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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

You lied and could not provide any evidence. And now u started to curse like abandoned gf.

You lie again. UNSC never said that Israel illegally occupied territories. Resolution that u brought talks about settlement activity. You can't even understand what u post.

Is a settlement not a territory suddenly? As for him "cursing" let me pull up those screen shots of you calling people "cunts" and worste names and we can tag the moderators since you are trying to be the morality police here and let them decide.

And stop calling people little girls since you are the one that attmitted to being emotional :lol:

Go crawl back under your rock or make some more moronic conspiracy theories. Thread lightly.
You lied and could not provide any evidence. And now u started to curse like abandoned gf.

Evidence is rejected OPCW report that was submitted for approval to UNSC.

You lie again. UNSC never said that Israel illegally occupied territories. Resolution that u brought talks about settlement activity. You can't even understand what u post.

Repeating nonsene is not changing anything. Building settlements - is a method of occuping territories by Israel, idiot. Building settlements is called illegal by resolution. Resolution demanded demolition of settlements. Resolution pointed many other illegal activities by Israel associated with occupation process.

Condemning all measures aimed at altering the demographic composition,
character and status of the Palestinian Territory occupied since 1967, including East
Jerusalem, including, inter alia, the construction and expansion of settlements,
transfer of Israeli settlers, confiscation of land, demolition of homes and
displacement of Palestinian civilians
, in violation of international humanitarian law
and relevant resolutions

Recalling the obligation under the Quartet Roadmap, endorsed by its
resolution 1515 (2003), for a freeze by Israel of all settlement activity, including
“natural growth”, and the dismantlement of all settlement outposts erected since
March 2001

Underlines that it will not recognize any changes to the 4 June 1967
lines, including with regard to Jerusalem, other than those agreed by the parties
through negotiations

Here is another one for you troll, if you are going to stay in denial:

Resolution 497 (1981)

1. Decides that the Israeli decision to impose its laws, jurisdiction and administration in the occupied Syrian Golan Heights is null and void and without international legal effect;

2. Demands that Israel, the occupying Power, should rescind forthwith its decision;
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Evidence is rejected OPCW report that was submitted for approval to UNSC.
Russia just blocked extension of OPCW mandate, because Russia is afraid of investigations. UNSC never called OPCW investigations fabricated or false. U lied.

Repeating nonsene is not changing anything. Building settlements - is a method of occuping territories by Israel, idiot. Building settlements is called illegal by resolution. Resolution demanded demolition of settlements. Resolution pointed many other illegal activities by Israel associated with occupation process.

Condemning all measures aimed at altering the demographic composition,
character and status of the Palestinian Territory occupied since 1967, including East
Jerusalem, including, inter alia, the construction and expansion of settlements,
transfer of Israeli settlers, confiscation of land, demolition of homes and
displacement of Palestinian civilians
, in violation of international humanitarian law
and relevant resolutions

Recalling the obligation under the Quartet Roadmap, endorsed by its
resolution 1515 (2003), for a freeze by Israel of all settlement activity, including
“natural growth”, and the dismantlement of all settlement outposts erected since
March 2001

Underlines that it will not recognize any changes to the 4 June 1967
lines, including with regard to Jerusalem, other than those agreed by the parties
through negotiations

Here is another one for you troll, if you are going to stay in denial:

Resolution 497 (1981)

1. Decides that the Israeli decision to impose its laws, jurisdiction and administration in the occupied Syrian Golan Heights is null and void and without international legal effect;

2. Demands that Israel, the occupying Power, should rescind forthwith its decision;
Bla bla bla. Nowhere it says that occupation is illegal.

Is a settlement not a territory suddenly? As for him "cursing" let me pull up those screen shots of you calling people "cunts" and worste names and we can tag the moderators since you are trying to be the morality police here and let them decide.

And stop calling people little girls since you are the one that attmitted to being emotional :lol:

Go crawl back under your rock or make some more moronic conspiracy theories. Thread lightly.
1) Settlements are not territories. Look in dictionary if u dont see the difference.
2) Ive already answered about ur stupid screenshots.
Russia just blocked extension of OPCW mandate, because Russia is afraid of investigations. UNSC never called OPCW investigations fabricated or false. U lied.
Im not talking about extension of mandate. Im talking about OPCW report that was submitted to UNSC. It was rejected.

Bla bla bla. Nowhere it says that occupation is illegal.

1) Settlements are not territories. Look in dictionary if u dont see the difference.
2) Ive already answered about ur stupid screenshots.

It says building settlements illegal. Israel makes new territory occupied by building settlements on it. It means Israel illegaly occuping territories, brain dead. Illegal occupation - is occupation during which occupying power violates international laws and UNSC resolutions on occupied territories.
Im not talking about extension of mandate. Im talking about OPCW report that was submitted to UNSC. It was rejected.
No it was not rejected by UNSC and surely it never called it fabricated and false. U lied twice.
Here the submission:

It says building settlements illegal.
FInally. It took me three times repeating before u got it.

