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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Are you high? Drunk? Or just a blatant troll? It does not matter how many air defenses Russia had in Syria, they did not shoot or even attempt to shoot any of those Tomahawks.

But please if you have evidence they did, post it otherwise shut up with your conspiracies. Everyone is tired of your BS, im waiting for you to post hard facts and sources.

Amazing how even a Pantsir can shoot down cruise missiles yet Israeli boy here claim otherwise. :lol:

View attachment 389927 View attachment 389928
There is no any conspiracy, just plain and simple fact that vaunted Russian air defence failed to shot down a single subsonic non stealthy missile. Despite prior warning, despite lack of jamming, despite lack of decoys, despite lack anti radiation missiles....

On pics they are cool, no doubt.
Iran-Russia Joint command center warned US we will “respond with force” from now on
با هرگونه تجاوز آمریکا با قدرت مقابله می کنیم
تلویزیونی المیادین؛ اتاق عملیات مشترک روسیه، ایران و نیروهای متحد در سوریه اعلام کرد با قدرت با هر تجاوزی مقابله خواهد کرد و روسیه و ایران به آمریکا اجازه نخواهند داد بر جهان مسلط شود

A joint command center consisting of Iran, Russia, and Lebanon’s Hezbollah has warned it will respond to any US aggression from now on.
The alliance has stressed in a statement, that Washington has crossed the red line with the recent missile strike. The command center says it will increase the level of support offered to the Syrian government. It stressed that Russia, Iran and Hezbollah will not be deterred from liberating Syria after the attack.

Russia and Iran warn ‘we WILL retaliate’ after Donald Trump airstrike ‘crossed red line’
There is no any conspiracy, just plain and simple fact that vaunted Russian air defence failed to shot down a single subsonic non stealthy missile. Despite prior warning, despite lack of jamming, despite lack of decoys, despite lack anti radiation missiles....

On pics they are cool, no doubt.

Again post proof that Russia tried to shoot down those tomahawks. As for pictures I posted, they are of little value to you, just like the videos I posted of Russian SAMs shooting down drones, or supersonic missiles. Or many examples of Russian SAMs shooting down enemy aircraft. You are stubborn, no amount of proof or facts can sway your basless conspiracy theories.
Again post proof that Russia tried to shoot down those tomahawks.
As for pictures I posted, they are of little value to you, just like the videos I posted of Russian SAMs shooting down drones, or supersonic missiles. Or many examples of Russian SAMs shooting down enemy aircraft. You are stubborn, no amount of proof or facts can sway your basless conspiracy theories.
So you are claiming Russia could shoot down Tomahawks, but allowed Alawis it came to protect to be bombed? Are u nuts? :D What about Buks and Pamtsyrs Assad bought. Why they were not used?

Here Russian boasting prior event:

- Сверхзвуковая ракета С-400 может сбить любую цель, которая летит от 10 метров до 30 километров над землей, - пояснили "Комсомолке" в Минобороны. - Теперь в воздушное пространство Сирии даже летучая мышь не проскользнет.

Supersonic missile of S-300 can shot down any target from 10 m to 30 km above earth - Russian MoD told "Komsomolka" newspaper - Now even a bat won't slide into a Syrian airspace.


Муха не пролетит: российские ПВО накроют куполом Сирию, Кипр и юг Турции

Even a fly wont pass: Russian SAM will cover with a dome Syria Cyprus and South Turkey.

mighty americans have grounded their air-force over Syria, and are only flying their f-22s as a "precaution"

<not enough posts to link, but easy to google>

they say the anticipation of death, is worse then death itself.

after turkey shot down a Russian jet, Russia did not do anything physical with turkey. But in no time, the turks were on their knees, apologizing, and jumping in to quickly fulfill all of putin's conditions again for a normalization of ties. Russia made turkey regret that strike. And the orange man will soon regret this. Americans have nuts in a wise grip in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria. wouldn't want to be in their shoes today ;)

that's the different between a grand chess player, and a moron.

the orange p***y grabber made a serious chess move, but my money is on the grandmaster ;)
mighty americans have grounded their air-force over Syria, and are only flying their f-22s as a "precaution"
And here is the reality:

7 April:

In Syria, Coalition military forces conducted 7 strikes consisting of 14 engagements against ISIS targets.

* Near Tabqah, seven strikes engaged five ISIS tactical units; destroyed four vehicles, three fighting positions, and two tactical vehicles; and suppressed nine ISIS tactical units.

8 April:

In Syria, Coalition military forces conducted 16 strikes consisting of 22 engagements against ISIS targets.

* Near Abu Kamal, one strike destroyed an ISIS well head.

* Near Ar Raqqah, two strikes engaged two ISIS tactical units, and destroyed a fighting position and tactical vehicle.

