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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)


Putin is short

Bad news for the beheaders.
I am against starving, gassing and barrel bombing children. Those who do it must be hang high together with their supporters.
Bad news for the beheaders.
May be if the SAA mange to capture Aleppo then yes but if the Terrorists capture Aleppo then no erdogan will have a hope to finish Bashar ruling of Syria so the coming days will tell us if it is good or bad!.
May be if the SAA mange to capture Aleppo then yes but if the Terrorists capture Aleppo then no erdogan will have a hope to finish Bashar ruling of Syria so the coming days will tell us if it is good or bad!.
Slaughtering people wont make u win. Russians killed million in Afghanistan and eventually fled. Same will happen to ur Khamenai militias.

SAA my as:
Slaughtering people wont make u win. Russians killed million in Afghanistan and eventually fled. Same will happen to ur Khamenai militias.

SAA my as:
Well, you confused buddy?

The SAA isn't the Russians forces the Syrians are not the Afghan and we are not slaughtering no one one more thing your gangs in Syria arn't the same afghan rebels during the Russians invasion see the whole picture way difffer than what you have stay tuned and you'll see that the syrians will stand with their leader and their army.
Well, you confused buddy?

The SAA isn't the Russians forces the Syrians are not the Afghan and we are not slaughtering no one one more thing your gangs in Syria arn't the same afghan rebels during the Russians invasion see the whole picture way difffer than what you have stay tuned and you'll see that the syrians will stand with their leader and their army.
USSR murdered 1 million and displaced other 5-10 millions to keep power in Afghanistan. Eventually they were forced to flee without achieving anything except destruction. Same is going now in Syria. U are sadistically murdering starving torturing millions every day to keep degenerate corrupt dictator in power. Since Syrians dont want to fight for that inbred degenerate Khamenai is sending more and more thugs. Bt eventually u will flee.
USSR murdered 1 million and displaced other 5-10 millions to keep power in Afghanistan. Eventually they were forced to flee without achieving anything except destruction. Same is going now in Syria. U are sadistically murdering starving torturing millions every day to keep degenerate corrupt dictator in power. Since Syrians dont want to fight for that inbred degenerate Khamenai is sending more and more thugs. Bt eventually u will flee.
Ok, what ever suite you take breath we are no one in all this matter but we Iraqis wont accept any wahhabi state next door in Syria because they will turn toward us for sure and it is our right to defend our self.
Ok, what ever suite you take breath we are no one in all this matter but we Iraqis wont accept any wahhabi state next door in Syria because they will turn toward us for sure and it is our right to defend our self.

Just say Muslim (Sunni). It is also the right of Syrians to kill foreign and invading (Shia Iraqi) Wilayat al-Faqih terrorists.

More dead foreign terrorist Rafawid (using same language as the ones who use similar slurs against Sunni Arabs 24/7 without consequences) trash:





The captured version:



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Just say Muslim (Sunni). It is also the right of Syrians to kill foreign and invading (Shia Iraqi) Wilayat al-Faqih terrorists.
Wait a second why did you attach Yemen???

Now for the same reason you did attached Yemen we also help in Syria

Honestly I hate your kind not because you are wahhabi also that's enough to make you hate you but I hate you because you are nothing yet you try to be something using filthy approach.
Wait a second why did you attach Yemen???

Now for the same reason you did attached Yemen we also help in Syria

Honestly I hate your kind not because you are wahhabi also that's enough to make you hate you but I hate you because you are nothing yet you try to be something using filthy approach.

I don't care about your blabbering or very existence, Rafida. Your main export to Syria is going to perish as has been the case for 1000's of them since 2011. That is the most important thing here. Much worse is in store for them. Just giving you a mirror to look at. That's all. Now get lost cry baby and innocent pretending lamb who actively supports genocide and who is among the most hypocritical people on the planet.




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I don't care about your blabbering or very existence, Rafida. Your main export to Syria is going to perish as has been the case for 1000's of them since 2011. Much worse is in store for them. Just giving you a mirror to look at. That's all. Now get lost.




trust me this is a war you are loosing as you loosing already in Yemen these nations wont allow to slave them in the name of Islam.

As I said this war in Syria could lead to a real 3rd world war and if that happen the first looser going to be you the west wont forgive you and the east wont too when bunch of irresponsible take the world into the unknown.

Their fronts collapsing in both Latakia and E.Ghouta
They will loose this childish play in Syria should be ended soon.

Today I read on twitter that the SAA closed the gap by fire no one can get through now.
Also I think Erdogan soon will close his borders and stops his support to these savages.
trust me this is a war you are loosing as you loosing already in Yemen these nations wont allow to slave them in the name of Islam.

As I said this war in Syria could lead to a real 3rd world war and if that happen the first looser going to be you the west wont forgive you and the east wont too when bunch of irresponsible take the world into the unknown.

They will loose this childish play in Syria should be ended soon.

This jaish islam just over a year ago, the biggest project saudi royals undertook in syria.

Now they are close to disintegration in East ghouta. Terrorists are running out
If killing 5000 terrorists in Yemen while losing less than 300 on our side is losing then yes, we are losing.:lol:

Listen, your cult has almost 10 times fewer adherents. You have no chance. However I wish for you to continue to live in your delusion. This way the awakening will be more painful, dear.

Last time that delusion meant some 20.000 ISIS fighters conquering half of your country. Excluding the Kurds who rule the north.:lol: Only the overpopulated slums in the South are left.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha what a poor filla you are any way killing 5000 thousand women, men and children while run away from armed men.

Yes we are less because we are elites that's why also this fewer 10 times make your regime your religious foundations obsessed with us 24/7 well they scream day and night we are killing you without even touching you!!! it's your hate towards us that will bring you down!!.
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