Israel makes new territory occupied by building settlements on it.
No it does not. All settlements are built on territories which were occupied decades ago.

It means Israel illegaly occuping territories, brain dead. Illegal occupation - is occupation during which occupying power violates international laws and UNSC resolutions on occupied territories.
No it does not. Even if there are some violations in governed territory it does not mean that u govern it illegally.
Syrian army: Israel launches air strikes near Damascus
12 hours ago


Reports say Israeli jets targeted munitions depots at a Syrian army base near Damascus [Amir Cohen/Reuters]
Israel launched a series of predawn air strikes then followed up with artillery fire on an army base near the Syrian capital, Damascus, Syria's military said.

The allegation was not denied by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu when questioned by reporters later on Tuesday.

Israeli jets fired missiles at the Qutayfeh area northeast of Damascus from inside Lebanese airspace at 2:40am local time (00:40 GMT), causing the Syrian army to retaliate and "hit one of its planes", the Syrian army said in a statement broadcast on state television.

UK-based war monitor, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, said the air strikes targeted Syrian army and Hezbollah weapons depots, igniting "successive explosions and fires, causing material damage".

After the air raids, Israel also launched rockets from the occupied Golan Heights, but the Syrian military intercepted them, the army statement said.

Hezbollah, Israel and the old deterrence equation

by John Bell
When asked about the alleged attacks inside Syria, Netanyahu said Israel was ready to stop weapons from reaching the Lebanon-based Hezbollah armed group, which has backed the Syrian government in its nearly seven-year civil war with rebel forces.

"We have a long-standing policy to prevent the transfer of game-changing weapons to Hezbollah in Syrian territory," the Israeli prime minister was quoted as saying by the Times of Israel.

"This policy has not changed. We back it up, if necessary, with action," Netanyahu added, without confirming or denying attacks were launched inside Syrian territory.

The report said the Israeli military wouldn't comment on the alleged attacks.

Syria wrote a letter to the UN Security Council demanding that it condemn Israel's cross-border strikes. Syria's foreign ministry also accused Israel of launching the attacks in support of opposition fighters.

"The recurring Israeli attacks on Syria will not succeed in protecting the terrorist organisations, which are Israel's partners and proxies," the official news agency SANA quoted the ministry as saying.

'Israeli' legislation on Hezbollah in the US Congress

by Neve Gordon,Nicola Perugini
It said Israel was "primarily" assisting Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL, also known as ISIS) and Jabhat Fateh al-Sham, a former al-Qaeda affiliate.

"The Syrian government once again warns Israel of the serious repercussions of its attacks on Syria and its support for armed terrorist organisations," the ministry said.

Meanwhile, SANA reported that rebel shelling of the capital killed five people and wounded 30 others on Tuesday.

It said 15 artillery shells hit the central, predominantly Christian neighbourhood of Bab Touma, adding Damascus has been targeted on a near-daily basis in recent weeks.


Could 2018 be the year of peace in Syria?


No it was not rejected by UNSC and surely it never called it fabricated and false. U lied twice.
Here the submission:

Of course it was, stupid. OPCW report was submitted to UNSC for review. UNSC rejected the proposal to approve the report in resolution and make any action regarding it. No action or resolution followed. One of the veto holding members of the UNSC explained why the proposal to approve the report was rejected. Because the report was fabricated and false he said.

FInally. It took me three times repeating before u got it.
No it does not. All settlements are built on territories which were occupied decades ago.
When you remove the settlements, settlement outposts, settlers and return confiscated land to its owners, as UNSC demanded, the territories will not be occupied anymore, moron.

No it does not. Even if there are some violations in governed territory it does not mean that u govern it illegally.
The seizure of the territory was illegal in the first place.
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Of course it was, stupid. OPCW report was submitted to UNSC for review. UNSC rejected the proposal to approve the report in resolution
You are lying again. There was no any resolution asking to approve the report.

and make any action regarding it. No action or resolution followed. One of the veto holding members of the UNSC explained why the proposal to approve the report was rejected. Because the report was fabricated and false he said.
So u just admitted that u lied. It was just opinion of Russia alone and u claimed that it was the decision of UNSC.

When you remove the settlements, settlement outposts, settlers and return confiscated land to its owners, as UNSC demanded, the territories will not be occupied anymore, moron.
You are again cursing out of frustration. South Lebanon was considered occupied despite there was not a single Israeli settler there. So the only moron here is u.

The seizure of the territory was illegal in the first place.
No it was not.
You are lying again. There was no any resolution asking to approve the report.
So u just admitted that u lied. It was just opinion of Russia alone and u claimed that it was the decision of UNSC.

Russia is a veto-holding member. Opinion of Russia is enough to make UNSC reject any proposal. Educate yourself.

You are again cursing out of frustration. South Lebanon was considered occupied despite there was not a single Israeli settler there. So the only moron here is u.
We are not talking about all territories occupied by Israel now. We are talking about territories occupied by illegal settlements.
No it was not.
UNSC resolution says so, troll.

