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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

FSA on Iraqi side of Al-Waleed border crossing, IA will deploy there soon. Whether that will create problems or not I don't know but FSA will refuse to leave? I assume not since their cause is solely to Syria.

Nothing will happen in this case, but I have a feeling that Iraq will launch an attack on ISIS positions in eastern Syria once the Iraqi army and al-Hashd al-Shaabi reach the border crossing near Deir ez-Zor. Iraq will definitely help the SAA once it reaches the other border crossings up north.
Nothing will happen in this case, but I have a feeling that Iraq will launch an attack on ISIS positions in eastern Syria once the Iraqi army and al-Hashd al-Shaabi reach the border crossing near Deir ez-Zor. Iraq will definitely help the SAA once it reaches the other border crossings up north.
If they are wise men they should do it this is our war it is every sane noble honorable man,s war.
Interesting. Still no Assadist videos from Deir Asafir. Seems Iraqi and Hezbie mercenaries of Assad still afraid to enter it even though rebels left.

Village was ethnically cleansed since late April. Here we still have some civilians, who are crazy bombed (TRUCE cough):

Here civilians left

over 500 rebels have died due to infighting, i thought this was for democracy but instead warlords fighting for power lmao. Thanks zahran Alloush who stole money from his faction they are in dire situation !
Zahran alloush starved Ghouta and blamed it on the syrian government

nice video clip of zahran alloush being exposed of starving and stealing money.

Jaish al islam or Faylaq Al-Rahman who you supporting @BLACKEAGLE
starting 25th may russia is going to start bombing rebels again
starting 25th may russia is going to start bombing rebels again

Only those who didn't join to ceasefire agreement and keep attack civilians and SAA. There is still a lot of such groups in Aleppo and others places.

Anyway, step by step the terrorists will be destroyed. It's hard work, but it's will be done.
Yes I don't think there will be problems, but what is NSA? I read this before on twitter, thought he meant FSA.

-- nevermind I looked it up.
New Syrian Army

Only those who didn't join to ceasefire agreement and keep attack civilians and SAA. There is still a lot of such groups in Aleppo and others places.

Anyway, step by step the terrorists will be destroyed. It's hard work, but it's will be done.
So far, 1 T-90 damaged, 1 T-90 captured (unconfirmed if operational), 1 T-90 destroyed.

neck beard commander of ahrar sham neutralised.
Saudi airforce officer pledges support for ISIS. Because why not?


An extremely poor attempt at photoshop.

In other news the criminal Al-Assad regimes continuous its deliberate and daily massacres of the civilian population of Syria. The world community is nowhere to be seen despite the continuous genocide.


'At least 60,000 dead' in Syria regime prisons

May 21, 2016
Beirut (AFP) - At least 60,000 people have died in Syrian government prisons over the past five years from torture or due to dire humanitarian conditions, including a lack of food, a monitor said Saturday.

The head of the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights monitoring group, Rami Abdel Rahman, said he compiled the toll from regime sources.

"Since March 2011, at least 60,000 people lost their lives to torture or to horrible conditions, notably the lack of medication or food, in regime detention centres," Abdel Rahman told AFP.

He said the highest number of deaths had been recorded in the infamous Saydnaya prison as well as detention centres run by Syria's notorious air force intelligence and state security forces.

Thousands of prisoners are held in the military-run Saydnaya prison, one of the country's largest detention centres located 30 kilometres (18 miles) north of Damascus.

Rights groups have accused Syria's government of systematically using torture and inhumane practices in its detention centres.

A UN probe in February accused the Syrian government of a policy of "extermination" in its jails.

The Britain-based Observatory says it has compiled a list of 14,456 names -- including 110 children -- who have died in regime prisons.

According to Abdel Rahman, government forces have arrested a total of 500,000 people since Syria's conflict erupted in 2011.

While some have been released and others died, the whereabouts of thousands of detainees remain unknown.

Abdel Rahman also said that "several thousand people" have died while being held by rebel groups and jihadist factions like the Islamic State group.

In early 2014, a regime defector calling himself "Caesar" smuggled out of Syria some 55,000 photographs depicting the tortured and abused bodies of around 11,000 people who had reportedly died in Syrian jails during the first two years of the conflict.

Earlier this month, the UN special envoy to Syria Staffan de Mistura named Eva Svoboda to oversee progress on the issue of detainees.


Meanwhile Nasrallah is as usual barking from his bunker saying that Hezbollah will continue to enrich Syria with additional fertilizer. Aside from killing Syrians of course.

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Why exactly is is Photoshop? Neither it is something very strange nor impossible (a Saudi joining ISIS I mean). Btw, it's circulating in social media among many.

The photo of course. The source says it all. It being circulated means nothing as its neither the first nor the last photoshop to do so. 2000 people joining the conflict on all sides (in both Syria and Iraq) in the past 5 years out of a population of over 30 million is nothing considering KSA being a direct neighbor and a fellow Arab country with close tribal, clan and familial ties to both Iraq and Syria, thus naturally attracting people on both sides of the conflict. A few million big Chechen population worldwide has had more ISIS members let alone 12 million big secular Tunisia located 4500 km away.

A few days ago an Iranian citizen who joined ISIS blew himself up in Iraq.

Here is another one from last year:

Plenty more out there. Using your logic Iran = ISIS.

Besides the Al-Assad regime has committed crimes on a much worse and larger scale (if casualties are the parameter here) than ISIS and hundreds of Iranians fight under the banner of the Al-Assad regime. If not a few thousands if we include sectarian Iraqi terrorist groups in both Syria and Iraq who have been widely accused of war crimes by various human rights watches.

Anyway ISIS and the Al-Assad regime are two sides of the same coin. Both led by current or former Ba'athist's. Both enemies of all Arab countries, including KSA. The Saudi Arabian military is fighting ISIS in Syria and Yemen on a weekly basis meanwhile Iran is never attacked by ISIS while barefooted Baloch and Kurds are able to do so. Nor has Al-Qaeda ever attacked Iran but everyone else in the region including Western world powers. A very strange thing but not that strange when you consider that Iran has hosted numerous AQ members and their families before and after 9/11. ISIS/AQ has also had a very old habit of demonizing Iran in public but actually never harming its interests, rather the contrary.

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Top Assad commanders.

Maher the butcher:


Botox tiger Suheil:


Beheader Zahereddine:


Bat Fastard Muhammad Jaber:

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