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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Russia Gen Konashenkov: Syria air defences will be strengthen ژنرال کوناشنکوف: پدافند هوایی تقویت می‌کنیم

Russia To Strengthen Syria’s Defenses From Future US Strikes
Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Maj. Gen. Igor Konashenkov has confirmed that Moscow will be strengthening Syria’s air defenses following the massed US cruise missile attack on a Syrian airbase Thursday night.
No matter how many times u strengthen zero, it will still remain zero.

Ceasefire Putin style:

No matter how many times u strengthen zero, it will still remain zero.

Ceasefire Putin style:


Yes much like Israeli air defenses. No matter how hard Israel strengthens its air defenses Israel fails to shoot down rockets made from coke cans.

Much like Israel fired 3 times on a drones from both SAMs as well as military aircraft and couldn't hit crap :lol:
U post video of civilian fleeing from Assad bombs what it suppose to prove?

Sunnis in Syria have basically 3 choices:

1) Submit to Assad dictatorship.
2) Daily barrel bombs and starvation.
3) Exile in tents.




2) and 3) are terrible choices yet 2/3 of Syrian Sunnis chose it over Assad. Imagine the amount of hate towards that thug. And you seriously think u can enforce Assad on them?
Correction: Syrians have those 3 choices. I really don't think Assad cares if you are a Sunni, Shia, or moon worshipper.
Russian Navy squadron in Mediterranean reinforced with advanced anti-sabotage boat - defense ministry

Two Russian servicemen killed, another one wounded in Syria - Russian Defense Ministry


MOSCOW. April 11 (Interfax-AVN) - The Russian Defense Ministry never received maps showing which parts of Syria are controlled by the opposition and by terrorists, Col. Gen. Sergei Rudskoi, head of the main operational directorate of the Russian Armed Forces General Staff, said.

Despite agreements with the leaders of Syrian opposition fighters, "we still have not received maps indicating areas controlled by the opposition and terrorists," Rudskoi said at a briefing on Tuesday.

"This makes it extremely difficult for us to fight terrorists from Jabhat al-Nusra and ISIL [both terrorist organizations are banned in Russia]," Rudskoi said.

The Russian reconciliation center in Syria continues helping civilians across Syria, he said.

Since February 2016, the Russian military has conducted 1,044 humanitarian operations which delivered over 1,600 tonnes of food and essentials to the civilian population, Rudskoi said.

"Yesterday a convoy from the Russian reconciliation center delivered eight tonnes of humanitarian aid to the al-Shahba refugee camp near the city of Afrin in Aleppo province," Rudskoi said.

"Military doctors from the Russian Defense Ministry provided qualified medical assistance to 14,000 patients," Rudskoi said.

The ceasefire introduced in Syria on December 30, 2016, continues, he said. "The number of opposition groups, who declared commitment to the ceasefire, has soared to 204. Over the past two weeks truce agreements have been signed with representatives from 55 populated localities, bringing their total number to 1,452. The reconciled towns and villages have a population of over 3,100,000 people," Rudkoi said.


Two Russian soldiers have been killed and another injured in Syria by mortar fire, Russian news agency TASS reported on Tuesday.

Citing the Russian Defense Ministry, TASS reported the slain soldiers had been providing combat training to Syrian troops.

The news agency did not provide any details as to where or when exactly the incident occurred, but blamed the attack on “militants”.
Yes much like Israeli air defenses. No matter how hard Israel strengthens its air defenses Israel fails to shoot down rockets made from coke cans.

Much like Israel fired 3 times on a drones from both SAMs as well as military aircraft and couldn't hit crap :lol:
Again butthurt kid with no brain. The only way to protect against "coke cans" rockets is to set C-RAM in every village:


And most probably their shells will do much more damage than rockets themselves. I never said that ur air defence is bad because u dont shot down hell cannon shells fired by rebels. But when you boasted u can shoot down all missiles and then could not shot down a single out of 59 that's indeed funny.

Says who there is a ceasefire?
Russia says.

The only good jihadist is a dead jihadist.
Yes only good Hezbie and IRGC is dead one.
Yes much like Israeli air defenses. No matter how hard Israel strengthens its air defenses Israel fails to shoot down rockets made from coke cans.

Much like Israel fired 3 times on a drones from both SAMs as well as military aircraft and couldn't hit crap :lol:
How come we fail? Israel's rocket casualties in the last Gaza war fell to 3, and all three of them were killed by mortars, which the Iron Dome has limited capability against. But that would be solved when the Iron Beam will be deployed

Its pretty hard to hit a UAV flying low and slow with Patriot, but I assure you, with the David's Sling this will never happen

On the other hand, the S-300 and S-400 were absolutely USELESS against Israeli, coalition, Turkish and US aircraft, let alone those gigantic flying targets called Tomahawks, you couldn't even shoot down one of them.
Putin terrorists keep attacks, frustrated by their missile defence impotence. Saraqib:

And even more terror attacks by Putin aka Khamenai aka Assad al Haiwan.

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