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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

why didn't erdogan stand against sissy and his coup? killing thousands of his fellow ekhvanids in cairo streets ?

Well, he said many things, froze relations with Egypt etc.... if Egypt had been our neighbour, i believe he would do much.

Also, his policy regarding Egypt is wrong IMO. What happened in Egypt was people's choice..It's wrong to describe the whole sitiation as Sisi came and usurped the government.
Lol, nobody is killing protestors in Turkey.... at least not deliberatly... you can't compare Turkey with Syria in this matter.
Dictator killed many children, dropped barrel bombs over cities..etc.... I would post many pics but it's against forum rules.
thats your point of view. Turkey has the worst records about humanitarian issues.
Syrian government's mistakes were not good reason for turkey to channel terrorists into Syria and destroying one of the most stable countries in the region.
people helping ISIS and JN .... are no different from them.
Well, he said many things, froze relations with Egypt etc.... if Egypt had been our neighbour, i believe he would do much.
Also, his policy regarding Egypt is wrong IMO. What happened in Egypt was people's choice..It's wrong to describe the whole sitiation as Sisi came and usurped the government.
good or bad it was a coup. even though I was very happy for Egypt getting rid of morsy.
no. erdogan could not do anything even though he tried his best. Egypt is not like Syria and Egyptians soon responded firmly to Turkish government at the moment.
thats your point of view. Turkey has the worst records about humanitarian issues.
That's your point of view.
Turkey is the biggest humanitarian donor in the world.
Turkey third largest international donor in humanitarian assistance | Nation | Daily Sabah

Syrian government's mistakes were not good reason for turkey to channel terrorists into Syria and destroying one of the most stable countries in the region.
Assad's regime is the terrorist. Blaming only Turkey for the problems in the Syria is not fair. Brutal dictator caused this. After shooting down our jet 2012. Turkish help to rebels significantly increased.

people helping ISIS and JN .... are no different from them.

Turkey not helping ISIS or Nusra, we are only aiding moderate rebels.
good or bad it was a coup. even though I was very happy for Egypt getting rid of morsy.
no. erdogan could not do anything even though he tried his best. Egypt is not like Syria and Egyptians soon responded firmly to Turkish government at the moment.

Agreed, not saying different things in this issue.
Assad's regime is the terrorist. Blaming only Turkey for the problems in the Syria is not fair. Brutal dictator caused this. After shooting down our jet 2012. Turkish help to rebels significantly increased.
lol. what would you do if your space is violated? turkey did the same to syrian helicopter for violating its space.

The reconnaissance aircraft of type RF-4E belonged to the 173rd Wing at the 7th Main Jet Base Group Command stationed at the Erhaç Air Base in Malatya.[3]

The aircraft, piloted by Flight lieutenant Gökhan Ertan and Flying officer Hasan Hüseyin Aksoy,[4] took off on 22 June 2012 with the task to help test the Turkish radar system. According to radar records, the aircraft was flying between Cyprus and Hatay over the Mediterranean Sea at about FL210, an altitude of 21,000 feet, at 11:06 hours local time (08:06 UTC). For radar test purposes, it descended as it approached Hatay. At 11:14 hours, the RF-4E was at FL086, and nine minutes later it had descended to FL075 just over Hatay. At 11:23 hours, the aircraft changed its course, heading now for Mediterranean Sea and continued to descend. At 11:37, it had reached FL020 and was descending further for radar test purposes. The aircraft arrived at 11:42 on the boundary of Syrian sovereign airspace, 12 nmi (22 km) out from the coastline, flying at 200 ft.[5]

At this point, the aircraft violated Syrian airspace, and flew around for five minutes within its airspace. A Turkish radar base controlling the flight warned the RF-4E to change its course immediately and leave that airspace. At 11:47, it left Syrian airspace and took course towards north in direction Hatay ascending to FL030. During its violation and shortly after, the aircraft received no warning or admonishment at all from Syrian military authorities. The pilots changed their course once again into Mediterranean Sea in order to proceed with their mission of radar testing. At 11:50, the pilots asked the Turkish radar base for assistance on route information in order not to cause any other airspace violation. The aircraft was flying in international airspace visible on radar screen until 12:02.[5]
lol. what would you do if your space is violated. turkey did the same to syrian helicopter for violating its space.

Mate, you are talking without knowledge.. countries don't shoot their neighbors aircraft's for brief violations or we would hear 10s of downed aircraft all around the world.

Also, before downing our jet, Syrian helicopters for many times violated our airspace for a brief these things are tolerated. But when they downed our jet. We changed our rules of engagement and declared that we would shoot any aircraft that violates Turkish airspace.
Turkey not helping ISIS or Nusra, we are only aiding moderate rebels.

Mate, do you even believe what you are saying? Even if you are helping the 'barely existent' moderates, I should tell you that the last remaining moderate groups (Hazm and SRF) were either defeated by Nusra or many of their members defected to Nusra front. There are reports that Nusra has now access to TOW missiles. Whether you liked or not, Erdogan messed up big time and that's what majority of us Iranians are against, not you ordinary Turkish people. That's why I tell you that when we bash Erdogan for his stupid policy, you shouldn't take it personally, the same as us. When you bash our government, we shouldn't take it personally either.
Mate, you are talking without knowledge.. countries don't shoot their neighbors aircraft's for brief violations or we would hear 10s of downed aircraft all around the world.
Also, before downing our jet, Syrian helicopters for many times violated our airspace for a brief these things are tolerated. But when they downed our jet. We changed our rules of engagement and declared that we would shoot any aircraft that violates Turkish airspace.
tolerated in normal situations, but not when Turkey turned hostile to Syrian government.
Mate, do you even believe what you are saying? Even if you are helping the 'barely existent' moderates, I should tell you that the last remaining moderate groups (Hazm and SRF) were either defeated by Nusra or many of their members defected to Nusra front. There are reports that Nusra has now access to TOW missiles. Whether you liked or not, Erdogan messed up big time and that's what majority of us Iranians are against, not you ordinary Turkish people. That's why I tell you that when we bash Erdogan for his stupid policy, you shouldn't take it personally, the same as us. When you bash our government, we shouldn't take it personally either.
I many times said, i'm against Erdoğan's Syria policy... but i'm not accepting like Turkey backing ISIS or other Jihadist freaks.

About Hazm and SRF yes, what you are saying is true. But it also true when you think, ISIS defeated SAA and Iraqi forces. Confisticated their weapons too.. :meeting:
tolerated in normal situations, but not when Turkey turned hostile to Syrian government.

Hostile in what way ?? Did our military showed hostility to Syria before this incident ? No... if they have much that balls, they should have hit Israeli jets long ago....
actually Recep is responsible for the mess in Syria. one day family friend with Assad and the other day his enemy number-one .
I would rather say Iran is responsible. Iran backs up Assad the dictator and mass murderer. If Iran didn't support him. He would be gone long time ago and Syrian people would know peace. Unfortunately Iran is showing its true face and soon they will be knocking on your door too.
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