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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

The success of Russia's fleet of warplanes in Syria has added to an increase in demand among foreign customers for advanced Russian combat aircraft such as the Su-30SM, Su-34 and Su-35, according to Russian United Aircraft Corporation President Yury Slyusar.

Last month, military expert Boris Rozhin told Sputnik that Russia's Su-34 fighter-bombers, which proved highly effective in the fight against terrorists in Syria, will be upgraded with new avionics.

=" ">March 28, 2017</a></blockquote> <script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>


Civilians are now preparing to be evacuated from the Syrian districts of Madaya, Al-Zabadani, Al-Fuaa and Kefraya in line with a March 30 deal between the Assad regime and armed opposition groups.

Along with the evacuations, last month’s agreement calls for a nine-month cessation of hostilities and the delivery of humanitarian aid into conflict zones.

Madaya and Al-Zadabani, both of which are located some 40 kilometers northwest of Damascus, are currently encircled by regime forces, while Al-Fuaa and Kefraya -- both in Syria’s Idlib province -- remain encircled by opposition forces.

In line with the agreement, a hostage exchange was conducted on Wednesday between pro-regime foreign terrorist groups and Ahrar al-Sham, a leading armed opposition group.

The swap took place early Wednesday morning, when 19 male hostages -- and one dead body -- were handed over to opposition forces. Simultaneously, 13 pro-regime foreign terrorists were handed over to authorities in Aleppo.
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Assad lost 9 aircraft + 7 officers, including brigadier general + other equipment. Yet you claim that Russia could shot down them but did not. Thats major conspiracy.

The only consiracies is coming from you. Both the US and Russia has stated Russia never attempted to engage those Tomahawks. What part of that do you not understand? The irony is that you are too dumbed down to understand that it is you that is pushing conspiracies.

Russia is not stupid stupid to go to war over a few crusty Mig-23s and an ancient air base that all belong to Syria. Do you think any sane person would engage the US military to protect a few crusty Syrian Migs? :lol:

Put up or shut up. It's an established fact that hundreds of aircraft including Israeli ones have been shot down by Russian air defenses so shut up with "Russian radars don't work". Here is a actually proof of a Pantsir destroying aerial targets.

Take note that, these targets are smaller then Tomahawks. Moreover, without the use of a radar it would not be possible to shoot down these targets.

Here is a target (E95) target drone destroyed by a Pantsir that is 1/3rd the size of a Tomahawk.

After being hit by Pantsir radar guided canons:


Aftermath, note the rockets next to the E-95


Here is the target. Again only 1/3rd the size of a Tomahawk.


Low flying drone or aircraft destroyed.





Another image of a target destroyed, but this time through the image of Pantsir FLIR imager.





Another destroyed target:

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The only consiracies is coming from you. Both the US and Russia has stated Russia never attempted to engage those Tomahawks.
Really? Where?

What part of that do you not understand? The irony is that you are too dumbed down to understand that it is you that is pushing conspiracies.
Fail is not a conspiracy. You are inventing a conspiracy that Russia could shot down Tomahawks but because of some conspiracy decided to not do to it.

Russia is not stupid stupid to go to war over a few crusty Mig-23s and an ancient air base that all belong to Syria. Do you think any sane person would engage the US military to protect a few crusty Syrian Migs? :lol:
Just Few Migs haha just few Su just few officers. haha. Who cares about 7 officer lives? Haha. who cares about killed general. haha. We brought swarms of missiles over sea. Spend huge amount of money and wont use them when they are needed. Because missiles are more important than planes and lives.

Here is a target (E95) target drone destroyed by a Pantsir that is 1/3rd the size of a Tomahawk.
Without exact conditions of tests it proves nothing
US airstrike on Daesh poison gas depot leaves many civilians dead

Reports that US consider stopping Iranian airlift to Syria. At least Saudi Arabia, Israel & Jordan would obviously support such a policy.
Really? Where?

"So far, the Russian military does not appear to have taken any threatening actions, such as directing its battlefield radar or air defense systems to confront the Americans, or carrying out aggressive actions in the skies, United States officials said".


I don't expect you to admit you were wrong. As always despite overwhelming proof that debunks your conspiracy theories you will continue insisting you are right. You will continue pushing your conspiracies.

Fail is not a conspiracy. You are inventing a conspiracy that Russia could shot down Tomahawks but because of some conspiracy decided to not do to it.

Russian never bothered shooting a single Tomahawk down. This is confirmed from both sides, so yes it's a conspiracy.

They never even bothered turning on their radars on their air defenses because the US undoubtedly had EW/ELINT aircraft trying to sniff out and collect data.

Even if the Russians were as foolish and feeble as you and they decided to engage the US militarily, they would probably fail to shoot all of those cruise missiles because it was a saturation attack that utilized a flight path that would make it difficult to engage.

Without exact conditions of tests it proves nothing

Those test prove that Russian air defenses can shoot down aircraft much smaller than a Tomahawk but nice try trying to tap dance around reality.

As for conditions, it was a Pantsir that engaged a E95 target drone. That drone is a fraction the size of a Tomahawk.
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"So far, the Russian military does not appear to have taken any threatening actions, such as directing its battlefield radar or air defense systems to confront the Americans, or carrying out aggressive actions in the skies, United States officials said".


I don't expect you to admit you were wrong. As always despite overwhelming proof that debunks your conspiracy theories you will continue insisting you are right. You will continue pushing your conspiracies.
You dont even understand what you are posting. They say that Russians did not try to shot down US planes!

Russian never bothered shooting a single Tomahawk down. This is confirmed from both sides, so yes it's a conspiracy.
No, its not confirmed by any side. Its a stupid conspiracy not to shot down a Tomahawk directed at your allies when you can shot it.

Those test prove that Russian air defenses can shoot down aircraft much smaller than a Tomahawk but nice try trying to tap dance around reality.

As for conditions, it was a Pantsir that engaged a E95 target drone. That drone is a fraction the size of a Tomahawk.
Physical size means very little if at all. What actually matters is:

1) Altitude.
2) Speed.
3) Parameter.
4) RCS.
5) Reaction time.

Without all these data tests show very little. Especially when it comes to Russia where pokazukha is dominating.

MOSCOW, April 14. /TASS/. Reports on the delivery of Russian-made Sukhoi Su-24M2 (NATO reporting name: Fencer-D) frontline bombers to Syria in April this year have nothing to do with reality, spokeswoman for Russia’s Federal Service for Military and Technical Cooperation Maria Vorobyova said on Friday.

Some media outlets reported earlier that Russia had delivered ten modernized Su-24M2 bombers to Syria.

"Information on the delivery of Su-24s to Syria in April 2017 has nothing to do with reality," Vorobyova said.

The Su-24 is a tactical frontline bomber with a variable-sweep wing. The bomber is designed to deliver missile and bomb strikes in any weather conditions, in the daytime and at night, including at low altitudes, and destroy ground-based and surface targets with precision weapons.

According to public sources, the Syrian Air Force operates several bombers of this type.
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