* Near Dayr Az Zawr, three strikes destroyed an ISIS well head and damaged five and five anti-air artillery systems were damaged.

* Near Tabaqah, 10 strikes engaged 10 ISIS tactical units; destroyed two defensive fighting positions; and destroyed four ISIS vehicles.

9 April:

In Syria, Coalition military forces conducted 18 strikes consisting of 35 engagements against ISIS targets.

* Near Tabqah, 14 strikes engaged an ISIS tactical unit; destroyed five vehicles, two fighting positions, and a VBIED; and suppressed an ISIS tactical unit.

* Near Abu Kamal, four strikes destroyed two ISIS pump jacks and two well heads.

No one gives a damn about clown threats.
Russian missile shot down f 117 nighthawk! Dont forget

So you are claiming Russia could shoot down Tomahawks, but allowed Alawis it came to protect to be bombed? Are u nuts? :D What about Buks and Pamtsyrs Assad bought. Why they were not used?

Here Russian boasting prior event:

- Сверхзвуковая ракета С-400 может сбить любую цель, которая летит от 10 метров до 30 километров над землей, - пояснили "Комсомолке" в Минобороны. - Теперь в воздушное пространство Сирии даже летучая мышь не проскользнет.

Supersonic missile of S-300 can shot down any target from 10 m to 30 km above earth - Russian MoD told "Komsomolka" newspaper - Now even a bat won't slide into a Syrian airspace.


Муха не пролетит: российские ПВО накроют куполом Сирию, Кипр и юг Турции

Even a fly wont pass: Russian SAM will cover with a dome Syria Cyprus and South Turkey.
What about F 117 at Kosovo war?

And here is the reality:

No one gives a damn about clown threats.

lying comes natural to you

WASHINGTON — The American-led task force that is battling the Islamic State has sharply reduced airstrikes against the militants in Syria as commanders assess whether Syrian government forces or their Russian allies plan to respond to the United States’ cruise missile strike on a Syrian airfield this past week, American officials said.

The precautionary move, revealed in statistics made public by the command on Saturday, was taken as Russian officials have threatened to suspend the communication line the American and Russian militaries use to notify each other about air operations in Syria.

So far, the Russian military does not appear to have taken any threatening actions, such as directing its battlefield radar or air defense systems to confront the Americans, or carrying out aggressive actions in the skies, United States officials said.

But officials who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss internal planning said the commanders needed time to determine whether the Syrian president,and the Russian military would treat the American cruise missile strike as a one-time operation that they would not respond to militarily. As a precaution, the Pentagon is flying patrols in Syrian skies with jets, the Air Force’s most advanced air-to-air fighter.....................................................................................

nytimes article

once they muster enough courage to get back in, the fun should start with some missile lock harassment ;)

let the games begin.

and I will repeat: the anticipation of death is worse then death itself as turkey found out the hard way.
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April 07 2017

Russia’s Admiral Grigorovich-class frigate will continue serving within the Russian Navy's permanent group in the Mediterranean Sea until the summer of 2017, a military-diplomatic source told Sputnik on Monday.

MOSCOW (Sputnik) — The Black Sea Fleet frigate has been serving in the Mediterranean since February 28, 2017. Earlier in April, the warship took part in bilateral Russian-Turkish exercises during an unofficial visit by the Turkish warships to Russia’s southern port of Novorossiysk.

"The Admiral Grigorovich-class frigate returned to the Mediterranean on April 8 after the visit of the Turkish warships. The warship will continue serving within the Russian Navy's group at the Mediterranean until summer of this year," the source said.

According to the source, the return of the Russian frigate is not linked to the recent US missile strike on the Syrian military airfield in Ash Sha’irat.

"The visit of the Turkish Naval Forces ships on April 3-5 was planned at the beginning of the year, and the Admiral Grigorovich-class frigate was chosen to host the visit at the same time," the source clarified.

On April 7, the United States launched 59 Tomahawk cruise missiles at the Syrian military airfield in Ash Sha’irat. US President Donald Trump said that the attack was a response to the alleged chemical weapon use in Syria's Idlib province on April 4, which resulted in the death of over 80 people, an incident which Washington blames on the Syrian government.

Syrian Democratic forces fighters gesture while posing on a damaged airplane inside Tabqa Military Airport after taking control from Daesh , west of Raqqa city on Sunday.
Russia Gen Konashenkov: Syria air defences will be strengthen ژنرال کوناشنکوف: پدافند هوایی تقویت می‌کنیم

Russia To Strengthen Syria’s Defenses From Future US Strikes
Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Maj. Gen. Igor Konashenkov has confirmed that Moscow will be strengthening Syria’s air defenses following the massed US cruise missile attack on a Syrian airbase Thursday night.
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