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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Assad gains absolutely nothing by gassing some random children,
What are u talking about??? Assad is randomly killing children EVERY DAY in past 6 years. Why he is doing it if he does not benefit? Or you will claim that daily barrel bombs including todays in Douma are made by rebels???

Assad policy is simple: obey Assad or die. And its effective. He stays in power. Well Syria is destroyed but he is still on throne.

rebels or terrorists on the other hand, stand to gain everything.
Wanna bet that nothing will happen? You know it and Assad knows it.

Barrel bombs became a routine, no one reacts on it. Chlorine attacks became a routine too. Sarin not routine yet, but who knows.

Assad degenerate propagandists claim that Su-22 cant do chemical attack.

View attachment 388682

Although Su-22 were intensively used by Saddam for chemical attacks during Iran Iraq war.

Iraqi Su-22 FITTERs and MiG-23 FLOGGERs conducted
most air-launched chemical attacks during the Iran-Iraq War.

Su-22 cant carry chemical attack. And here another story by degenerate propagandists:

الى رحمة الله.
It's obvious who is doing these crimes to undermine the talks to keep the war Syria.
Rebels stole Su-24 and bomb Douma to blame Assad.

We all know that Assad does not benefit from random murder so it must be rebels.
Yeah yeah as usual rebels stope Su-22 and bombed themselves. Every day they steal aicraft and drop barrel bombs on their towns to blame Assad. Yick

Only thing more low than Assad are those who justify him.

I don't think Assad committed this, it may have been a depot of some sort. Who knows. If his army did, it just highlights the desperation by everyone involved in the conflict.


If you are trying to establish some form of morality, than don't be an hypocrite about it. Israel also killed way more than 58 in Gaza in a single few hrs of bombing in Rafah or Shujiyeah. US airstrikes and Saudi airstrikes also kill many, but go unnoticed by the justice warrior people. I don't have attachment with any government in world. And here on PDF we are politically mature and know that yelling/condemning doesn't change the world at all and is pointless.
Syrian Army advancing on all fronts, Americans started saying we are not looking at Regime change, Europeans started saying that get this conflict resolved etc etc etc and then all of a sudden we get this Chemical attack thing and without investigation fingers start to be pointed at Syrian Regime. I wonder why do a single chemical attack when they can do it in dozens or hundreds & especially when they are advancing on all the fronts. And what will an investigation do, the same investigation which we saw at time for Hariri assassination, or the WMDs in Iraq & Libya & so many other times.

And what about the hundreds killed just recently by US airstrikes in Mosul & Syria ? No outcry on that.

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mid the voices in Israel’s political establishment on Tuesday roundly condemning the Syrian chemical attack and calling on the world to actively intervene, some called for Israel to rethink its own policy toward Syria and suggested taking limited military action.

“Israel strongly condemns the use of chemical weapons in any situation, especially against innocent civilians,” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said. “Israel calls on the international community to fulfill promises made in 2013, and to remove chemical weapons from Syria.”
Assad murdered civilians every single day in past 6 years+

Assad indiscriminately murdered civilians when he was retreating.
Assad indiscriminately murdered civilians when he was advancing.
Assad indiscriminately murdered civilians when there was stalemate.

Every single day he murdered civilians with no exception. And now his propagandists have a nerve to claim that its not in his interest to murder civilians. Then why he is murdering them every single day???

What Assad is going to lose as result of his chemical attack? - Absolutely nothing.
What is the chance that someone will act as result of Assad murder? - Zero.

Assad already gassed 1400 people to death and only benefited from this.
Then he repeatedly gassed people with chlorine, and again zero reaction.
Even when UN commission found Assad guilty of using chemical weapons it still caused zero reaction.

So what stops Assad from gassing people? - Nothing at all. Sooner or later he will repeat chemical attack and same sick propagandists will claim that its not Assad interest, that Su-22 cant drop chemical bombs (tell that to thousands of Iranians and Kurds who were killed by chemical bombs dropped from Su-22), that rebels kidnapped kids from other town and gassed them and other crap storoes.

I don't think Assad committed this, it may have been a depot of some sort. Who knows. If his army did, it just highlights the desperation by everyone involved in the conflict.

