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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Khamenai thugs burn city of Latmin with Thermit incendiary cluster bombs:

Same time they barrel bombed city of Douma:


Assad trolls ask, why they needed to use chemical weapons? The answer is simple: Because they are genocidal sadistic maniacs, who strive to murder as much as they can.
Frigate Admiral Grigorovich rejoins Russian Navy task force in Mediterranean

The Russian Black Sea Fleet’s frigate, the Admiral Grigorovich, returned to the Mediterranean after participating in drills in the Black Sea.

The ship rejoined a Russian naval force deployed in the region. Recently, the Admiral Grigorovich was involved in the Russian-Turkish PASSEX naval exercise in the Black Sea.

"The Admiral Grigorovich frigate under the command of Captain Anatoly Velichko joined the Russian permanent naval force in the Mediterranean Sea," the Black Sea Fleet’s press office reported Friday.

It is expected that the frigate will visit the Russian naval facility in the Syrian port of Tartus. The ship will operate in the region in accordance to the changing military situation.

In early-March, the Admiral Grigorovich replaced the Smetlivy frigate as part of the Russian naval task force in the Mediterranean.

The ship carries eight Kalibr-NK cruise missiles, a Shtil-1 missile self-defense system, an A-190 100-mm artillery system, anti-aircraft guns and torpedoes. It can also dock a Ka-27 (or Ka-31) helicopter.

The Admiral Grigorovich is the lead ship of project 11356. It was commissioned on March 14, 2014 and entered service with the Black Sea Fleet in June 2016.

The frigate participated in the operation of the Russian naval group in Syria led by the Admiral Kuznetsov aircraft-carrying missile cruiser.

Kalibr cruise missiles were launched from the warship on terrorist targets in November 2016. After Moscow had started the reduction of its combat group in Syria, the Admiral Kuznetsov naval group had been the first to sail back.

A group of Russian warships headed by the Admiral Kuznetsov aircraft carrier, accompanied by the Pyotr Veliky battle cruiser, the Severomorsk and Vice-Admiral Kulakov anti-submarine destroyers, the Admiral Grigorovich frigate and support vessels participated in the mission. Over two months of the operation, Russian naval aviation destroyed 1,252 terrorist targets in Syria.

Currently, the Russian naval group in the eastern Mediterranean includes at least six warships and three or four support vessels.
After vaunted S-400, S-300, Buks and Pantsyrs miserably failed against old subsonic Tomahawks Putin terrorists decided to take revenge on helpless Syrian civilians.

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After vaunted S-400, S-300, Buks and Pantsyrs miserably failed against old subsonic Tomahawks Putin terrorists decided to take revenge on helpless Syrian civilians.

You're on a roll of stupidity today. There is zero evidence that anyone fired S-400s or S-300s at those cruise missiles. You are the conspiracy king.
You're on a roll of stupidity today. There is zero evidence that anyone fired S-400s or S-300s at those cruise missiles. You are the conspiracy king.

s400 and s300 was not used and its not easy to target and shoot down cruise missiles
They were not used coz they could not even lock on target. Ditto 36 Pantsyrs and 18 Buk M2. They all miserably failed.

All you do is troll and make a fool out of yourself.
There is videos of even s-300s destroying supersonic targets. There is also videos of pantsirs destroying targets, there was also a Turkish aircraft that was shot down by a pantsir.

As for aircraft, Israel lost many aircraft to even old soviet air defenses so no need to worry. The US lost thousands of aircraft in Vietnam as well, most to air defenses.

But continue your conspiracy theories. I can ship you some tinfoil so the lizzard people can't read your mind.
All you do is troll and make a fool out of yourself.
There is videos of even s-300s destroying supersonic targets. There is also videos of pantsirs destroying targets
Videos everyone can make. Here Pantsyr failed to lock on UAV 100 m from it:


there was also a Turkish aircraft that was shot down by a pantsir.
Ancient F-4 that was just peacefully flying by. Wow what an achievement.

As for aircraft, Israel lost many aircraft to even old soviet air defenses so no need to worry. The US lost thousands of aircraft in Vietnam as well, most to air defenses.
Half century ago. :lol: But then in 1982 Russian air defence were brutally gang banged.

Syria-Iran-Russia Joint Operations Room Warns of Crushing Response to Any Further US Attack
The Syria-Iran-Russia joint operations room in charge of war strategy and coordination in Syria warned in a statement issued on Sunday that any fresh aggression by Washington against Syria will be given a lethal response.

با هرگونه تجاوز آمریکا با قدرت مقابله می کنیم
تلویزیونی المیادین؛ اتاق عملیات مشترک روسیه، ایران و نیروهای متحد در سوریه اعلام کرد با قدرت با هر تجاوزی مقابله خواهد کرد و روسیه و ایران به آمریکا اجازه نخواهند داد بر جهان مسلط شود.
I just want to congratulate the Zionist media on this great achievement!

I just want to say that I personally no longer believe in the holohoax. As it is obvious the same pattern of lies used in these regime change propaganda machines. absolutely pathetic.

I got suspicious when Ana Alabed was basically a 2016 arab version of Anne Frank..

but this is just too much now...

good job Zionists, open peoples eyes more to the truth about the holohoax...
After vaunted S-400, S-300, Buks and Pantsyrs miserably failed against old subsonic Tomahawks Putin terrorists decided to take revenge on helpless Syrian civilians.
usual lies coming from kid killing regime citizen of Israel,
the Russian never used anything or fired or try to stop anything
usual lies coming from kid killing regime citizen of Israel,
the Russian never used anything or fired or try to stop anything
Means they could not even lock on Tomahawks.

Also Assad himself that more than 50 brand new Russian air defence systems. And they all failed.

Syria-Iran-Russia Joint Operations Room Warns of Crushing Response to Any Further US Attack
The Syria-Iran-Russia joint operations room in charge of war strategy and coordination in Syria warned in a statement issued on Sunday that any fresh aggression by Washington against Syria will be given a lethal response.

با هرگونه تجاوز آمریکا با قدرت مقابله می کنیم
تلویزیونی المیادین؛ اتاق عملیات مشترک روسیه، ایران و نیروهای متحد در سوریه اعلام کرد با قدرت با هر تجاوزی مقابله خواهد کرد و روسیه و ایران به آمریکا اجازه نخواهند داد بر جهان مسلط شود.
Iran considers any attack against Syria an attack on itself

TEHRAN, Iran (AP) — Iran considers any attack against Syria an attack on itself, an advisor to the Islamic Republic's supreme leader was quoted as saying Saturday, the strongest warning to date by a top Iranian official that Tehran will use any available means to keep the regime of President Bashar Assad in power.


That was said back in 2013. Since then Israel bombed Assadists dozens times and now USA. :lol:

They are good only in barrel bombing helpless civilians.
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