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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Mortar round blew near YPG/PKK militants killing one and wounding the other in Ayn al-Arab/Kobane.
Video dated 03/11/2014.

lol. look who is telling what. a brainless Turk left in the idea of grey wolf and brainfucked by ideas of a fuckhead called kamal.

a simple 'mullah supporter' word combination has sent you into raging butthurt mode :rofl:
and you are 28? that makes it even worse :laughcry:
as they say; a better world starts with yourself, so
welcome to the ignore list, pdf will be a tad more qualitative place now :D

Mortar round blew near YPG/PKK militants killing one and wounding the other in Ayn al-Arab/Kobane.
Video dated 03/11/2014.

PKK terrorists are just walking in front of our border and we are not even doing anything :/

View attachment 143751
a simple 'mullah supporter' word combination has sent you into raging butthurt mode :rofl:
and you are 28? that makes it even worse :laughcry:
as they say; a better world starts with yourself, so
welcome to the ignore list, pdf will be a tad more qualitative place now :D

View attachment 143751
LOL, that is some crazy hair
View attachment 143751
a simple 'mullah supporter' word combination has sent you into raging butthurt mode :rofl:
and you are 28? that makes it even worse :laughcry:
as they say; a better world starts with yourself, so
welcome to the ignore list, pdf will be a tad more qualitative place now :D

View attachment 143751

lol interesting part is how true your two words were.. it opened the gates of hateress :D

like "open sesam!" in old me stories..
Clashes between IS and YPG+SAA+NDF in Abu Kasaib and Sharmukh Sagir near Qamishli, Hasakah Province.

Located Abu Kasaib village, but couldnt find Sharmukh Sagir. But There is a Sharmukh Kabir village in northeast of Abu Kasaib.

الحسكة ‫#‏القامشلي‬

اشتباكات عنيفة بين آساد ‫#‏دولة_الإسلام‬ وبين ملاحدة مليشياYPG الكردية وجيش والدفاع الوثني في أبو قصايب وشرموخ صغير

‫Hadem_News - الحسكة #القامشلياشتباكات عنيفة بين آساد... | Facebook‬

Besides fighting continuing around Shaer gas field, activists report that clashes started in and around the town of As-Sukhnah. Also artillery shelling continue around Palmyra/Tadmur military airport.

ريف حمص الشرقي | 03.11.2014 |
لا تزال الاشتباكات جارية بين تنظيم الدولة الاسلامية و عصابات النظام في محيط منطقتي شاعر و جحار بعد استعادة النظام لقسم من حقول منطقة جحار يوم أمس , هذا و تشهد المنطقة تصعيد عسكري عنيف من النظام , حيث شنت طائرات النظام العديد من الغارات الجوية على محيط المنطقة و استهدفت أيضا بالغارات و القصف المدفعي عدة قرى قريبة من المنطقة في ريفي حمص و حماة الشرقييين .
كما اندلعت اشتباكات في محيط مدينة السخنة شرقي تدمر و منطقة جزل و محيطها لا سيما في منطقتي القليع و سطيح بين تنظيم الدولة و عصابات النظام , و استهدف النظام تلك المناطق بعدد من الغارات الحوية و القصف المدفعي .
كما ورد الى مشفى تدمر عدد من قتلى النظام و جرحاه نتيجة المعارك الدائرة على اطراف المدينة .
و قامت عصابات النظام اليوم بقصف عدة مناطق غربي المدينة و شرقها بالمدفعية و الصواريخ من برج الاشارة و مطار تدمر العسكري .

‫ريف حمص الشرقي | 03.11.2014 |لا تزال... - تنسيقية الثورة في مدينة تدمر | Facebook‬


Also I have read some twitter posts. According to these, At-Tanf bordercrossing might have fallen to IS as well.
the last remaining moderate groups (Hazm an SRF)
According to who? According to US senate hearing 15 to 25 % of the opposition (at least 120 000) are extremists. Just b/c a few individual groups (SRF / Hazm) that constitute merely 15% of the opposition are vetted to get limited military supply from foreign countries doesn't mean rest are "EXTREME".
The Only :smitten:" Civilized" "moderate" forces :smitten:are Hezbulrat, NDF, Shabiha of BAshart Assrat right? :lol:
This Is How ISIS Smuggles Oil
An exclusive ground-level look at the illicit oil trade that has made ISIS the world’s richest extremist group. BuzzFeed News’ Mike Giglio reports from the Turkey–Syria border.

This Is How ISIS Smuggles Oil

Crossing control map:
Kataib Ansar Al-Sham attacks Assadist militias with 120mm artillery in Jisr ash-Shugur countryside.

How on Earth Hazzm can be moderate is beyond me. They are Muslim Brotherhood offshoot. Compare Hazzm flag with Taliban flag.

Hazzm Movement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Taliban - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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It is kalima-i tawhid: No God other than Allah, Muhammed is his Messenger.

Its logo contains two "ha" letters. Harakat Hazm.

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