Reaffirms that the establishment by Israel of settlements in the
Palestinian territory occupied since 1967, including East Jerusalem, has no legal
validity and constitutes a flagrant violation under international law

Take control of (a place, especially a country) by military conquest or settlement.

Learn English, troll.
Russia is a veto-holding member. Opinion of Russia is enough to make UNSC reject any proposal. Educate yourself.
Russia can block action against mass murderer Assad, but it can't brand investigations against him as false or fabricated in name of the UNCS.

We are not talking about all territories occupied by Israel now. We are talking about territories occupied by illegal settlements.

UNSC resolution says so, troll.

Reaffirms that the establishment by Israel of settlements in the
Palestinian territory occupied since 1967, including East Jerusalem, has no legal
validity and constitutes a flagrant violation under international law

Take control of (a place, especially a country) by military conquest or settlement.

Learn English, troll.
And again it talks about settlements. No resolution talks says that Israel illegally occupies territories.

And by the way, here is the official occupation definition:

Art. 42.
Territory is considered occupied when it is actually placed under the authority of the hostile army.
The occupation extends only to the territory where such authority has been established and can be exercised.

Posting dictionary definition is really stupid, we talk about legal and military issues not about the language.
Turkey summons Russia, Iran envoys over Idlib violence
19 hours ago

Tens of thousands of people are believed to have fled Idlib in recent weeks [Anadolu]
Turkey's foreign ministry has summoned Russian and Iranian ambassadors for what Ankara says Syrian government forces' escalation of violence in the city of Idlib, diplomatic sources told Al Jazeera.

Russia's ambassador to Ankara, Alexei Yerkhov and Iranian ambassador Mohammad Ebrahim Taherian Fard were called in to express Turkey's "discomfort" about the attacks in Idlib, officials, who asked to remain anonymous, said on Tuesday.

Turkey had previously voiced its discontent to Russian and Iranian officials via military and diplomatic channels about the government forces' violations of de-escalation zones, according to the sources.

Thousands displaced by fighting in Syria's Idlib
Idlib is located within one of the so-called de-escalation zones set up in Syria last September in an effort to scale back the conflict.

However, as the fighting continues, tens of thousands of civilians are fleeing the area, which is home to about two million people.

Believed to be the largest remaining rebel-held area in Syria, hospitals, markets and bakeries across Idlib province have been hit by government air raids.

Guarantor states
Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu on Wednesday called on the governments of Iran and Russia to meet their obligations as guarantor states in Syria.

"Iran and Russia should fulfil the responsibilities [as guarantor states] in Syria," Cavusoglu said in remarks published by state media.

He said that the Syrian government forces were targeting the moderate opposition groups "on the pretext of fighting al-Nusra terrorist group".

"If you are the guarantors - yes, you are - you should stop the regime. It's not just a simple air attack. The regime is moving in Idlib. The intent here is different."

Cavusoglu warned that such a move would undermine the peace process in Syria.


Syrian Army's Progress Against Militants Boosts Investment Across Syria
© Sputnik/ Mikhail Alaeddin
16:41 07.01.2018(updated 20:35 07.01.2018)Get short URL
Suliman Mulhem
With the Daesh (ISIS/ISIL) caliphate decimated, and the Syrian Army continuing to advance against other hard-line Islamist militants - mainly in the north-western province of Idlib - investor and business confidence is on the rise, with over 500 new corporations launching in 2017.

In the latter part of 2017, two private airlines launched, doubling the number of private airlines in the country's recovering aviation sector.

Meanwhile, domestic investment vehicle Damascus Cham Holding announced that it had signed a 108 billion SYP (approximately $270 million) contract to build a mall and other buildings in the Al Razi area of Damascus.

Foreign interest in Syria's post-war economy has also spiked, with a parliamentary delegation from Brazil visiting the country to bolster bilateral trade, gauge scope for investment opportunities, and further normalize diplomatic relations.

READ MORE: Syrian Army Liberates Strategic Settlement of Sinjar in Idlib Province — Source

In a meeting with Syrian Minister of Tourism Bishr Yazigi, Lebanon's Ambassador to Damascus said Lebanese businesses and investors have expressed interest in Syria's post-war economy, and have called for cooperation between the two nations to catalyze investment and trade.

Concurrently, the Syrian government is stepping up reconstruction in the strategic province of Aleppo, with President Bashar Assad sending a delegation — headed by Prime Minister Imad Khamis — to the area to discuss initiatives and programs with industrialists and local investors.


Iran Protests Being Exaggerated to Incite Chaos & Weaken Iran
Aleppo served as the country's pre-war economic and manufacturing hub, and authorities are seemingly keen to rebuild the area — especially the Sheikh Najjar industrial district — to increase the flow of domestically produced goods to reduce the country's reliance on imports.

Although nationwide reconstruction is unlikely to occur without significant foreign financial aid, the aforementioned developments are encouraging, as they provide jobs, counter inflation, and restore imperative infrastructure.

The views expressed in this article are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official position of Sputnik.

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