda and Islamist fighters.

The Russian Foreign Ministry said on Twitter on Friday that the White Helmets help "the most dangerous terrorist groups" and that Le Mesurier was a former British agent with reported "connections to terrorist groups".

MFA Russia



#Zakharova: The White Helmets’ co-founder, James Le Mesurier, is a former agent of Britain’s MI6, who has been spotted all around the world, including in the #Balkans and the #MiddleEast. His connections to terrorist groups were reported back during his mission in #Kosovo.


4:19 PM - Nov 8, 2019
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Ambassador Karen Pierce, UK's permanent representative to the United Nations, described Le Mesurier as a "true hero" when she was asked about his death by reporters.

"The causes of death at the moment are unclear. We will be looking very closely to see how the investigation goes. I hope the Turkish authorities will be able to investigate thoroughly," she said.

"The Russian charges against him, that came out of the foreign ministry that he was a spy, (are) categorically untrue. He was a British soldier," she added.

Syria's White Helmets

Assad likens ‘suicide’ of White Helmets founder to EPSTEIN & other high-profile mystery deaths

Syrian President Bashar Assad has scorned the official story of wealthy sex predator Jeffrey Epstein’s apparent suicide, suggesting that people like him, or the late White Helmets founder, knew too much for the rich and powerful.
Epstein “was killed because he knew a lot of vital secrets connected with very important people in the British and American regimes, and possibly in other countries as well,” Assad told Russian channel Rossiya-24 in an interview Thursday.

Assad suggested that the convicted sex offender’s death was analogous to the unusual demise earlier this week of White Helmets founder James Le Mesurier, who allegedly jumped out of a window at his home in Turkey. Turkish police are treating Le Mesurier’s death as suicide.

18 civilians killed in terror attack in northern Syria

At least 18 civilians were killed, 30 others were injured in a terrorist attack in northern Syria's al-Bab, which was liberated in an anti-terror operation carried out by the Turkish military.

The attack was carried out with a bomb-laden vehicle which exploded in the district's bus terminal, reports said.

Civilians who were injured in the attack were immediately taken to nearby hospitals, while local firefighter units extinguished the fire.

Buildings in the area were damaged in the explosion, reports said, adding that some vehicles also caught fire.

The Turkish Defense Ministry condemned the attack in a statement released on its official Twitter account.

Al-Bab, an important crossroads and settlement in northeastern Aleppo province, was liberated from the four-year-long cruel Daesh rule on Feb. 22, 2017, by the Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) and Free Syrian Army (FSA) fighters as part of the Operation Euphrates Shield launched on Aug. 24, 2016, to clear the terrorist group from Turkey's border regions. Due to its strategic importance, al-Bab witnessed the fiercest clashes between the Daesh terrorists and Turkish forces, especially at the Sheikh Aqeel district overlooking the town


The Kurds(backed by Iran and Saudi) are killing children again.
9 civilians killed, 10 injured by Russian airstrikes in Syria's Idlib


In an area of northwestern Syria supposed to be free of acts of aggression, on Sunday at least nine civilians were killed and 10 injured in Russian airstrikes, a local civil defense agency said.

The Russian warplanes carried out airstrikes on the villages of Bsakla, Uraynibah and two other villages in the northwestern province of Idlib, according to the Syrian opposition's aircraft observatory.

The Assad regime also carried out mortar, gun, and rocket attacks in the Kafr Nabl district and three other villages of Idlib.

Following the airstrikes, civil defense teams launched search and rescue efforts.

The death toll from the attacks on residential areas in the Idlib de-escalation zone over the last month totals 75, including 13 children, said the White Helmets civil defense group.

Additionally, in the first half of November the attacks of the Assad regime and its supporter Russia have displaced some 40,000 civilians within the Idlib de-escalation zone, according to Syria's Response Coordination Group, a local NGO.

Turkey and Russia agreed last September to turn Idlib into a de-escalation zone where acts of aggression are expressly prohibited.

The Syrian regime and its allies, however, have consistently broken the terms of the cease-fire, launching frequent attacks inside the zone.

The de-escalation zone is currently home to some four million civilians, including hundreds of thousands displaced in recent years by regime forces from throughout the war-weary country.

Syria has been locked in a vicious civil war since early 2011, when the regime cracked down on pro-democracy protests with unexpected ferocity.

Since then, hundreds of thousands of people have been killed and more than 10 million others displaced, according to UN officials.

I never get it, in American or NATO airstrikes only terrorists die but every other nation whether it is Pakistan, Russia, Turkey or Syria, only civilians died how do they do that NATO must have some magical power.

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