Assad already gassed 1400 people to death and u know it
Assad repeatedly gassed people with chlorine.
Assad barrel bombs civilians every single day.

So why exactly u chose to accept the moronic Assad version and not the obvious.

If you are trying to establish some form of morality, than don't be an hypocrite about it. Israel also killed way more than 58 in Gaza in a single few hrs of bombing in Rafah or Shujiyeah.
In 30 years of Intifada were killed some 10 K Palestinians. No refugees. Life expectancy increased, mortality levels dropped.

In 6 years of Syrian revolt over 400 K were killed directly another 1 million were killed indirectly as result of Assad scorched earth policies. Another 12 millions ethnically cleansed. Life expectancy dropped by 20 years (thats overall Syria, in rebel areas would be much more).

US airstrikes and Saudi airstrikes also kill many, but go unnoticed by the justice warrior people.
Total number of killed in Yemen is about 10 K. Nothing close to slaughter in Syria. No millions of refugees nothiing.

I don't have attachment with any government in world. And here on PDF we are politically mature and know that yelling/condemning doesn't change the world at all and is pointless.
You have attachment to Hamas. When Hamas supported rebels u supported rebels. When Hamas was bribed by Iran u suddenly changed sides in same moment.

P.S. Thats not true that Syrian army "is advancing on all fronts". In south Idlib/N. Hama they lost areas.

I am not talking that so called "Syrian army" does not even exist. Thats bunch of mercenaries and foreign sectarian gangs. Overall Assad progress despite the huge combined effort of Russia and Iran is pathetic to say the least.
Because your Assad scum bombed town which is far from frontlines.

He cant drop chemicals on frontline since khamenai thugs will be harmed too.
Well in 2006 IDF Scums bombed many town which were far from war .
Well in 2006 IDF Scums bombed many town which were far from war .
In such cases IDF attacked only specific buildings only with guided munitions and only after prior warning.


Assad indiscriminately bombs towns far from the frontline on daily basis. Just to terrorize, murder and displace everyone who does not bow to him.
You have attachment to Hamas. When Hamas supported rebels u supported rebels. When Hamas was bribed by Iran u suddenly changed sides in same moment.

Quit fooling around, Iran and Hamas ties have not changed since 2012. I neither support rebels nor the regime. 'Support' is a strong word. It has to mean that I've analyzed such an entity's agenda, policy, what they stand for and if I identify with it. Over the years I realized I really don't 'support' either side. When I did support 'rebels', it had nothing to do with Hamas and was me being a young hot head that preferred certain few hardline Islamists.

Also stop pretending like you care, or the international community care. No policies are adopted out of humanitarian concerns. They will not do anything for the Syrians supporting the opposition. They will try enabling a different gov't in the pro-regime side. Once they succeed with that, they will leave Syria as it is now. And keep the pro-opposition folk in the same situation they are.
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I don't think Assad committed this, it may have been a depot of some sort. Who knows. If his army did, it just highlights the desperation by everyone involved in the conflict.


If you are trying to establish some form of morality, than don't be an hypocrite about it. Israel also killed way more than 58 in Gaza in a single few hrs of bombing in Rafah or Shujiyeah. US airstrikes and Saudi airstrikes also kill many, but go unnoticed by the justice warrior people. I don't have attachment with any government in world. And here on PDF we are politically mature and know that yelling/condemning doesn't change the world at all and is pointless.

And people wonder why i don't give a shit about palestinians. Just look at this brain dead idiot

Assad has killed more arabs in 3 years than the entire arab israeli wars. Assad has tortured your own palestinian brothers and sisters in his dungeons and beseiges them in yarmouk. Assad has caused such destruction and pain, not even the worst of the worst zionist has ever contemplated in their lives.

