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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Israel is biggest winner because Syria is destroyed and Iran is in deep economical crisis.

Thank you for showing us all your true face. You pretend to care about Syrians, pretend to shed tears, but everyone knows in reality you are celebrating the death and destruction in Syria. We know everything about Zionists and their demonic ambitions. Israelis safety is related to how much death and destruction it can sow around it, and they celebrate it.
Thank you for showing us all your true face. You pretend to care about Syrians, pretend to shed tears, but everyone knows in reality you are celebrating the death and destruction in Syria. We know everything about Zionists and their demonic ambitions. Israelis safety is related to how much death and destruction it can sow around it, and they celebrate it.
Where u see the celebration? Imagine u have a degenerate neighbor that is harassing u and ur family all the time. But one day that neighbor slaughtered his own family and police arrested him. So now no one is harassing u anymore and u are a winner. But that does not mean that u like what he did with his family.
Assadist mercenaries with tanks flee from lightly armed rebels:

Thank you for showing us all your true face. You pretend to care about Syrians, pretend to shed tears, but everyone knows in reality you are celebrating the death and destruction in Syria. We know everything about Zionists and their demonic ambitions. Israelis safety is related to how much death and destruction it can sow around it, and they celebrate it.

Don't worry our friend 500 is having hallucinations if he thinks "Israel is the biggest winner" in Syria.

Assad is still in power, Hezbollah is stronger then ever and more battle experienced. Hezbollah gets weapons from Iran, Russia and other factions, Iran and Russia have influence over Syria and Russia has two military bases in Syria....yep Israel is the biggest winner...
Assad is still in power
* Assad in power - good for Israel, means Arab world is divided.
* Assad army is destroyed.
* Assad economy is destroyed.
* Most of his resources are in hands of Kurds.
* Assad needs billions of dollars from Iran merely to prolong its agony - means Iran's economy wont recover.

win win win win win

Hezbollah is stronger then ever and more battle experienced.
On contrary, Hezbollah lost over a thousand of most experienced men. Now they are replaced by thugs who can only barrel bomb poor civilians.


Hezbollah gets weapons from Iran, Russia and other factions
They always got weapons, nothing new here.

Iran and Russia have influence over Syria and Russia has two military bases in Syria....yep Israel is the biggest winner...
Iran always had influence over Assadistan. Increased Russia influence is good for us.

Syria Considers US Plan on Creating Border Security Force 'Blatant Aggression'
11:53 15.01.2018(updated 12:39 15.01.2018)Get short URL
The Syrian Foreign Ministry has slammed Washington's intention to form a 30,000-strong force inside the country with the proclaimed goal of maintaining security along its borders. The Syrian Army is poised to put an end to any form of US presence in the country, a Syrian foreign ministry source said, according to state TV.

Syria has condemned Washington's announcement of the formation of an armed militia in the northeast of the country, and regards this move a “blatant aggression on the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Syria and a flagrant violation of international law,” the foreign ministry said, as quoted by SANA.

Col. Thomas Veale, public affairs officer of the US-led coalition fighting against Daesh, said in an interview with The Defense Post news outlet that the coalition, supported by the Kurdish-led Syrian Defense Force (SDF), was working to establish a 30,000-strong force to maintain security along Syria's borders. The statement prompted Ankara's threats to launch an offensive in Kurdish-controlled Afrin in the country's north to purge terror from Turkey's southern borders.

READ MORE: Russia May 'Undertake Measures' After US Decision on Border Force in Syria

The United States-led international coalition has been operating in Syria since 2014, conducting airstrikes and establishing military bases without either UN endorsement or with Damascus' agreement. Syria has repeatedly spoken against the coalition's unauthorized presence as aggression against its integrity and statehood. The coalition's actions have led to civilian casualties.

This video explains what ISIS is about:

ISIS commanders told these simple ISIS fighters that they are sent to Idlib to fight the regime. But once they arrived there they were sent to fight against the rebels. And those who refused were deprived from food and water.
US Plans For Border Security Force in Syria May Spawn Separatist Movement
© AP Photo/ Syrian Democratic Forces
04:23 16.01.2018(updated 06:02 16.01.2018)Get short URL
CAIRO (Sputnik) - The creation of the so-called Border Security Force (BSF) on the Syrian territory controlled by the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) may lead to separation of several regions from the territory of the Syrian state, a member of the opposition's delegation to the Astana talks told Sputnik.

"Currently, the United States may not be aiming to create a new map of Syria, this step [the establishment of a border security force in Syria], however, could encourage such efforts, pursued by separatist forces. So, a new map of Syria may become a reality in future," Fateh Hassoun said on Monday.

According to the member of the opposition delegation, the creation of the BSF had a number of goals.

"The first goal of [establishing a border security force in Syria] is to prevent the deployment of the Turkish armed forces being along the [Syrian] border. The second aim is to create a region with secured borders that may demand secession. There are other goals that are not meant for disclosure," the official added.


US 'Playing With Fire' by Building 'Terrorist Army' in Syria - Turkish Deputy PM
Hassoun suggested that among the goals, pursued by the United States while creating the BSF, could be stepping up its influence in the region by reducing Russia’s one and provoking Turkey.

On Saturday, the Defense Post news website published an article, in which the spokesman of the US-led coalitionfighting against the Daesh terrorist group, said that the coalition was engaged in a training of a 30,000-strong force on the territory within Syria currently controlled by the SDF to maintain security in the area along the Syrian border.

According to the opposition delegate, the Unites States could have created the core of the security force from the Free Syrian Army troops instead of the SDF militias.


Syria Considers US Plan on Creating Border Security Force 'Blatant Aggression'
On Monday, Russia and Turkey as guarantor states of the Syrian ceasefire regime, condemned the US moves. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov stated that they did not contribute to the settlement of the Syrian conflict but caused concerns that the course for the division of Syria had been set. For his part, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan threatened to eliminate these troopsand begin the operation in Afrin "at any moment," with the local media having already reported the deployment of Turkish armored vehicles along the border.

* Assad in power - good for Israel, means Arab world is divided.
* Assad army is destroyed.
* Assad economy is destroyed.
* Most of his resources are in hands of Kurds.
* Assad needs billions of dollars from Iran merely to prolong its agony - means Iran's economy wont recover.

win win win win win

On contrary, Hezbollah lost over a thousand of most experienced men. Now they are replaced by thugs who can only barrel bomb poor civilians.


They always got weapons, nothing new here.

Iran always had influence over Assadistan. Increased Russia influence is good for us.

Funny enough I agree.
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