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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Excellent picture.

Egypt is OK and Syria totally destroyed with 12 million refugees and 1 million dead. Khamenaists destroyed entire country to save the throne of one inbred dictator. And they are proud of it. :bad:

Khan Sheikhoun is reduced to rubbles with indiscriminate sadistic attacks:

Town is full of civilians and far from frontlines. Just pure terror.

Rebels meanwhile killed 20 Assadists in raid.
Europe or Israel or USA or any other who is crying for Terrorists can keep them.
Terrorists do not have any place in Syria future. period.
Syrian government is fighting with Al-qaeda which have control over Idlib and keep civilians as hostage.
like east Hajjin in deralzhor.

I like to see how Arab and western countries betrayed Terrorists in Idlib.
few years ago, these thugs dreaming about Shi'a and alavi wives but now, they don't have any place to go except hell.
The only choice that they have is Syrian justice.

God bless Iran-Syrian alliance
Syrian Kurds want secure border strip, reject Turkish 'safe zone'

Ellen Francis

MARCH 8, 2019

QAMISHLI, Syria (Reuters) - The Kurdish-led authorities in northern Syria want a multinational force to deploy at the Turkish border and reject the creation of a large “safe zone” that Turkey hopes to control, a Kurdish politician told Reuters.

Fawza Youssef said the Kurdish-led authorities have proposed their idea in talks with U.S. officials while stressing the need for continued joint efforts against Islamic State, which is on the brink of losing its last enclave in eastern Syria.

The proposal for a deployment at the border aims to counter Turkey’s demand for a “safe zone” under its control - an idea that is out of the question for the main Syrian Kurdish groups that fear Turkish plans to attack their region.

The question of security arrangements for northern Syria has been brought into focus by the looming territorial defeat of Islamic State in parts of Syria where the United States and its allies have deployed to battle the jihadists.

The Kurdish-led authorities, the main U.S. partner in Syria, were left scrambling for a strategy to protect their region from Turkey in December when President Donald Trump abruptly declared his intention to withdraw all U.S. forces.

Since then, the U.S. has partially reversed that decision and will keep 200 troops in Syria to join what is expected to be a total commitment of about 800 to 1,500 troops from European allies to set up and observe a safe zone in the northeast.

Turkey considers the Syrian Kurdish YPG militia to be a terrorist group indistinguishable from the outlawed Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) which has fought an insurgency inside Turkey since the 1980s.

Ankara, which already controls a chunk of northwestern Syria, has repeatedly threatened to attack the northeast. But the U.S. presence has frustrated its plans.

The Kurdish-led authorities reject the idea of a big “safe zone” because it would envelop Syrian towns and cities that are located right at the border, Youssef said. Instead, they are proposing arrangements for a “border strip”.

“This border strip - we do not call it a safe zone - must guarantee security for both sides with international peacekeeping forces, we believe this would be a moderate solution,” she told Reuters in an interview in Qamishli.

“This is our view. There are meetings between American officials and the Turks in recent days too. We don’t know what was discussed or what happened, but so far we have proposed this issue in this form,” she said.

“The main point we focus on in this matter is that our areas are (already) safe zones.”

Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan said on Wednesday his government could not accept anyone but Turkey taking control of the safe zone.

Youssef said a multinational force at the border “can be a guarantor for both sides, for the Turkish side and for ours”. “In the first place, we are the ones suffering from threats, not the Turkish side,” she said.

The prospect of the U.S. withdrawal prompted the Kurdish-led administration to seek new talks with Damascus with the aim of striking a political deal that would safeguard their autonomy and provide security guarantees against any Turkish attack.

Youssef indicated there had been no progress.

“Before any of this happened, we have several initiatives to try to reach a settlement over administrative, political, cultural and other affairs with the regime. So far, the regime has not been responsive with any positive step,” she said.

What happened to Zionists members of forum????
Why do you stop attacking Syria????
I missed your Analysis these days !!!!
What happened to Zionists members of forum????
Why do you stop attacking Syria????
I missed your Analysis these days !!!!
You are attacking Syria on daily basis. Over 13 million Syrians either killed or expelled from their houses. But this is not enough for u, u want more and more blood. Vampire pedophiles.

This is Khan Sheikhun, town full of civilians:

Khamenai aka Putin mercenaries burning Tamanah village:

ZAB-2.5SM thermite cluster bombs:

View attachment 546120

Now they are bombing Idlib city as well:


First they expelled millions of people to Idlib, now they are killing them in Idlib.



If they’re killing terrorists u have expelled millions of palestinians from their territory.
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