All assad murder is DELIBRATE. Go find a dictionary and know what that means. Delibrate. You would think palestinians would be the first people to sympathise with syrians dying under assad for the last 7 years. But these ibn al kharrah blinded by their hate for israel so much, that they are willing to give benefit of the doubt to anyone who says labayk ya falestine or muqawama bullshit. Not the first time. Just ask the kuwaitis who were invaded by saddam and after saddam launched a few scuds was hailed by palestinians as the next salahuddin.

have some shame man. Have some dignity. You don't have to like israel. But stop kissing bashar *** ya khabeeth. ANd that goes to every arab assad supporting kharrah on here too.
And people wonder why i don't give a shit about palestinians. Just look at this brain dead idiot

Assad has killed more arabs in 3 years than the entire arab israeli wars. Assad has tortured your own palestinian brothers and sisters in his dungeons and beseiges them in yarmouk. Assad has caused such destruction and pain, not even the worst of the worst zionist has ever contemplated in their lives.

All assad murder is DELIBRATE. Go find a dictionary and know what that means. Delibrate. You would think palestinians would be the first people to sympathise with syrians dying under assad for the last 7 years. But these ibn al kharrah blinded by their hate for israel so much, that they are willing to give benefit of the doubt to anyone who says labayk ya falestine or muqawama bullshit. Not the first time. Just ask the kuwaitis who were invaded by saddam and after saddam launched a few scuds was hailed by palestinians as the next salahuddin.

have some shame man. Have some dignity. You don't have to like israel. But stop kissing bashar *** ya khabeeth. ANd that goes to every arab assad supporting kharrah on here too.

Are you Arab? Stop being emotional, and learn how to read. I don't support nobody in Syria, and my response to 500 is addressing his hypocrisy. Now if you want to talk about who is responsible here, it's not an occupied peoples. It's the Arab general populace which doesn't care for Syrians. If you guys cared about them you would be protesting in your capitals demanding your governments to take action, as only they are able. Or you would provide sufficient military support for them. Your governments are doing neither. And you are guilty by association. All you have to do is protest, none of you are doing that. So your venting at the wrong direction. You need to look within. No one among Arab masses cares enough to take the next step.

I will take serious their concern once they(the able, not poor Arabs or other war-ridden Arabs) are in their streets demanding intervention.

I'm an Arab like you, Sunni like you too, and I know you don't mean what you said. But, I need explanation from us Arabs as to why we are never raising concern over our affected peoples. I don't understand anymore.
Quit fooling around, Iran and Hamas ties have not changed since 2012.
Hamas was supporting rebels in 2012-2013



But then they started meeting with Iranians again, they bribed them:

And voila both Hamas and Hazy changed their minds.

Also stop pretending like you care, or the international community care. No policies are adopted out of humanitarian concerns. They will not do anything for the Syrians supporting the opposition. They will try enabling a different gov't in the pro-regime side. Once they succeed with that, they will leave Syria as it is now. And keep the pro-opposition folk in the same situation they are.
I do care. And by the way I dont have any double standards here. I support Palestinian state in 1967 borders with minor border corrections. I would also support an autonomy or independence for Israeli Arabs if they wished it. But they prefer to stay in Israel for some reason :)


Former Military Intelligence head Maj.-Gen. (res.) Amos Yadlin said on Tuesday that Israel should destroy the Syrian planes that dropped the chemical bombs in Idlib.


A man sits on an old tank as he watches fighting taking place in Syria from the Israeli side of the border fence. (photo credit:REUTERS)

Tuesday’s chemical attack in Syria increased demands in Israel to extend more humanitarian aid to those suffering in that conflict, but has not led to more calls among policy-makers for Israel to take any military action.

Former Military Intelligence head Maj.-Gen. (res.) Amos Yadlin said on Tuesday that Israel should destroy the Syrian planes that dropped the chemical bombs in Idlib, but Intelligence Minister Israel Katz said on Wednesday that Yadlin would not have been so quick to make that suggestion had he still been in his IDF role.

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Katz is one of the 10 members of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s security cabinet. Despite a call from Education Minister Naftali Bennett on Tuesday for Netanyahu to convene a special session of the body to rethink Israel’s Syria policies, no such meeting was held.

“Israel is weighing very carefully all the action it has to take in Syria today,” Katz said. Referring to reports that Israel has acted militarily over the last couple of years inside Syria, Katz said that this has been done strictly within the framework of defending Jerusalem’s designated redlines: preventing the transfer of advanced weaponry from Iran to Hezbollah in Lebanon, and keeping Iran and Hezbollah from creating an additional front against Israel on the Golan Heights.
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