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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

torture u in Palmyra jail just because they did not like how u gazed at them.

they also run at streets and searched for ppl with beard and ripped it off to finally kill them somewhere.. they even chopp off your fingers because you are not cursing the ones they hate.. or just kill man and woman or children with certain names..

these ppl are beyond any human shape.. and than you wonder why they are so brutal and do this and that.. thats things they do are peanuts for them.. in their wicked twisted minds its a good thing..

Supposedly "humanitarian aid". I can't vouche for the authenticity but someone posted this in another forum

View attachment 337869

smells like self planted toys..
Assad Putin Khamenai keep burning Aleppo with thermite cluster bombs:

I dont know whats wrong these these 3 guys? Where from this sadism? They were abused in childhood?

Jews from Aleppo in Israel pained by city's destruction
Yossi Antebi and David Ginzi are amongst the Jews of Aleppo who immigrated to Israel; one has fond memories of his hometown, but the other remembers being ambushed on the way to school; regardless, both are saddened by the city's violence today.
Etti Abramov|Published: 25.09.16 , 22:33

Yossi Antebi, an 80-year-old resident of Tel Aviv, grew up in Aleppo, and is finding it hard to see his childhood home torn apart. "When I hear the reports, it pains me greatly. I see the places explode and know all the names," shared Antebi.

"We lived in the center of the city; we had it good in Aleppo. But I was a Zionist; I wanted to immigrate to Israel. At the age of 18, I tried to run away, and I was caught in Lebanon, and in the end we immigrated to Israel nearly naked," recounted the Tel Aviv resident.

Aleppo (Photo: AFP)

Aleppo (Photo: AFP)

"Sometimes, I'm sad that I left Aleppo, because there I knew which house belonged to whom. There was a yard that where everybody gathered every Shabbat. Here, I barely know the neighbors. I had Arab friends, customers who cried when we left. Because of this, it's very painful for me when I think of those people and how that dog, Assad, carries on."

David Gindi, who also left the beleaguered city 58 years ago. "I'm sad when I see what's happening," he said. "I don't remember Aleppo well. As children, we had a lot of problems with the population; they would ambush us on the way to school, particularly after the establishment of the State (of Israel). When we immigrated to Israel, we just left everything."

At its height, the Jewish community in Aleppo numbered 30,000. Of that number, only ten thousand immigrated to Israel. Today, only a few thousand emigrants from that community remain in Israel.
Interesting to see so many Assad supporters in denial. Before the war Assad had 400.000 soldiers, a quite strong army at least numerically. Now he is forced to bring Russians, Iranians and Hesbollah to fight for him. Unless foreign forces hadnt arrived in Syria, Assad would have lost long ago
Well do you think Syrian govt assumed they would one day need to use those "400K" soldiers all over the country in a war like this? NO, yes the unmotivated/traitorish conscripts left, leaving a small, but more loyal,disciplined force there. So what? opposotion too could never beat Assad without foreign help so i dont get your point tbh. Am an Assad supporter(because who else is better than him that ii should support?)but we all know he has committed crimes, just like everyone else.
500 has been posting pictures, videos and news non stop exposing Assad and his allies crimes from the beginning while Iranians and pro Assadist provide nothing and are always trying to cause a debate with him over a irrelevant subject in this thread just because he is exposing their crimes, he must be driving you guys crazy. :lol:
Well do you think Syrian govt assumed they would one day need to use those "400K" soldiers all over the country in a war like this? NO, yes the unmotivated/traitorish conscripts left, leaving a small, but more loyal,disciplined force there. So what? opposotion too could never beat Assad without foreign help so i dont get your point tbh.
Syria population is 22 mln means there are 5.5 million men ready for military service. How many out of them are fighting for Assad? - Few thousand Alawite tigers, few thousands Alawite Desert Hawks, few tousand Druze and Alawite republican guards. Thata about it - hardly 10 K total. Thats less than 0.2% of military ready manpower of Syria. That means he has virtually no support and survives solely thanks to foreign militias.

Am an Assad supporter(because who else is better than him that ii should support?)
Assad proved to be the worst Syria's ruler by a huge margin.You can find worse than him.
After 3 days of insane indiscriminate bombings some relief in Aleppo:


Any of Assad supporters might explain what was the reason for 3 days of terror attacks which killed 300 people?
Syria population is 22 mln means there are 5.5 million men ready for military service. How many out of them are fighting for Assad? - Few thousand Alawite tigers, few thousands Alawite Desert Hawks, few tousand Druze and Alawite republican guards. Thata about it - hardly 10 K total. Thats less than 0.2% of military ready manpower of Syria. That means he has virtually no support and survives solely thanks to foreign militias.

Assad proved to be the worst Syria's ruler by a huge margin.You can find worse than him.
5.5 million are ready for service? if they really are then why was 400K only in army b4 the war started? ur just throwing out irrevant facts. quality over quantity bro. volume means little if there is no quality.u just love to simplify and summarize complex things. foreign militias? as if the opposition TOO doesnt need foreign militias,money,fighters,intelligence. GFOH with your double standards.
Free Syrian Army should be happy now because instead of BARREL bomb Russia use leaser guided bunker buster
Almost every country is carrying out strikes in Syria recently Israeli planes were caught by radar and everyone blames Russia.s for all bombing strikes in Syria
Is it bullets in the medical supplies ?

how easy is it to open a medic supply and put there some bullets for twitter?..

and this image out of contex could make them gay.. but who knows :unsure:
@500 On the issue of "Assad's army", i hope you will also include the NDF which is not part of SAA but still part of Syrian govt forces. They also number in the high tens of thousands. you seem to exclude them from Assad's fighting camp. And they are syrian too. You LOVE selective justice man.
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